"In this world sow seeds of righteousness, and in the Resurrection gather them in..."
I'm excited cuz by the end of this week, SH will have a new OHS. In other words, a new Overall Head Servant. It's always exciting to see new leadership, new leadership grow, and take the community to a whole new level. Although its only been 2 yurrs, I feel like ive been on core forever! ha Not that it's a bad thing either, within the past couple yurrs I've seen many different things. I've also learned so much in terms of growth and leadership. I praise God that He allowed me to serve as a leader in this community. I only pray that whoever the new core maybe, that only good fruits come out of these next two yurrs. Praise God!
Yesterday was nice, it was good well deserved day off. To chill, relax around the house and juss sleep in. Alaine was kind enough to invite us ova for her small little bbq and kick back. It was funny cuz mike, fred, and I all went whurring green shorts, but in different shades. The breeze was flowing and sun was out, it felt like a sunday afternoon! haha Like that song, 'we were chillin in the purrk juss waiting for the sun to go down...' She had some of her friends ova swimmin in the pool. It was funny cuz i think the 3 of us were the oldest ones thurr. THe seaahurrrss brbrrbrbbr! haah
Praise God that former president clinton's hurrt surgery went well. My prayers go out to the victims of the violence in russia. I feel bad for thurr families and for the acts of terroists thas taken place in thurr family. May God have mercy on their souls. MAan I really dont know whurr the US is going w/this war in iraq, 7 more soliders are now dead. Thas why im hoping well have new leadership er a new president to help change things. It's juss been waaaayyy tooo hot these past couple of days! Agh!!!
"Baby im locked up, they wont let me out..." im done, im out God bless!
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