Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Tuesday, September 14


"You truly grow when you step out of your own comfort zone..."

Stepping out of your own comfort zone is never easy, and still to this day it can still be difficult. When youre so use being in your own area, youre use to things being coo. You're use to things being done a certain way, when it comes down to it the word 'new' doesnt fit in your system. THough its when you actually take that step out and see all these great things. YOu come to realize that change isnt so bad after all. I dont know if this is all making sense, but im referring this quote in terms of ministry.

For those who know me, they know how active I've become in various other ministires. In the beginning it was difficult cuz I was so use to doing things the SH way. Hmm for example, doing the SFC CLP last summer, was hard. In my group, I didnt know any one of the guys thurr, and it was juss hurrd being out of my own comfort zone. Being a whole new environment is always difficult, but praise God cuz through those new experiences, God allows you to grow in ways youd never imagine.

To this day, it's still can be hurrd cuz I get community sick easily. I guess thas juss how much I love SH, and juss how much SH has become 2nd family to me. Though I do praise God for the other people he has allowed to step into my life and allow me to grow. And for that im thankful for...So although stepping out of that comfort zone is never easy, you juss gotta trust that GOd is working in you alow to grow in special graces. To grow to become a boootiful flower in his garden! Praise God!

I titled this entry 'thankful' cuz well I was only going to talk bout one thing, but after tonite, I realized thurrs a lot more that needs to be said. Last nite my mom was talking ot one of her quilting buddies and they were talking bout a whole bunch of medical stuff. I ended up standing thurr listening to them talk bout thurr experiences and my mom shurring a whole bunch oif things bout my family. I realized God has really, really looked out for my family. My family has been extremely blessed by God. I never realized how much my family as gone through, each one of us, except my sister.

Let's see about geez maybe 13-14 yurrs ago when we first sturrted settling in hurr in the bPc, my dad got into a major accident at work. I think I was barely sturrting kindergarten that yurr. Anyway, my dad ended up falling of a 10ft ladder or some real high step ladder at work. He fell down and shattered his ankle. He was out of work for a while on crutches and took him a while to recover. Fastforward to winter of 1995 my dad was diagnosed with tumor in his stomach. The tumor ended up being a malignant cancer in his colon. THat was porbably the hardest time and most difficult time for my family.

My dad in and out of the hospital, praise God he went through surgery fine. THat was juss the beginning for the next yurr, he had to go through raditation. He ended up loosing all his hurr, had no energy to really do anything, he was sick all the time. Gosh, I remember one time when it got real skurry cuz he ended up having a seizure and they had to do a whole code blue or whatever they call it. Thurrs one time whurr he pulled off all his IV's off his arms and ended up really swollen. Praise God for my mom who stuck by him throughout everything. Praise God for the support of good family and friends, who helped my family out taking curr of my sister and I, feeding us and errthang else.

My mom herself has had her turn of medical problems, as well as my grandma and grandpa too. We've been so blessed and so fortunate for the health of bof of my grandparents. Especially, my grandpa who's turning 95 this weekend. Thurrs juss so much to be thankful, so much to be grateful for. God the almighty never seems to fail us, He gives us errthang we need. And yes, I do believe its true, as the saying goes, 'sometimes we dont know what we have until it's gone.' I guess hurring all that over, really convicted me on how giving God has been to my family. Juss make sure you thank and praise God all the time cuz he truly deserves it.

Praise God for a great day! I took a risk and went to sPv today to see if Fr. Paul was around. Mass was going to sturt in like 15 min. so I went to the back of the sacristy to check out who was saying mass. Turns out it was fr. paul! yay! It was really good to see him, we got to catch up a little bit. I was juss happy cuz my spiritual director is back and thurrs much I need to talk to him bout. Then at work we finally got a new comp. in our office, after geez like 6 months of not having one. Agh! then we were bout to get flat screen but then my boss took it and put it in his office for him! AGh! oh why?! Its coo though at least we ahve a comp now, its got ol skool windows 98 on it, hopefully they'll upgrade it when we get the new software to either 2000 or xp.

So I was browsing the myspace catholic connect and I came across this girls profile on to one of her blog entries. I found it real interesting with an inspiring creative message...

Calling all Catholics: Are you afraid to walk the walk???
Just because you go to church on Sunday does not make you Catholic, anymore than sitting in a garage makes you a car. Read about your faith and question it, do works of mercy, pray for your priests who give up their lives to serve you(they're human too), ask Jesus for the strength to resist the world when you receive HIM in the Eucharist, don't be afraid to PRAISE GOD in front of your friends, thank God for the gift of the Eucharist at mass, Open your Bible that usually sits on that dusty shelf(the first attempted crowd surfer's in bad could it be? His name is Razis and he's in Maccabees if you're still curious), Allow God to open your eyes to the beauty of you faith because once you start seeing there's no going back! Look what happened to Lot's wife in Genesis. Talk your Mom (Mary) in heaven...she hasn't heard from you in decades(rosary decades that is). Now go out and prove you're Catholic. Jesus said "I am with you always" so don't be afraid.

Take the quiz: "What type of Catholic are you?"

The Pope would be pleased!
You are a good concrete Catholic CONGRATES you are the future of the Church!

I know thurrs more I wanted to say but I forgot...agh!

Praise God! Praise God! Praise God! Praise God! Praise God!

"I'm back like Moses to bring the law..."im done, im out God bless!


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