Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Wednesday, July 16

"What's done to children, they will do to society..."

Let me address the comments of caesar first before i get into anything else. Why do you read my blogs? Why bother to go my site? Your comments are wanted, they arent neede so stay away. As for your comments today, i never talked crap on any other religion. If youre not catholic, thas coo you got your own beliefs as do i also. Dont blow up my tagboard saying i talk crap on other religions when clearly thas not the case. Reread the entries and open your damn eyes. If youre make negative comments dont be a #$%* and hide from them, face up to them.

Work was real hectic today, pushing myself to get this brouchure done. It makes it hard cuz we have ads to place in, so i have to scan the ads and then get in contact w/these people to make sure they have one to send. Itll be easy if i were strictly working on the brouchure alone, but in the afternoon i have to do programming with the kids. That was kinda fun today in a way. We were doing drama and i was teaching a lesson on how to be good actor. LIke using expression when they speak, use gestures all that stuff. So then i wanted them to practice what i was taught. I made this game up and said this is AMeircan idol theyre trying out for but its for a play rather then to make a CD. The kids really got into that.

This one kid was cute and he was like taking it all serious. He had messed up a couple times and he put his fist on his forehead and shook his head saying, 'maan!' haha i thought it was funny. I guess you gotta be durr to see it. Then i had drama w/this other kid who kept disturbing errone else inside the movie. I warned him twice already the third time i kicked him out. He got pissed off and slammed the table and said, 'eff this place.' I was later informed he has adhd and some other thing called like occt or something. Thas where he can get real violent when hes pushed. Those type of kids are very difficult to deal with and need lots of attention and patience.

Its funny a lot of my kids come from the boys and girls club. The funny part is no matter how much i get mad @ them or say what were doing is boring, they end up coming back the next day. I was @ mcdonalds this afternoon getting an ad for the brouchure. While waiting for the manager to come, this kid came up to me and was like, "remember me? i was in you SRE class." I was thrown off and i didnt recgonzie the kid. THen he said, 'its me ricky." i still didnt realize who it was. He asked when SRE starts up again and small talk. I realized he was in my class this past year w/achie and i on thurs. nites. He was hardly ever in class thas why i didnt recognize him! haha thas crazy i always run into pass SRE students.

Prayer meeting was nice, a lot of adults tonite whove come previously. It seems that the people who mistakenly come for the bible study seem to like prayer meeting for they end up coming back. Noreen from liawang came also, though she left early for some reason. Lyn² led tonite, in fact it was the first time ive seen her lead before. A lot of silence tonite which was good. LAter on after it was over, i was prayed over by fr. ray, jaymee and ruf. Fr. ray found something i was feeling which i didnt evne know i had still felt. THough i was healed from it tonite, praise God.

Went to fridays @ the block for reirichs birfday. Ooohweeeee so many hotties w/bodies up in durr tonite! They wur left, right and all ova the place! mmmm hotties=yummy! Now thas the flava i like to see haha I ran into some people that i knew while waiting for reirich to arrive. Thats always cool. Grace came tonite also, she so swe3t she wished me a happy belated birfday! Grace is really nice, she looks like this girl i use to like during summer skool. Ju ju be thinks she looks like kelly wu. I dont know bout that one.

We might get a new car soon yay! Ju ju be said tonite, 'ahh bakit?!' hahah i thought that was funny.

Ahh what is this feelin really?!

"Let me show you the shape of my heart..."im done, im out God Bless


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