Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Friday, July 16

"The soul at prayer is a rock, because God holds it fast in His infinite love..."

Today was reirich's birfday, man i cant believe its been 2 yurrs already since ive known the guy. Reirich angeles, aka tito rr as errone else calls him. I can clurrly remember the first time meeting this guy. It all sturrted in dec. of 2002. We were at one of the nursing homes doing our caroling and kuya ariel walks in w/this guy. We all thought, 'who the heck is this guy?' Soon to find out his name was reirich. I guess he really liked us cuz he continued to stay w/us through our other caroling activities.

I remember that one time he even brought a couple of his friends, karen and umm jocelle. Slowly he sturrted to come to prayer meetings and sturrted to chill and hang out w/us. When i got to know him i learned a lot bout him in the couple times we had hung out. Wha totally amazed me bout the guy that i thought was d0pe was how he was finished w/skool. I mean totally done w/his masters in errthang @ 22. Then i got to ride his white mercedes! I was feelin that! OH i remember i drove to his house in the hills of anaheim haha and he drove to tyler mall in riverside. Thas when i got to ride in his mercedes, with the seats that warm up. haha

Ive watched this guy totally grow in his faith, and i really admired his perseverance in wanting to know more about his faith. Its not often you get some who juss barely joins a community and wants to know so much right away. I always thought it was d0pe how he would go to daily mass errmorning. Praise God for reirich who has stuck through some pretty hurrd times. Praise GOd for bringing this d0pe brotha into the community. PRaise God for w/o him as ive said before, i wouldnt of made all the bomb uci friends i have now. So mr. angeles, hip hip hooray for your day! haha

On wednesday was ms. jennifer verlasco's birday aka achie. My achie wha i can say bout this girl. Ive been blessed to have such an awesome big sista in my life. She's been my SRE aide for two yurrs in a row and has helped me shurr the faith w/the kids. She's always thurr to lend a helping hand or even juss listen and advise when you have probs. She gives the best massages that helps me rest my tired body. Her strong faith inspires me to keep on going even when its hurrd to do. She's a great friend who i know i can rely on. Praise God for you achie!

Thurr seems to be many birfdays in the month of july. I guess its juss booming w/furrworks. So i keep on counting back the time each time i look at a clock. Im still in the maui daze, wishing i was still kinda thurr. I thought a week ago today i was at the wedding reharsal and then at mc gillycuddys with bob and cenicio later on that nite. I looked out in the sky and i saw no sturrs. Tues. nite when i was collecting sand on the beach i saw how beautiful the sky looked with all those sturrs. :sigh: i miss maui...

Today was a busy one, i woke up an hour later then i wanted to. I had all these errands to run. I had to return these snorkling set i bought @ turrget before i left. Which i didnt even bother to take w/me to hawaii. Turned in my pics to get developed. Went to return the laptop that i borrowed. Went to cerritos mall and returned these board shorts i didnt whurr. MY peebs got me some new ones, so thurrs no sense in having three. Praise God the macys receipt i threw in my trash before i left was still in the trash!

Came home and picked up lunch for my mom and i. WEnt to drop off my sounveinors at my grandparents house. They were excited to see me, my grandpa kept telling me next time to bring my grandma w/me. haha I asked him if he wanted to go and he said, 'no im too old.' haha aww he asked me if i saw in filipinos in hawaii too. haha He's too funny, praise God for great grandparents! After lunch went to ross and returned this dress shirt i was going to use originally w/my blue suit that i also had returned.

Took a small nap watching i love the 90's. Ive been skipping yurrs each tiem i turn it on it gets later and later. THough i so clurrly remember each event that they bring up. Its so funny to see all those things, for thas when i was growing up. Juss think w/leilani, ahulana, josh, and elijiah will be watching later on 'i love the 2000's' when they get to be my age! haha wow...thas skurry! Went back to turget to pick up my digital prints, which most of them came out nice. The water ones didnt come to the greatest, oh well. It was hurrd trying to swim, hold the cam and take a picture at the same time.

My old coworker called and so we were on the phone talking for bout almost 2hrs. Its nice catching up w/ol friends. Heif and i are going to lunch tomorrow, i think i wanna go to islands so i buy anotha drink. I also need to get a currwash and get gas. Charisse called me this afternoon and so i was talking to her for a while. Yup, errthang is definetly back to normal. Agh im so not ready to get back to work though on monday. Oh why?! Tomorrow morning the burr and boss lady come back yay! I missed them!

I miss maui, i miss aloha mixed grill!

"If youre asking do I love you this much,I do..."im done, im out GOd bless!


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