"Listening is where love begins. Listening to ourselves and then to our neighbors..."
Im so thankful to GOd for soo many things. I think for me one of the greatest blessings of my life is really getting involved w/the church. Learning more about my catholic faith and doing wha i can to live my life according to the teachings of the church. Now of course i fall errday, but i do praise God that He gives me the strenght to get up. Its a blessing to become i guess in a sense 'renewed.' THese past what two yurrs of my life have been some of the greatest two yurrs.
Have you ever received a gift, maybe now or even when you were younger, but its a huge gift box but w/a whole bunch of mini gifts inside? Or you get the main one and along w/it a variety of small other gifts to go w/it. Well that to me is like the big gift being your catholic faith and the small other little gifts are like your catholic communities. A variety of miniature gifts to go along w/your big one.
One of the greatest blessings besides family for me is COMMUNITY. The gift of COMMUNITY. A group of people who become your second family. They help support you, guide you, and show you the way to God. When i first joined SH, i was like these people are the best!!! Laughing together, singing songs together, and juss having the time of our lives. It was like errtime i hung out w/them i never wanted to leave.
Later on down the line God opened the doors and showed me 1000 other different communities. When i first learned/met some of these other communities, i thought 'wow thurrs more people who are like SH!? Thas soo d0pe!' For me it was exciting to see these other people and i said 'i want to get to know these people.' And that i did. Im so happy that God has supplied me w/this enormous amount of energy to juss go out and meet all these great groups of people.
I praise God for the gift of community, a place whurr errbody knows your name(kinda like churrs haha). YOu cant do errthang on your own, thas why God sent us community. Gosh i dont know wha my life would be like now, if i didnt have SH. Life would probably be dull and boring. I praise GOd for the various people who ive met through these communities who inspire and motivate my faith.
So today im honoring those catholic communities who strive doing GOd's work in vineyurrd. THose whos job is to 'save souls,' even if its as SOL says 'one soul at a time.' Sometimes a community is the only way people learn how to build and establish a relationship w/GOd. I honor those communities who cease never to stop building God's kingdom hurr on earf. May God continue to bless these groups and may He continue to shower them w/His love so they may be a reflection to all who walk in those doors of thurr meetings.
Praise Report for the day:
The last YFC meeting of the qtr. was great. Yes, it was emo(not that i was) but it was filled so much of God's love. The activity of wha i like to call 'reach out and touch somebody,' literally touched me. I praise God well i dont know if He sent yfc my way or if i juss kinda ran into them. It doesnt matter I juss praise God for such awesome souls. DUring the mini brothas forum i had shurred that one thing to me thats important in any community is hospitality. And that is something i see hurr @ yfc. ANy person that walks through those doors of interfaith during a yfc meeting always gets welcomed. It doesnt matter if theyre filipino or not, they're greeted as a child of God. ANd thas what counts!
I met Jesus today through all of yfc. Particulary toni, whos prayers during praise & worship were soo annointed. I could feel in my hurrt her love and desire to serve God 110%. I met Jesus through her cuz she's always so funny. She said tonite @ fridays, 'if the whole world whurr to end immma gonna climb on the statue of liberty.' If you notice any type of 'end of the world' movie, if thurrrs one thing that survives its the statue. So I met Jesus through who juss never ceases to be a reflection of God's love.
Holla Back!
hi isda! just wanted to say i enjoyed reading your bloggeroo! =) you're sooo funny! =) nice to know what you've been up to! take care of yourself and God bless!
Hey thanks noreen!! I enjoy readings yours also, im lovin them srcipture verses that you put at the end. Hey can you give me your email address? Id like to add you on to my address book.
mikeTM: i've had more respect for kobe after 'confessing' in public. that took guts, imagine if we famous. we'd have to justify our actions to the public everytime. yikes!
You know wha i never thought of it like that. Thas a good point, although wha he did was morally wrong, he acknowledged and accepted it. Praise God he didnt lie bout it, or deny like im sure many other celebs. wouldve done. Now that you put it that way, i do have more respect for him. Dang id get soo irritated having to explain myself to the public errtime.
reenie: i totally agree with you on the clinginess thing too. it's important for couples to spend time AWAY from each other so they don't suffocate each other =D
Yeah, thas why couples need room and space to do thurr own thang. AS the expression goes, 'misses make the hearts grow closer.'
chad: hey! i just stopped by and to say hello & to praise and thank God for people like you. you're quite inspiring in your passion for Christ. take it easy man!
Hey chad, it was great to really get to know you a bit better over LFT weekend. I know that was forever long ago, ha but youre a d0pe guy, blessed w/many talents. Ive always seen you around SOL, but its cool now that i know you better. If you ever need anything holla back! haha mind if i add you to the rest of links?
Em: agh thanks for helping burr with broken battery... u're good friend
Awww i love burr! Anytime im always down to help out a brotha in need. A brotha in need is a good friend indeed! haha i dont know if that made sense
jme: Kobe...what another great Catholic example...
Okay so hes not the greatest catholic example but hey it takes a lot of humility to shurr w/the whole world wha he did and how hes ashamed of it.
Arisa: hi jason! i'm not surprised that kobe goes to a catholic church since he was raised in italy. yay!
Well i cant say he's catholic, juss cuz he was born in italy. He was only born thurr cuz his dad was playing ball thurr for some league. I never really found out wha his demoination is. Itd be really cool if he was though!I mean know he goes to catholic church and got murried in one.
burr: agh and one more thing, i agree with u on the 'clingy' thing. give me some breathing room please!!?!? haha don't call me 10 seconds after we said goodbye hahahahaa!
Agh yeah i know, give me space. Imma get clasterphobic! haha dont be clingy like chingy! haha jk
burr: agh FINALLY you hit 10k! took forever.. hahahaha
Agh whatever, youre not even 5k yet! Call me when youre @ 5k then well talk bout converting you into a dept. sturr. As for now in my book youre only moms and pops sturr! hahaha
burr: agh no, i'm not gonna blog about you on your birfday yes!!!!! burr 1 isda 0 haha
Agh no you need to return favor, juss dont copy and paste and make generic like last time!
burr: agh thanks friend for birfday props! yay!
Agh happy birfday friend! hahhaa Happy birfday friend! happy birfday friend! haha
Fred: FYI...i'm not in a relationship w/Jason
Umm yeah haha were not in a relationship together.
Em: aww poor hunni, burr...why is he sitting all alone???
Agh cuz he was being emo homeless burr! haha
Arisa: oh man Leilani looks soooo cute in that picture!! I could hold her in the palm of my hands...she's so tiny!
I know!! she's so cute i love little kids, theyre soo freakin cute! Its the best watching them sleep, it makes you feel so relaxed and calm. Why it even makes me sleepy watching them sleep.
mo: what up foo!
agh thas all you can say is wha up foo?! haha thurr was nothing else you culd comment on?! But you made long paragraphs on errones elses tag board oh why?!! haha
burr: agh it's my b day tomorrow worship me yes!! haha
Agh no!
burr: agh why'd u put homeless burr picture on blog!?!? agh people don't know real story!..
Agh no you were being emo cuz you lost football game thas real sturry so you became homeless burr! haha helloo homeless burr!
Fred: ...we discussed "who's hot?" & "who's not?" hahaha!
Agh no actually we discussed whos pretty and who's cute
Fred: and AGH! u didn't say wut we talked about at Bobal Loca!...
Agh! YOu did for me, on tagburrd...no need to now.
Fred: Agh, now there's another spin-off of 'Fanmail', pay me $1
Agh pay me $1 for 'agh' and 'yess!' first, ill give you right to those two expressions if you give me rights to 'fanmail.' yess!
Fred: Re: 'Day After Tomorrow', agh, I hope world has ice age soon. Yes!
Agh then we'll all freeze to deaf, i dont want that! agh i wanna live!
"Can ya feel the beat within my heart/Can't ya see my love shine through the dark..."im done, im out God bless!
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