Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Monday, July 28

"Sometimes, you have to make the right decisions and let your feelings catch up with them..."

Im hurr at work to do my blog tonite being that i have no computer at home. Agh today my dad blew something up inside the tv and the microwave. Yesterday it was the computer, thas strike 3. He's trying to rewire things from the fuse box outside and well he keeps messing up. So now were poe, w/no tv, no microwave, no stove(since were remodeling the kitchen), no sink, no telephone or answering machine, no anything.

Wow at least we've got hotwater in the showers otherwise id die if the showers werent working! Im not an outdoor 'lets go camping' type of person as many of you may already know. haha Thas the only part of fellowship i wont as long as im secretary of fellowship we aint gonna go on any camping trips unless were gonna be stayinig in a hotel! hahaha

So i was informed bob hope died today in his sleep. Wow i cant believe that, hes like 100 something. I guess he was sick w/nemuonia. I have that song 'ill offer up my life' in my head. I had pb sing it on the recorder on my phone yesterday. Pb has a great voice, i love when she does the extra stuff when we sing 'Mighty Savior.' I love pb period! woOoo

Imma make this blog super long being that i have no computer until tomorrow. Let's hope i get a good one tomorrow! woOo Lss was this past weekend. I was 3 min. late on sat. morning, though moms and pops along w/boss lady and robby were durr on time. i Was craving mcdonalds breakfast that morning too and i shouldve juss went and got it on account that errone was like 6 hrs late anyway. Moving on...

There wasnt that many people at all this weekend, which is real suprising being that it was said mayn adults in the parish were asking for an lSS too. I told wendy yesterday that there wasnt a lot and she was like thas dissapointing. PEople ask for these things and want them yet they dont go to them. Then they come back and say 'how i can grow closer in my faith?'

Achie and i shurred a group on sat. we had 3 people total in our group. THis girl who atteneded the youf lss last yurr, ruf's daughter and corn. The group was good, the one girl who had gone to lss last year shared some interesting things. The rest didnt really shurr a lot. THough i think achie and i did most of the talking that day.

The LSs team was really good, praise God for them. The talks(the ones that i did listen to.) Were very annointed, theyre hardcore man they know their stuff. I wonder how their groups went. Some of the stuff they shurred was quite amazing and juss like wow. Praise God fr. ray was durr also to help eliminiate some questions people had bout the movement and stuff like that.

Music MInistry was great, though i guess there was a complaint from Fr. that they were too loud. I didnt think we were and beisdes its the hall were suppose to be loud! Like that song, 'lets get loud, let's get loud.' I still say we shouldve played that song 'who builds the faith' for them. hahahaha jk

Then durr was that girl who was waiting for tita marissa's daughter to come to lSS. So she was sitting out in the front of the table juss chillin. I made small talk w/her cuz she looked familiar. She graduated the same yurr i did but a different skool. I let her use my phone to call tita marissa's daughter, then she took advantage of it and called like 1000 other people. I noticed she was on the phone forever too. Its all good though i got unlimited weekends anyway. MIne as well take advantage of it.

Sunday was a real tiring day. Though i was durr on time right @ 7am. I had waken up late and i was rushing to get to church one time. I was like oh man i dont wanna be late. BUt in the end it didnt matter if i was late or not. I wasted a whole hour sitting in that parking lot doing nothing. I got my mcdonalds this time though! woOo yum!

Mass was great as usual, durr isnt a lot of people @ the 8am mass i noticed. Though the morning after mass started rough, there was a little bit less people but still had a d0pe effect on them. Fr. ray discussed the charims and the gifts of the holy spirit before the baptism. I hope they discuss them right when we have the baptism @ sfc. I hope also that they dont rush it and leave time for people to soak in prayer. Something that is really important. Imma be mad if its rushed cuz thas not something you can rush.

Baptism in the HOly Spirit was juss great. I remember last year thas when i received the gift of tounges! woOo Anyway, it felt good to get prayed over again. I think a lot of healing took place and juss negative feelings were juss let go of. WHich was good, cuz thas probably what needed to happen. To let go and let love in.

We had a new kid christian join our community. VEry coo kid shurred a lot in our discussion group. In fact he taught us something too. I learned he only lives right next to me so i offered to pick him on tues. for prayer meeting. I told pops we bof can pick him up, since his dad works all the time. Itd be like child custody hahahhahahahahahaha wed split up the weeks.

The sad part bout lSs is taking down all the decorations. Taking them down reminding me of last year's lss. Thas when erik and bess was durr. They helped, i have the pic of jaymee and erik. Thas when erroen was juss soo hyped up and dancing and moving and thas when our prayer group juss totally expanded and filled up the room. OUr community was big as SOL's last summer aftter youf lss. It sowed many, many life long benefits to those youfs. So anotha lSs is needed but for the youf. Thas also when i got bess numba...::sigh:: the memories...

LAst nite they had a going away party for ju ju be. We all gatherd around the table and sang well hes a jolly good fellow. NOt really, but it wouldve been a good idea. I miss that guy already...::sigh:: too bad he had to go back home. NOw its gonna be different to see the mexican and not see him. I pray that he has a safe trip and that one day soon we'll see him again.

HE presented his v2 project to the community last nite. It turned out really, really good. IN fact there was a lot of funny parts to it. The whole waiting forever was really worf it. He said it would be and he was right. I cant wait to get my own copy. Then i can watch the scene bout the relationships that were created part over and over again. I guess i am a living example that dreams do come true. haha Ju ju be serves as a inspirtation and motivation for many of us. St. Ju ju be patron saint of wingmen, pray for us!

It wsa weird coming home and not having a computer to go to. IN fact it wsa even weireder not being able to turn it when i woke up this morning. Usually errmorning around 830-9am robby and i have our usual morning talks. I ended up calling him today though haha he sent me another mission to go and get the bad boys II soundtrack for him. Ha i wasnt going to but since i had time to kill before work i went in and got it. HE picked up during his lunch this afternoon. HE took it and boned out...haha

i think i finally got the brouchure thing out of the way. Theyre printing copies of it now. Its suppose to be done by fri. which will be interesting to see. I worked so hard on that thing. Prasie God though the hardwork was acknowledged by my supervisors and they gave me tomorrow off! a paid day off how tight is that?! I also got a great compliment from one of the parks & Rec. comissioners. Praise God for being blessed with a great job filled w/many benefits.

Tomorrow id like to go to the beach. Im leading prayer meeting tomorrow, which i havent led in a while. This time though i aint gonna use stories. Im juss gonna make up stuff from the top oif my head. haha jk Hurr is my line up for tomorrow...oh which means i still gotta find someone to do intercessory!!! I asked jeanne and she said no, so hmm whos next on my list. Hurr is the line izieup for tomorrow:

Get all sweaty and gross warm up~
Come fill my world
AMen Alleulia

Come Holy Spirit

O Lord your tenderness

Ill offer up my life

God will make a way

Praise & Worship~
I could sing of your love forever
Eternally yours
Love you so much
Glorify thy name

Errone knows already

Lets get all hot, sweaty and filled w/the spirit agaiN~
can yall guess wha my closing song is?
The first one to tag the tag board w/the name of it, will receieve one free item off the dollar menu @ mcdonalds tomorrow nite.

Well i think thas it for now, i dont know if this was super long but i think its was long enough. Please keep me in your prayers! Click on the blog archive for march 28, then read the very bottom before the song lyric of the 0329 blog entry...hmmm?! hahahaha maybe vegas was a confirmation?! hahah

Oh man i almost lost this entry, whew good thing i didnt loose it!!

"Lord receive the sacrafice of a broken heart..."im done, im out GOd bless!


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