Back to life, back to reality...forreals
"Dont have Jesus Christ on your lips and the world in your hearts..."
So today was the first day back to work...oh why?! Pops texted me saying, 'i think about hawaii at least once a day.' Then i texted him back saying, 'i think about hawaii at least err hour.' Then i look back and subtract 3 hours from whatever time it is hurr. Then i say, 'oh why its only such and such time in hawaii!' I guess the whole hawaii experience impacted me so much that im having these withdrawls...haha then i told pops i loved to stay over thurr until i felt ready to come back hurr. Ahh tis life...ha
Work wasnt bad at all today, its juss the fact of having to go back after a nice vacation. Thas the worst purrt of it all, praise God though i dont got a hardcore job whurr id have piles of paperwork to make up. That would definetely suck, so thurr really wasnt no 'catch up, ketchup' for me. The kids seemed like they had a great time while i was gone. My other coworker is really good w/them. Which is nice that they can get along w/bof of us. I remember times at the daycurr the kids didnt like staying w/me. Only cuz i could be very strict and firm at times.
Anyway, i had two new girls come to my program today. I guess they were at the kids nite out on friday. One of the girls, the youngest one was autistic. Which is kinda funny cuz i was juss reading over the weekend on dee's blog bout her working w/autistic kids. Wow i dont know bout having a handful of them in my classroom errday. Maybe im autistic too since i cant sit still! haha The girl was pretty good, thurr whurr times though whurr i had to correct her. She cant speak very well and is very sensitive. The mom told me before she left that if she misbehaves juss to be firm w/her. Tell her 'no, you need to stop that or else im going to call your mom.'
Working w/kids like that is a really good experience for me. This isnt the first time whurr ive had to deal with kids of a handicapp or disorder. When i worked at the daycurr thurr whurr these two little girls, who were deaf. Well they had hurring aids but that didnt always work. The girls were cute, the mom would always dress them up like twins. Even though one was a couple yurrs older then the other. Then thurr was this other kid who was adhd. Very smart kid, but when he didnt take his errday medicine, he could get really bad. Thas when the long days would come in...
So its an experience getting to work with kids of different types. I think if youre planning on teaching or going into that type of field, working and relating of kids of different types is important. This way you'll be able to learn how to deal w/them and work w/them when certain situations arise. My mom has been working w/pre-skool kids who have disorders/handicapps for like i dont even know how long now. She's real good at it too, maybe thas whurr i get my patience from when working w/kids. Sometimes her job even consists of changing kid's diapers. Agh, id hate to have to do that if its not my own kid.
I brought my hawaii pics from work, i wish i wouldve done them at walmurrt. The ones boss lady got done turned out to be a lot better quality. A lot of mine didnt come out the best and thurrs machine prints on them. I should've complained bout it, on top of all that walmurrt was cheaper too. Oh why?! This wednesday imma make an attempt, depending on how the day goes to go to yfc. Its been a while since ive hit up that place, so i shall see how errone is doing. Speaking of UCI, i may have a final meeting w/the uci admin. w/leo and mark anthony to decide wha were gonna need. Before i left for hawaii, we had a stage we were gonna use from st. lukes, unfortunately the person felt it was 'too risky' to transport it from temple city to irvine...agH!!!! so now were back to using the $300 uci stage. Oh why?! again!
I finally found the dates for the usher/kanye west concert. Back in june burr and i were looking for the dates for the concert hur in LA. THough i couldnt find them, i called errwhurr even ticket master trying to get dates, but they didnt even know. Well i finally found them tonite, and its $50-$70 i think a ticket for the end of august. Hmm...maybe i might juss go...In other news i drove over to st. philomena to pick up the spirit games fliers from charisse. They turned out really good! Im hoping a lot of people from SH will go, i hope they come out and really represent SH to the fullest.
Tomorrow is prayer meeting, geez i havent been to one of those in wah feels like forever. Work will be a lil more chill being its movie day. Oh man first day back to work and ive already had my first cross that i had to curry tonite. My boss gave me a gift today it was like belated birfday gift. He told me him and his wife whurr at the catholic book sturr and they found a statue of St. Jason! I remember fr. paul telling me he glanced at something that said St. Jason when we whurr at the monaseturry. SO thurr is such thing, i was reading the background info. on him, quite intersting, he was a bishop. Im still trying to find wha patron saint he is. Anyway, i thought that was really nice.
"Roll it all around, poke it out, let your back roll..."im done, im out God bless!
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