Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Friday, November 14

"God is hiding in the world, our task is to let the divine emerge from our deeds..."

Welcome Brooklyn Crisostomo into the world!yay! ive been meaning to post this pic up for the past couple days, but i forgot. Thas my mom holding the bebe, hopefully it shows up pretty clurr. She's a long bebe and is soo cute! IT juss seems like more and more babies are coming into the world. I know like 3 people who gave birf within the past month. Jaymee, my cousin and the city manager's wife.

Ha the other day when i went to toni montana;s birfday celebration, this guy as i was walking into the restaraunt said, 'hey arent you from legend entertainment?" Im like "huh?" He goes, 'Yeah ive swear ive seen you in the clubs or somewhurr.' THe more i looked at him, i think it was a former SrE student that ive probably subbed for or something. Man i see those cats errwhurr i go! haha Speaking of SRE class went really well tonite. Went over more detailed and throughly the 10 commandments. I think they got the idea of how they work and what they are there for. One of achie's and i's students is applying that hs called 'C.A.M.S.' California Academy of Math & Science.' ITs like what oxford academy is over hurr. Thas a hardcore hs to get into, in fact gail went ot that skool.

As you can see these are short paragraphs cuz i really dont much to say. I got a busy weekend ahead of me. I got jars of clay concert on fri. yay! Tomorrow yfc household, then i got scrc potluck meeting. Sunday i got my aunt's bf suprise birfday party to go to. These next few weeks are gonna be busy, i cant believe how soon thanksgiving is coming. I saw tonite 2 houses already w/their christmas lights on! Freak thas so early! Well thas it, take curr of yourselves and each other! Have a great weekend and please keep the people who have asked me to pray for them in your prayers also!

I like this equation 168 to 4, if youre into politics you knwo wha it means

"You loved me as you found me, your love keeps following me..."im done, im out God bless!


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