A Very Special Happy Birfday!
"Today, the reformation of our nature begins, and the aging world is transformed anew to the divine likeness and receives the beginning of a second formation by God.."
To help celebrate the birfday of our Blessed Mother, take the time out to go to mass and offer up a rosary. Praise God for her openess cuz w/o her 'yes' whurr would be today? I love Mama Mary cuz of her faithfulness, cuz of her obedience, cuz of her uncondtional love. The queen of heaven and earf, of all the angels and saints. The best saint of them all...i got love for my motha! So many of the saints respected her and honored her for purity, and obedience. One of them being St. Padre Pio, who was extremely close to our Mother. Thurr was once istance a priest, a member of the monastery, asked Padre Pio: 'Does the Blessed Mother ever come to your room?' And he replied: "Why not ask me instead, 'does she ever leave my room?" Its crazy wha one simple yes can do.
TOday was coo cuz in class i helped earn errone one extra credit point. During lecture this morning in class we were talking bout the spread of catholicsm in spain in the 1500s. Well lectures on this power point and erronce in a while the instructur will post an extra credit question w/a picture. The class has an opportunity to guess and if they get it correct they get an extra credit point. Anyway, so today he posted this picture of uur Lady of Guadalupe and asked errone who this was. I right away shouted out Our Lady of Gudalupe and i was right yay!!
Agh so I was browsing on the myspace site and I was checking different peoples profiles. Its disturbing to see many people who claim themselves to be catholic on thurr profile, yet wha thurr actions dont reflect it. I think in a sense people need to take accountability for wha they say & do. Anyway, well thas my two cents for the day...ha
Oh man was work eva so chill yesterday, I left early and i didnt do anything throughout the 4 hours i was thurr. Yess! Well i did mop the floor in the hall cuz, the floors were so sticky that it was bugging me. After i was done i saw my boss had went home already, so i thought ha im going home too. Stopped by the other cetner to pick up the equipment and on the way home I really was thinking bout the community. Im praying that within these next two yurrs, that the community will really flourish and grow. During the mejia administration we tried and learned many new things. Im praying that the same way w/the new administration, new fruits will come out of these next two yurrs. It all comes down to juss trusting God and letting go.
"Con the rap this like John the Baptist/prepare the way for what I came to say today..."im done, im out God bless!
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