"Where there is love, there is hope..."
I was planning to go to mass @ 8am, then go jogging for an hour afterwards. Juss kinda like corners the same type of thing i had done the other day. Well, it didnt work out that way, i was too tired and slept in. I had a crazy dream bout something i forgot what it was about though. Ive been stressing a lot bout certain things. I really need to juss offer it to Him instead of worrying bout it. Thas always been my personality though i really worry and stress myself out. As w/errrthang else, the Lord will provide. No doubt...
Went to the new michael's sturr across from the BpC mall. ITs nice knowing that the sturr is now only around the corner from me. Pretty big too, it looks like theyre making something else on that side. Im curious to see wha else will fall into place at that mall. The place is really starting to brighten up. THe bp is movin on up! Moving on up!! I had gone to circuit city too and i saw the janet cd for only $10. I was tempted to buy it, but i dindt know how the CD sounded so i didnt want to risk. Remember blockbuster music? That sturr was tight cuz you were able to sample the music before decidiing whether to buy it or not.
Work was alright, nothign to exciting. I started to get irritated later on during the afternoon at the apt. THen i had to stop myself and take a deep breath and start over. I miss having the older kids thurr playing the carrom boards. They kept me entertained while im thurr. Lately i havent been having that many kids. Or they'll leave early after theyre done w/their project. I guess i need to get them longer projects to do, so they stay longer. When i got back ha were all kinda chillin in the director;s office. THen my boss goes, 'do you need something to do?' then i said, 'no im fine.' hah then my director was laughing. It was pretty funny, one of those things whurr you had to be thurr.
For the past couple days ive been like the alter server for mass. Today fr. ray said mass and i was a little hesitant whether to help or not. I was skurred cuz we all know how fr. ray is, and i didnt want to be put on blast. I did it anyway, and he didnt mind at all. Then after the Our Father, i was hesitant to stand at the alter for communion cuz i wasnt sure if i should. THen he told me to come up thurr. So i was like whew, ha then after mass was over i learned whurr errrthang went. I got to refill the water and whine. Anyway the homily was great juss a lot of emphasis on forgiveness. To shurr what God has shurred w/us to our own brotehrs and sisters.
After work i had gone to watch the passion of Christy play at St. Lucys. Jeanne and i had gone unexpectedly last yurr w/intentions of going to a sly meeting. Wow we were amazed and really like blown away by how powerful the skit was. Granted it was all in spanish but maan after it was over we didnt know what else to say but praise God. That was the first time i had met cyril, mikee, and mike de leon. Now were all really cool friends! yay! I think im going ot make it lenten thing to do during holy week. Its really impactful, makes you love His passion even more! Praise God!
After i chilled w/them for a while and watched them practice for singng for mass on easter. Wow what a privlege to sing for mass on easter. Thas really cool, i wish our music min was asked to sing more. That would be tight. I cant believe how fast this whole lenten season has gone by. Really its gone by in a flash. Patrick gave me a tour of the galvan household this evening as i was going to use their restroom. THey can walk to mass every sunday. That would be tight to live real close to the church. Especially, if the church was savio!! ooOh! Anyway, yeah patrick gave me the 'cribs' version of the galvan crib. haha it was funny.
Afterwards, cykee, wilane, patrick, demi, this other guy(forgot his name), hugo, irene, myself, and this other guy named mike had gone to guppy house in cerritos. We had a really fun time, i juss had a smoothie that was really good. Ive never gone to guppy house before, but its filled w/asians! When i walked in i saw mike TM's cousin wendell and his girl but i dont think they knew me. That other guy mike i had met i learned in the airforce. Check it, his wife got shipped out to iraq and he is getting shipped out to korea. Wow...and they have a baby too, i dont know how old though. Thas gotta be tough! Keep that family in your prayers please!!
Which brings me to my next point the war on iraq. I totally agree w/Sen, Kennedy putting bush on blast for the war on iraq. If you look at the fruits ever since the war has started, thurr hasnt been much to go around. PRaise God, yes weve captured sadaam but maan the country is way worse then it was before the uS got thurr. This war is getting out of hand, too many american soliders are dying. Over 600 of our soliders have lost their lives in that war. I do have to agree that this is bush's vietnam. I hope this plays a toll in his campaign.
Maan 2000 yurrs ago a man gave up his live to hope to have peace in the world. 2000 yurs later were still at wurr w/each other. There still isnt any peace, things are ten times worse then it was before. OKay im sleepy now, i need rest.
"Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me..."im done, im out GOd bless!
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