Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Monday, July 19

Picture Perfect...Yeah Right


"At last i have found my vocation: My vocation is love..." 

Wow im upgrading on this blogger xp thing, and thurrs been some new additions so im trying to get use to it. Anyway, so i saw that movie tonite, 'A Cinderella Story' the one w/Hilary Duf and that guy chad michael murrary or whatever. Yeah it was cute and nice, but yet soo predictable! Your typical cinderella fairy tale yet in the modern era. I think thurrs way too many of these type of movies and thas why many young people today dont know/understand wha thurr vocation is.

They make these movies depicting wha society makes out vocations to be. That errone has a special someone waiting for them. That they'll someday run into each other and fall happily ever after. Now in a sense thas true up to a certain extent. Some people are juss meant to be i guess whas called, 'blessedly single.' For others though, they do either meet that right person that God calls them to be with and lives happily ever after.  I mean juss look it your parents, my grandparents, and now the new mr. & mrs. moya. For some, that right person turns out to be Jesus or the Blessed Mother through a religous vocation.

Now you may think i may sound cyncil or bitter or whatver. I dont curr, cuz im juss trying to keep it real hurr. People hmm i guess misunderstand the term love and really dont know wha it means. Maybe its not all thurr fault cuz society has really done a fantastic job on jackin that up. Living in a world of war, hate, poverty, why even gay marriages now. True love doesnt come from the movies whurr you have the asb president falling in love w/the skool neeeyooow girl. True love comes from letting God's will be done unto you. Letting Him decide for you, wha youre meant to be. Wha/who youre suppose to be with for the rest of your life.

So yes im over analyzing the whole movie, but since im on a role i mine as well keep going. On top of all that stuff they show that you gotta look picture perfect in order to find that person. Thas why so many young people have such low self-esteem as well. Society makes us to be fake people, tells us to get fake stuff done to make ourselves look picture perfect for others. In the end we find out to be unhappy, realizing thas not the person God created. Basically be yourself and let God decide your life for you, its His choice not yours...

I met Jesus today through erica, yall remember erica. The girl who when she first came to prayer meeting was like hyperventaliting w/excitement. Ha i clurrly remember that tues. nite only cuz i think i was sitting right in front of her.  So anyway, she IMed me and told me how she juss came back from this cursuillo youf retreat in riverside. I guess she met some folks from SOL up thurr and they told her how they know SH. They even told her to participate w/SH in spirit games! The flame was found again for her. Which is totally d0pe, praise God! She had a good time she told me doing action songs like 'who builds the faith.' It brought back LSS memories for her she told me. Ha! Anyway, praise God for her being able to get that flame going in her again.

Fr. Kevin had a really good homily this morning bout hospitality. Which seemed to be the major coloraltion or theme between the 1st reading and the gospel. Fr. explained in the koran thurrs some type of teaching that says something like, 'never refuse a glass of water to a stranger...'  Jesus teaches a similar message in Matthew 28:34-37, 'For i was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you closed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.'

Hospitality a really important ministry errcommunity needs. To me hospitality is a test to see if you show people you dont know, God's love. Errone wants to feel welcomed, they want to feel as if they belong to the group. Coming brand new into a brand new environment not knowing anyone isnt the easiest thing to do. Ha ive gone through that often times. By taking time out and talking to that new person you've shown them exactly what Jesus speaks of in Matthew 28.

Ive said this before, but when i go out and explore new communities, hospitiality is one thing i look for. Does the group make the effort to welcome the new people? Not juss during prayer meeting, but after is when it really counts. Sometimes new people come and at the end juss kinda stand thurr waiting to be acknowledged, waiting for someone to talk to them. Jeanne does a really good job at this, she makes the effort to talk the new people. FInd out whurr theyre from etc. etc. and even invites them to chill w/us afterwurrds @ mcdonalds.  So make sure you take the extra time out to get to know and show God's love to new peeps. Its not easy being the new person.

Okay well the real reality sturrts tomorrow morning @ 11am. Oh why?! THen i gotta pick up spirit games fliers at the ninis tomorrow nite after work. Ah were still missing a dance a thon venue. Ahh im gonna try st. polycarp, but it might be hurrd now that thurrs a brand new pastor thurr. Please pray that we find one! Im gonna attempt to talk to fr. kevin again bout using sPvs.

:sigh: i miss maui!

19 moe days till spirit games! 

"On fire like a rocket and I'm ready to blow..."im done, im out God bless!



  • At 7:40 PM, Blogger AyLaYnE said…

    yeah it wasnt that great..but damn you gotta admit CHAD MICHAEL MURRAY is BOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTIFFFUUULLLLL...hahha


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