Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Tuesday, December 23

"Faith is the bird that feels light and sings when the dawn is still dark..."

Im feelin that quote as i read it, the vision of lauryn hill singing the eye is on the sparrow came into mind. Great song, that fits with a great quote. Thas how we are called to be, to keep singing God's love song even if no one is out there listening to us. Even if people tell us to stop singing that love song, we gotta feel his light and let it shine through. Praise God for a very busy, tiring and yet productive day. I must say i am down to the last two people i need to get gifts for. The hard part and time consuming part is juss wrapping it. Agh! i hate wrapping, its okay illl find someone to do it for me. THe next part is writing out all the currds that go w/the gifts.

I picked up banne this morning and we headed out to the catholic book store. Though only to find out that it was closed! awww kawawa us! haha So we headed off to teh cerritos mall cuz i had to return something at robinsons may and do some shopping there. Anyway, the mall wasnt as bad as it was on sat. Yet it was still pretty busy, i ran into mitch lemos thurr, i havent seen that kid in ages. I almost didnt recgonize him. Banne bought bags of gifts, while most of mine were juss small gift currds. We were at the mall half of the day, ended it off w/a great lunch at cpk. I had not eaten thurr in forever! Yum! WEnt to best buy and wow the line isnt as intimidating as it looks. Wal mart was busy as always, im so glad i dont work thurr.

We had a great time at knotts burry farm! Despite the fact it seemed like we were being taken around in circles. haha With banne hurring how i went to all these different places, but only once. haha its one of those had to be thurr moments type things. We were talking bout our involvements w/different things in HS. Which led into hs memories like prom. I shurred w/her my jr. prom story and my ghett0ified senior prom. It was a really fun day and exciting one none the less. I love it! I was out shopping from like 10-830pm tonite and got it all done except for hmm i think one or two people. Craziness!

This past month God has given me a wake up call. With all the many people He has taken home w/him, its like wow life really is great. Juss imagine being perfectly healthy having a full schedule ahead of you the next day, then youre gone. For some it maybe totally cool for them while others like myself its kinda whoa. I still have plans to do hurr on earf for now. THough these past weeks, its showed me how to truly appreciate life. I must admit earlier i was feelin real angry. Well i wont get into it, but it sucks how some people are straight out fake. Oh well, those are the people i must pray for and love. Cuz as i stated in a previous entry id hate to die tomorrow and hold resentment in my heart. It juss sucks how people misterepret your intentions on wanting to share God's love w/them.

SH is juss greatness, i love my community, yes even in the struggles i love them. THeyre a great group of people to be with, all of them except for a couple haha jk...or as fred would say or am i ?!Weve all grown so much being w/each other that wow were getting old. We all bring so much to the community that if anyone of them would be gone SH wouldnt be the same. Leo told me juss hanging out w/us for one nite he had already felt like as if he was at home. Great guy that leo guy is so full of wisdom that he juss totally motivates me. His faith is juss so great that it lifts me up. I could use his faith as my torch in the dark thas how strong it is.

Funny thing tonite, banne called me and told me how well her interview went w/one of the kappa pledges. When we were at knotts the pledge called wanting to interview banne, but her phone was bout to die. ANyway, i asked banne so do they ask you typical kappa questions like 'howd you get into kappa? Whos your favorite kappa? If a kappa asked you to jump off a bridge would you?' THough when banne called me this morning, she told me how this pledge was like us somewaht. GOod catholikc pledge girl who helped the velaso sisters start up the youf group at holy fam. So the pledge knows jem. THas so crazy cool, tbere arent many kappas like that.

ANywya, im tired its been a long day. Praise God for all of you and you and you and you. Oh errone except...haha jk

I love hanging out at boss lady and burrs house!

"Sir i want to buy these shoes for my mama please..."im done, im out God bless!


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