The Counter Is Finally Put In!
"Behold the power of the Virgin Mother: She wounded and took captive the heart of God..."
You know at the Exhibit on saturday, we saw the Pope's Coat of Arms. What i really loved bout our current Pope's is that he made it a bit different. If you can see he has a little 'M,' in the corner of the coat of arms. These 'M,' represents his strong devotion to our Blessed Mother. The Pope's Motto is, 'Totus, Totus,' which means 'All Yours.' This comes from the prayer, 'I belong to you entirely and all that I possess is yours. I take you into everything that is mine. Give me your heart, Mary.' I thought this prayer was freakin d0pe cuz the words of the prayer have soo much meaning. This month is we celebrate four feasts day, the birth of Our Virgin Mary on Sept. 8. Yay for Mama Mary's birfday! Then on Sept. 12, we celebrate the name of Mary. 15th we celebrate Our Lady of Sorrows and on the 24th, Our Lady of Compassion. I love it!!!
Those who know me, know that I send out these daily devotionals. Anyway, I especially loved todays bout how Blessed Teresa said, 'let us learn from her: Humility, purity, sharing, and thoughfulness. We will then, like Mary, become holy people, being able to look up and see only Jesus; and we will be able to spread his fragrance everywhere we go. We will flood our souls with his Spirit and so in us, through us, and with us glorify the Father.' So much truth and meaning in that, Amen!
Skool was alright yesterday agh my breaks in between class are boring. Its too difficult to really leave campus cuz purrking can be so difficult to find. So i walk around on the phone, i tell you im walking around campus in circle like 1000 times. Ha agh i have no friends at skool friend! Agh then i saw these two kids, theyre probably maybe incoming freshmen or whatever. ANyway, so they were showing total pda. I thought, 'agh were not in HS anymore!' haha Then in psych we had this group discussion. THe instructor had put these statements on the board, and we had determine whether they were true or false. Agh imma try to make friends in class friend! ha
Work has been real chill and kick back lately, which is nice. THe kids have been good and the whole 2 hour programming really goes by fast. Its fun how we all juss mess around and tease each other at work. Yay we got the hall for SH Cafe again!! AGh praise God i think that they forgot bout the door incidet last yurr. Whew! I gotta think of way to re organize and plan my fall-winter program. I want tables in my room, like round ones. Agh i juss dont like asking for supplies. Agh its been hot lately too...!
So i had this whole usher/kanYe west ticket situation yesterday. I was almost afraid that i wasnt gonna get them. Praise God that the guy was nice enough and we were able to work the thing out. Yay! I bought The Passion of the Christ movie yesterday, i ran into dave thurr @ best buy. Great guy he is, has a funny sense of humor. Prayer meeting was juss d0pe too. Last nite was juss extra d0pe cuz the spirit was really juss moving all of us. The propehcys all directed to loving one another and serving. HOJ came down too, so that was cool. I need to pick a sat. whurr im free so i can head down thurr to visit.
Afterwurrds met up w/a friend and we juss chilled. Talked bout ol times and reminicsed bout the ol hs days. Ha its funny when you think bout juss the way you whur and things you did back then. Im grateful that I still keep in touch w/some of the people from HS. Even though its a long tiem away, i am excited for my HS reunion. I think it would be tight if it was like an all skool reunion between such and such time. That'd be real interesting to see wha people are doing, whether they have kids or not. Anyway, i need to get ready for skool today.
Agh until next time friends, be Jesus! yay!! OH yeah btw, we finally got put in our counter top! The little island in the kitchen looks so much better now. Maybe ill have eerrone ova to celebrate w/a hol em game...yeah right! haha OH yeah, thurrs murr i wanted to say. I guess im not done blogging yet. Mike TM made a tag on burrs blog bout our govenors comment during this speech at the RNC. Agh! can we stop using the word 'girlie men?!' Okay, yeah the first time was funny, but now its juss played out. Get over it arnie!!! The movies are ova, its time fo real life stuff. I read the text of speech last nite bout him growing up and blah blah blah. After i read it, i said to myself, 'Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooo currrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs!'
Agh my coworker and i doubled our election bet, its now up to $40. He said, come nov. 3 juss leave the $$ on my desk, imma feel awkwurrd asking for it. Hah i told him the same thing, 62 moe days until we send dubya back to his ranch in texas. 62 moe days until we have the first eva female speaker of the house. 62 moe days until we have new leadership in the white house! I cant wait! SPeaking of elections, please keep SH in your prayers as we discern new leadership for next yurr. I'm excited, im done now forreal! haha
"New York is mine/Relax ya mind..."im done, im out God bless!
At 12:32 PM, J'me/Jen said…
hey hmm I didn't know that about the "Totus" hmm cool!! u learn somthing everyday. Mary is a perfect example of a a disciple of obedience..shooot if she didn't say that yes and broke the laws, she wouldn't bring JEsus in the if u think about it she's a radical or a rebel . see ya and God Bless..keep bloggin.
- J'me (HOJ)
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