One More Thing...
"There is no sin or wrong that gives a man a foretaste of hell in this life as anger and impatience..."
BAD DAY: Work this morning was kinda dumb, in fact it was kind of gay. Funny thing though after I told rob wha had happened he said to me 'agh maaaaaaaaaaan' So this is wha happened and now that I think bout it, it makes no sense. I pull out groups throughout day to do english language development for about 15-20 min. in the morning and then for bout half hour I pull out a group to do math. Well since the beginning of the year I've been using a couple of different rooms on campus. Up until this past month it hasn't been a problem. Recently they hired all these extra instructional assistants like myself and now they decided to cramp all of us in one room. I find it really gay for the following reasons: 1. These kids are so easily distracted they need all the help they can get 2. Whats the point of doing these one on one groups if all thas going to happen is one distraction after another. The stupid lady whos I guess the AP said I dont have an option I can either use one of the two rooms. Besides that its for my own safety cuz I'm a male teacher so it only takes one student to go home and say something. I left her office feeling extremely frustrated to the point where I wanted to quit. What doesnt make sense is were halfway through the year and juss now you're going to make a big deal bout it? Besides that the principal said myself that I could use these rooms. The more that I think bout it now Imma bring it up to the principal tomorrow. I guess I don't work well w/adhering to authority. ha
CUSTOMER SERVICE: At the rectory this afternoon I went off on this lady over the phone form St. Bernards. I tried really hard to keep my coo but goodness I juss had to let it out. Okay so Im putting together this info. query of what the different rates for sacraments such as weddings, funerals, etc. for all our neighboring parishes. Well the first place I called is St. Bernards in bellflower. I asked her bout the cost of weddings, she said she doesn't know that, so I have to contact such and such person. So then I asked for the # and she said it all fast where I had to ask her to repeat it. Then I asked her bout funerals, she told me it was $200. Okay cool, what bout your facilities like the hall. She goes to me, 'I dont know.' I finally said to her, 'You dont know anything!' Then we get into it over the phone cuz I said you know for working at the church I'd expect better customer service. Of course that got her all upset and replied back to me saying I told her she didnt know anything. I told her it was true. It was her tone of voice in the way she said it. She juss said, 'I dont know' it wouldve been different if she said, 'well im not sure but I can check on that for you.' The 'I dont know' made it seem as if it was a bother to check or something. Anyway, so that was my run in during work this afternoon...Im sorry but I dont have patience to put up w/stupid stuff like that.
MYSPACE: The thing that bothers me is when you're trying to check to see if a certain someone is someone you know and their profile is freaking blocked! Agh! That's so stupid! Then why the heck are you on myspace then?! Anyway, the teacher I work with jumped on the bandwagon tonite. Which is kinda funny but scary at the same time. Now I really have to watch what I say about work and errthang else that goes on. Geez...My cousin deleted hers and now she's back on it again. That's another thing that I dont understand why people delete it then a week later come back again?! Anyway, I was going through old pictures this evening and I posted up this old picture from the SH mission trip back in '02. Yeah that was so long ago, and now look errthangs changed. How fast time goes by...
BROKE UP: A couple of weeks ago I emailed del from next phaze asking if it would be possible to see if they could come down and share a testimony w/my confirmation class. I threw in the whole how ryan conferido came out and they really enjoyed it. Tuesday, I finally receive a reply back and for some reason I got all nervous as if it was some type of important letter. So when I opened it, I kinda skimmed through it and he told me that they group broke up. Oh why?! They were pretty d0pe too, that sucks they all went their separate ways. Hopefully they'll get back together by Oktoberfest next year haha otherwise imma have to find some other type of d0pe entertainment.
LENT: I cant believe lent is here already! I decided to give up being lazy. THis means I'm going to go to daily mass errday and make the effort to hit up the gym errday as well. Oh yeah, Im giving up the whole fatty foods. Well at least try and cut back on that whole stuff. I really need to loose weight, however I know it's going to be a real challenge to cut back on what I eat cuz I dont think my body is use to that. Luckily, ever since I've gained weight I can still fit into a size 32 waist, however Id like to get to a 30. There's this book that Ll cool J put together on dieting and loosing weight. I saw it at borders last month I was almost tempted to get it ha Actually I still am tempted to buy it. There were some good tips in the book. This way by the time easter comes, I can look like he did in the 'control myself' video. ha Oh yeah mass tonite at holy fam oh man it was jam packed. They were to the point where they were outdoors almost to the end of the sidewalk handing out communion. Good thing I had my own parking space and didnt have to worry about finding parking! There was this nice lady who helped me save a couple of seats for me before mass. This way I didnt have to end up standing throughout the whole mass and also be able to sit in my pew.
"Boogie wonderland..."im done, im out God bless!
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