"I just always envisioned the 'right one' to be someone i can grow old with..."
Okay i know ive used this picture before, but hey what can i say this one totally fits in w/todays quote. I was watching the wedding singer tonite on fox and i never really knew there was a meaning ot the movie until recently. Drew berrymore loves to play those 'fairy tale' type of relationship movies. Example 'Ever After' & 'never been kissed,' both movies i thought were good. I think out of all of them though the wedding singer is more less realstic. This line comes from the scene when julia and robby were talking at the ice cream shop. Robby had asked her how did she know she found the right one. She replied back with the quote above.
This movie taught a lot bout relationships and what not to do. Concidiently we were juss talking bout relationships in my interpersonal communications class today. Robby who is played by adam sandler describes the guy who isnt consumed w/the materialistic things of nature. He juss wants to love and 'grow old' with that special person. If you watched the movie, you can see how they both compliment each other. THe movie describes how sometimes you may think youve found that right one, yet you end up realizing this isnt the person youre really in love with. In class today we were talking bout wha goes wrong in relationships. Hurr are some of the top 5 reasons some relationships dont work out.
1. Insecurity and jealousy-
2. Depedency and needy
3. Holding on to the past
4. Likes to play games the whole victim/prosecutor
5. No God
YOu know 1 cor 13 as we all know talks bout what love is. It describes and tells us what happens if we dont have love. Well we should use that passage and use it to define us day by day. To define our relationship w/Jesus each day, then use it to even describe our own relationshsip w/each other. We cant be love if were missing any one of those qualities love talks bout. So werre you kind and patient today? Were you humble and meek? Think bout it, loving one another isnt juss merely saying, 'i love you' but its actually applying in your life errthang scripture talks bout love is. YOu can have faith, chairty and hope, but w/o love you have nothing.
Since im the king of surverys according to jaymee, ill post anotha one
[ L A S T time YOU .. ]
Had a nightmare: i think last week
Dyed your hair: oh man i havent done this in forever, last time hmm last year?
Brushed your hair: this morning after showering
Washed your hair: bout 4 hours ago
Checked your e-mail: half hour ago
Smiled: after watching the wedding singer
Laughed: my convo w/ja mess today, funny stuff
Talked to an ex:example?! haha
[ D O Y O U .. ] currently
Smoke: okay hurr and thurr...ha jk
Do drugs: on occasions...haha jk
Drink: yeah i do this sometimes
Sleep with stuffed animals: No
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend: thas a negative
Have a dream that keeps coming back: the one whrur im this fish swimming in the ocean searching for my family...oh wait thas actually a movie
Play an instrument: no
Believe there is life on other planets: thas kinda skurry
Remember your first love: cant say that i do
Read the newspaper: i love reading the newspaper
Have any gay or lesbian friends: Yes
Consider love a mistake: you can make tons of mistakes
Like the taste of alcohol: some of it
Pray: i try to
Go to church: of course
Have any secrets: Tons of them ask me and ill tell yall them! hahaj k
Have any pets: 4 dogs
Wear hats: no i like beanies
Have any piercings: no
Have any tattoos: No
Hate yourself: No
Have an obsession: mmm brownie obsession! haha
Have a secret crush: sure why not
Collect anything: many different things
Have a best friend: ypu got one of those
Like your handwriting: yeah i think so
Have any bad habits:yup
Care about looks: agh why are you ugly?! haha jk
Boyfriend/girlfriend: agh repeitive question
Believe in witches: hello! the blair witch movie! haha
Believe in Satan: watch out for this guy
Believe in ghosts: Yup
[ C U R R E N T .. ]
Clothes: grey nike shirt and sweats
Mood: ice cool
Make up: not into that
Music: i wanna grow old with you
Taste: water
Hair: dry
Annoyance: tons of things
Smell: my house
Thing: rooooight
Book: chicken soup for the christian teenage soul
Fingernail color: i remember painting somoen eles nails! haha
Refreshment: water
Worry: breakfast w/santa backdrop
Favorite celebrity: YOu
[ L A S T P E R S O N .. ]
You talked to: heif
You hugged: the people at mass
You I.M.ed: angie martinez
You yelled at: agh burr
You had a crush on: ha that so two summers ago!
Who broke your heart: oh boy
You kissed: my motha
Grow Old With You
I wanna make you smile whenever you're sad
Carry you around when your arthritis is bad
All I wanna do is grow old with you.
I'll get your medicine when your tummy aches
build you a fire if the furnace breaks
Oh it could be so nice, growin old with you.
I'll miss you, kiss you, give you my coat when you are cold.
Need you, feed you, I'll even let you hold the remote control.
So let me do the dishes in the kitchen sink
Put you to bed when you've had too much to drink.
Oh I could be the man to grow old with you.
I wanna grow old with you.
"Although its been said many times, many ways merry christmas to you..."im done, im out GOd bless!
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