Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Wednesday, March 29

Life is full of apples

"Be kind to each other: it is better to commit faults with gentlesness than to work miracles with unkindness..."

TOUCHING: Saturday after I gave my talk bout the gifts of the holy spirit, I ended it w/this small music video slideshow. I love watching that thing, cuz it brings me back to why I chose to serve as an advisor for the youf min. Anyway, so one of the kids came up to me afterwards asking me about it, like where we did all that stuff etc. I explained to him that I was part of the youf min. at holy fam. He seemed pretty interested and wanted to go, I told him to go the anniversary party that day. WEll he never went but called me on monday asking if he could go to the youf min. meeting. I was pretty excited when he called and wanted to go, so I picked him up and we went. Praise God cuz he was really touched at that meeting. It was different experience for him being around people who want to live out their faith, and also to see peers his age who choose to be there rather than at confirmation being forced. Quite moving it was, praise God for juss his openess.

CONFIRMED: We all go through our times of discouragement, wondering if this wha we were really called to do. Wondering if you're really neeed even when seems errone else is agaisnt you. Last nite I think I juss received another confirmation after the craziness of this past month. Had a nice little chit chat w/mallory and she gave me this tight hug, one of those impactful embraceful ones. It was then that I juss looked up and said 'praise God.' There's nothing else left to say cuz thas all you can say. Even though the roads get bumpy and rocky, there's still lots of joy in serving. BEsides you cant go through the ressurection of easter w/o going the crucifixion of good friday.

LENT: THis lenten season has been one extraordinary one, cuz of the many different things God has called me for. Geez, I think ultimately he's trying to teach me to really learn the importance of patience and understanding. Even though I basically gave up eating breakfast for lent, there's been some other things God has called me to live. Its been an amazing faith journey so far with different things going on, but through it all he has been there guiding me. A lot of sacrifices, a lot of crosses to carry, yes there's been roses but also some cuts from the thorns. Its all bout healing, but patience through the healing process. Reminding us of that suffering he went through and asking us if we can offer up our own. SOmetimes I think to myself, I can't wait till lent is over, but then again all I have to do is juss look up at the cross and I'm reminded of what lent is all bout.

Do you question the manner of how Jesus carried that cross?
...Then why do you question the manner of how you carry yours?

There are times we question our service because we believe we are not worthy to carry that responsibility.
There are times we question our faith because we believe we are not pure enough to walk the path of righteousness...

Jesus, who not only carried that cross, was also whipped, tortured, spat at, crowned with thorns, lacerated, beaten, kicked, cursed at, laughed at, stabbed at the side, nailed by the hands and feet and chocked in utter sadness and humiliation...
He fell 3 times in His path...What did he do?...He got up and picked up His cross!

So we complain about our own burdens...Do you think you have it much worse???


Did Jesus let go of that cross??


Just know this...Carry that cross or die trying!

...because we owe Him our salvation
...because we owe Him the life we are blessed to live
...because we Love our God

Sometimes juss all i want to do is sleep!

"My hips dont lie..."im done, im out God bless!


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