Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Tuesday, September 28

My Oh! My Oh! My Boooo!

"You must accept your cross; if you carry it courgeously it will carry you to heaven..."

I wrote this whole entry last nite and then right when I went to publish it, it got signed off. Oh why?! So now I gotta reblog, which I hate cuz you loose all your thoughts you had. Anyway, at work my boss asked me how my retreat went over the weekend, and I couldn't stop talking bout it. Its hurrd cuz thurrs only so much you can say cuz you can't give it away. It really is juss one of those things you gotta experience first hand on your own. Fo sho it will make an impact on the way you see the cross. You wont juss see two beams put together, it's more than that. Anyway, like I said I cant give it much away cuz, 'wha happens in big burr, stays in big burr!' hahaha!

Last nite I was on the phone w/julie and we juss couldnt stop laughing bout all the small stuff bout the retreat. All the inside jokes and fun times we had throughout the weekend. I made this new nickname up for her, 'st. julie of the mounatains.' haha Or the 'i lost my shirt in the boys cabin-victim 2004' hahaha I was able to get some really good pics from over the weekend, I keep looking back and thinking bout all the fun times. When I got home that nite, I finally opened my mailbag from the weekend. HA GP's so funny, so I get this note on the front w/a drawing of a fish w/it saying on the bottom 'jpfish187.' Then he put on the back, 'now you've got mail!' hahahaha Fun times fun times!

You know one of things that I got out of the retreat was a deeper understanding of humilty. On the way up thurr, Mark ANthony, Leo, and I had a great convo. bout this. Mark Anthony really gave this good analogy of being at the bottom of God's foot and him juss pushing his foot down on us. With that we can't do anything on our own, we need God. Sometimes we get curried away, and we forget who were serving, who were doing all this for. I think thas when God humbles us and tell us look hurrs a little reminder to send forf your way. In the end it should always be for the greater glory of God...Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam!

It was funny on friday I was at wal-murrt buying a notebook to bring for the retreat. ANyway, so one of my kids call me asking if I could pick him up from skool. I go over thurr and pick him from skool and since i had to run errands i took him w/me. Ha I felt like a parent for a little bit, picking up my child then saying were gonna go run errands. Anyway, we went to the westminister mall cuz I was looking for a sports bag to bring. The one I had was too small, so we go to the mall looking around. Inside the curr we had a good convo. he was telling me his 'girl' lived in westminister. I said oh you got a girl huh? he goes yeah ive had one haha

After all the chit-chat I asked him, 'so what makes your 'girl' so special?' He goes on to name some characteristics she has,' she's funny, blah blah..' Then I told him no those are so vague, those are juss typical things. Why is she so special to you? What makes her so unqiue that she stands out to you? Then he goes to say, she listens to me. I said how? He goes to give me an example of how thurr are times when thurr on the phone talking. It'll seem like she isnt listening cuz its all quiet on the phone. Then he'll ask her,' are you listening to me?' She tells him yeah then he asks her to repeat back wha he juss said. She'll go back and repeat errthang he juss told her. Aww isnt that swe3t! haha So then I posed the question, 'can you see yourself w/her later on down like say like 10-20 yurrs from now.' He said, 'yes.' GOod times w/my kids!

So yesterday at mass the 1st reading was on the book of Job. If you havent read this book before, I suggest you do. It's a real eye opener and it has a good lesson. In the book of Job, Job has been blessed with errthang. Then Satan comes and asks God, will JOb still praise you even if errthang is taken away from him. So God lets Satan test Job by taking away all his blessings, his crop, to even his children. At this point Job is stripped of errthang he's ever worked for, yet in the end, he still praises God and gives him thanks. The question is, 'do we praise God only in good times?' How often do we praise God for times of suffering and persecution?

Anyway, as of lately I've been feelin that song, 'my boo.' If you've seen the video too its tight! thurrs a lot of charisma between usher and alicia, I think they'd make a good couple. Thought I really do like that song, ha for some reason it has some type of er meaning to me. Which takes me to the next topic. Julie and I were debating bout the usage of the word. She was telling me people dont use it and blah blah. I told her yeah people still use the word, so we were going back and forth. Wha was so funny during one of the skits over the weekend the guy who was playing the role of bf came along. The girl saw her bf and was like, 'hey booo!' We bof looked at each other and wanted to bust out laughing! I told her see people still use the word I love it!

Okay busy week for me, please pray for the grace!

Yay confirmation sturrts today!!!

"Worshio the Lord, in spirit and truth..."


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