Hey there lonely boy, lonely boy...
"A friendship requires that a person wish another the good he wishes himself,so that he desires to converse with him and share with him those aspects of life that he especially values..."
Happy 25th birfday burr!!! let me shurr w/yall why burr is sitting all alone in the shade. He got really emo cuz he lost the football game they were playing right before. So he was like 'agh forget this! Imma go sit by myself.' With that he stomped over to the shade and sat down. Aww kawawa burr you got emo! yess! hahah jk
Agh so as we all know its burrs birfday Yay! As many of you know and have witnessed we have a 'unique' type of friendship. If were not 'fighting' or calling each other names then i dont know wha were doing. I must say though i praise God for this guy. Over the past couple yurrs we've gotten to be really close. To the point whurr i had called him 'kuya.' Agh but thas sooo in the past now. Now he's juss dumb burr haha jk bout the dumb purrt. He told me last week 'agh youre like annoying little brother.' hahaha
Anyway, i know i can always count on this guy to always be thurr for me. Even if i called him @ 3am he;d be thurr for me. Heck he was thurr for me when i needed help @ 12am studying for maf final. Now thas a true friend for ya. He's been blessed w/a thousand different talents from singing to playing instruments to fixing your house! yay! haha
On this special day may God continue to watch out for him, keep him healthy and safe. May He continue to use him as a instrument of love and joy. Agh may God tell him to make him to be nicer to me! haha Soo today's entries for you burr! Happy Birfday thanks for errthang!! Ill be expecting the same type of blog entry a month from now on my birfday! yay! haha jk
I was really curious today bout kobe's religous background. WE all know he got murried to that mexican girl vanessa wha like 3-4 yurrs ago. While searching the web to try to find his religous background, i learned he got murried in the catholic church. Him and vanessa were murried @ St. Edward's catholic church in dana point. The wedding was a real private ceremony and none of his or her's family members were thurr. I guess her parents really opposed of them getting murried. (talk bout obidience huh!)
Whas funny is that i was shurring this w/my boss at work today. He told me that his friend would see kobe @ mass sometimes. How crazy is that?! So i never found out exactly wha his religous background was, however its good to know he's going to church at a catholic church. I wonder if they baptized thurr daughter thurr. Ha imagine shaking hands w/kobe during the 'peace be with you.' YOu whisper to him, 'can you sign my ball after mass?!' haha then you go and have coffee and donuts w/him and the rest of the bryant fam bam tribe! Haha thatd be funny...anyway juss thought that was interesting.
Relationships 324~
I had a rather interesting convo w/fred once again on relationships. Well this convo was brief. Nothing we didnt go into details or anything. THough id shurred w/him i wouldnt want to in a relationship whurrd we talk and see each other 24/7. Or wha would feel like 24/7. Thurrs no room to really grow in the relationship in my opinion if its like that. This only leaves room for irritation and really nothing to talk bout.
My best friend use to go out w/this guy who totally smoothered her. Always called her to see wha she was doing. If she was going to the mall he wanted to go. ALways wanted ot be w/her, which is great and errthang. But maan she needed space too, but too much space whurr youre too indepedent from each other.
The guy was too clingy also, always wanted to hold her hand and errthang. To me i thought he seemed well in the words of kanye west...'Now, tell me that ain't insecurrre.' Like he was holding on tight cuz he was afraid of loosing her. The relationship didnt even last that long. This might sound mean ha but last mon. after the final we were talking bout currurrs. Bio girl said she kinda wanted to be like marriage counselor help people w/thurr problems. So i said, 'how can you be a murriage counselor when you cant even fix your own relationship problems?!' ha she was like shut up then laughed w/errone else.
For me personally id want to be able to 'miss' the person. Hurrs an example, check it you and your so(significant other), have juss spent pretty much the whole entire day together. Your day started @ 9am and lets say you dropped your so off @ like 7pm. You come home and then 20 min later that person calls. Its kinda like wha do you talk bout? Yeah its coo if s.o. calls and to say oh i juss called to say good nite and i love you. Thas coo but then to want to curry on a whole entire convo. Whoa thurr buddy didnt we juss spend the whole day together?!
Now maybe i feel this way cuz well im not in any type of relationship. Though i do know from other relationships ive seen that any type of 'A frame' relationship doesnt work out. Couples in 'A frame' relationship have a weak self idenity. They cant stand being alone and w/o the other person. They have an extreme self dependence on each other. They lean on each other in a way that is symbolized like the letter 'A'. Hence the 'A frame' relationship.
As i said, this is my own personal opinion. If yours differs then mine, then you cant be my friend haha im joking! Dont take it to the puso now! Really though if yours differs then mine, thas coo. Then shurr your thoughts. Alright moving on...
Agh! you know wha i hate?! It bugs me when im driving and thurrs people who are driving w/only one head light or tail light. Especially if theyre right behind you. I always see people who drive w/one head light. I always think to myself, 'agh get it fixed! youre a hazard to other drivers!'
So i was reading errones blog today and ive noticed all the different versions of fred's 'fanmail.' You have banne's 'hello all!' Then thurrs fake gf's 'cuz i curr.' Arisa has 'talk to me.' Mine's called 'Holla back.' We did all this intentionally so we wouldnt have to pay fred $1 each time! haah Wow so many different spin offs of one simple idea.
Praise Report for the day:
I praise God for Fr. Paul, he's pretty much taken on the role of my spiritual director. He told me when he had chilled two weeks ago that he's gonna stay until the augstians roll out next summer. WHa i like bout this guy is that he's always thurr to guide me. I mean i can juss go to the rectory and have them call him and he'll come out. So i really dont have to make any type of appt. or anything. So i praise God that im blessed to have someone who keeps it real and juss shows me how to continue to hunger to serve God.
Jaymee and el juego were talking bout on sun. how priests hol up the eucharist. Whenever Fr. Paul hols it up he hols it up. He lets errone know that is the TRUE presence of Jesus. Its not raise it up and put it down. He raises it up from one side of the church to the other end. After mass one sunday i heard someone compliment him on that. He had told them at that moment in time while holding up the Eucharist he feels soo unworthy to be standing at that altar. Praise God!
Well i think ive said a moufull for one nite. Thas it for now! I still ahve that shout to the norf song in my head! haha
"The way Kathie Lee needed Regis that's the way yall need Jesus..." im done, im out God bless!
At 12:26 AM, Reenie said…
hi isda! just wanted to say i enjoyed reading your bloggeroo! =) you're sooo funny! =) nice to know what you've been up to! take care of yourself and God bless!
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