Those Who Listen Live...
"A soul without silence is like a city without guards..."
Yeah, yeah I know its been a while since I've blogged. Not much really exciting has been going on for me to blog. Last nite was fun I went out w/my ol friend from skool. Ended up juss going to the block to chill. Whas so crazy is we ran into some other people we went ot skool with also. I havent seen these people since geez graduation. It was fun catching up and finding out wha certain people are up to. Gosh, I feel like its been 10 yurrs already since ive graduated, but it's only been 4. Its kinda coo though they have such things like friendster and myspace to see whas going on w/people.
Anyway, so my friend bought me this book as a late birfday gift. I picked out cuz it was book I've wanted for quite a while now. Wisdom of the Little Flower-Therese of Lisieux-Bearer of Western Spirituality. Ever since I got last nite, I havent been able to put it down. Thurrs some really good stuff, that I've has really convicted me. So in reading the first chapter I came across this and I thought I'd post it on my blog...
So thurrs a section in the 1st chapter whurr it talks bout Jesus discussing be open to the word of God. He then gives the parable of the seed given in the gospel of Matthew. Thurrs 6 different groups of people, 3 of them are unreceptive to the word of God and the other 3 are receptive. As I was reading across the 3 that were open to the word of God, it made me wonder which catagorey I fall under. I thought I'd shurr on the 3 different types of people that are open and you can decide whurr you fall under. 'Other seeds fell on good soil and brought forth grain, some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.' Matthew 13:8
In the first place are the hundred-percenters. These are the whole and undivded ones, the saints. They have put God in the first place of their life, and everything else comes after that. Externally they have many failures, but under their touch everything grows toward eternal life.
The second group, the sixty-percenters, also wins praise from the Lord. They have fought and are wounded in life's toils. But as fighters they belong with the victorious. They are struggling and maturing. In their distress and in their defeat they keep looking to God and turning to him. A man once told me, 'If at the end of my life I cant stand before God as a winner, then at least let it be as a fighter.'
Even the third group, the thirty-percenters, gets recognition from the Lord. Their faith is a faily up and down. Their religous life has its ebbds and flows, its progress and backsliding. Bright days stand alongside dark nights. It is by no means taken for granted that everything will out well in the end, but they stick w/Jesus. In trust in his forgiving love they continually confess their guilt. They do it with the confidence that God can still create something worthwile, even out of their guilt.
As Jesus address the two different groups, the ones with hardened souls and the group w/the open mind, they both face each other. Both are like a field on which God's seed is cast. Although the key hurr is bof group are not open to receiving him in themselves. So the question you may ask, 'Which group do I belong to?' The answer is provided on the path to silence, because it is above all in the silence that the soul opens up to the truth. In silence it purifies itself from errthang that makes it selfish, hard, and, unreceptive. Anyone who talks a lot puts himself in the center of thigns in order to show himself to good advantage. St. Therese writes in one of her numerous letters, Silence does the soul good.
In the prophet Isaiah it says, 'Hear, that your soul may live.' By hearing, we come to life. So, too, those who dont hear dont know what life is all bout . The listening person makes out what is important to the other person, and to God.
"Come now is the time to worship..."im done, im out God bless!
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