Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Sunday, August 15

Reading Rainbow

"Read some chapter of a devout is very easy and most necessary, for just speak to God when at prayer, God speaks to you when you read..."

Errday at work i have between 15-20 min of silent reading time for the kids. I feel its necessary for the kids to continue to keep thurr brains flowing even though theyre at summer. Besides, reading helps you build up your comprehension and vocab levels. So while they read, i try to lead by example by reading also. I need to finish the book fr. paul gave me to read on the bio of St. Catherine of Siena. During the times i read it, i was sooo into it that it was hurrd for me to put it down. THen last fri. i ended up buying the book, 'the gift of faith' from gaby. Im having a little difficulty getting into it. Maybe cuz its so deep that im having a hard time concentraiting in my environment im in.

On top of those books i still have a list of other books that i sturred but never finished. One of them being the Purpose Driven Life. Geez, i dont even know whurr i left off in that book. THough i do miss though errwednesday bible studies we'd use to have. Thurr was a lot of good points and lessons in that book. I need to get back into it reading that one. Then couple christmas' ago burr gave me 'how to win friends and influence people' book. AHh i have yet to finish that one either. Im like half way through that one, but the print is soo small in that book that it gets tiring after a while.

Im excited for SCRC to come not only cuz of the talks, but cuz of the great vendors they got thurr. I hope they a group selling the rosary braclets again, if so imma buy 10! Juss cuz mine always get snapped off. I hope they also have bible durry for next yurr i can buy. The bible durry is my daily mass & sunday mass companion whurr i can write down notes from the homily. Its coo cuz the weekend of scrc conference ive juss gotten paid. Yess! So ill be spending mucho money thurr like i did last yurr. I can never get turrd of walking around n the vendors area, thas whurr you run into errone also.

Aalaine asked me if i was gonna have like an end of summer bbq or something. I told her for the past two yurrs i usually threw an end of the summer bonfurr. Fellowship w/errone, have some good food, good times, and end it w/some good praise & worship music. I remember the first yurr i had it, that was tight. SOL & LOG came and we all went to bjs afterwurrds. THough because my saturdays are booked for the rest of the month, thurr probably wont be any. LF lss is next weekend then SH mission trip purrt III is the weekend after that. Then right after that weekend is SCRC conference. So im booked until the 2nd weekend in september. Sorry friends! I told yall this was gonna be one busy summa.

I went over to the house imma be housesitting this upcoming week. Im excited cuz they got a spa so its gonna be a nice after a long day of work to juss chilll. THe parks & rec commmisioner is so swe3t, she told me to make this my home. If i want to friends over or if i want to have a purrty its coo juss help myself to whatever i want. She told me to think of it as a bachelor's pad haha let the good times roooooollll! Besides that its real close to work so itd take me 5 min. rather than 10 to get to work also.

Agh i juss got back from work i got called in to an emergency. This has got to have been the worse situation eva. Apparently, thurr was a wedding reception going on. Thurr dj had turned on the fog machine which caused the furr alurm to go off. The security comp. calls me and tells me of the emergency and wants to know if i could turn it off. Well i couldnt turn it off and the alurrm was juss going crraazzy. Its this annoying ringing sound thats high pitched so you could go deaf! Anyway, my other supervisor comes down and after an hour of trying eerrthang we get shut off. Praise God! Ahhh!

I was going to go out w/reirich tonite but well that one fell through the cracks. So the convo went a little something like this...
r: yeah im bored too
JPFish187: thurrs nothing to do the in the OC
JPFish187: lets chill like we did during ol times
r: ok plan somethin
JPFish187: lets go to the spectrum
r: hahhaha, i was jus there last nite
JPFish187: okay nm lets go to city walk!
r: pick me up
JPFish187: whaaaa
JPFish187: come down here and ill drive
r: cmon ...... u would go if it was yfc people(typical reirich throwing the youd do for errone else except me currd)
JPFish187: alrihgt then fine if i come and pick you up
JPFish187: youll go?
JPFish187: cuz if so imma leave now
r: hahahhahahha
r: let me think about it
JPFish187: see okay then!
r: hahhahahaah
JPFish187: maan lets juss go
r: who's goin?
r: eh i dont feel like going anymoe
r: hahahhahahaah

Ahhh now thas not the first time thas happened either...agh! Oh well at least i wsa able to clurr out my filing cabinets to deliver to the burr and boss lady tomorrow! yay! one person's junk becomes another person's treasure! With those gone itll definetly give me a lot more space in my room now. Id really like to get rid of that dresser and get a lot smaller one. I spent most of the afternoon going through these yfc xangas, i dont know why. Anyway, i came across some pretty interesting ones.

My thought for today is this, a couple sundays ago i was talking to this one guy named tiga. I met him at the yfc after purrty in norfridge. Anyway, we were talking bout taking responsibility for your actions. Something that ive taken notice of w/people. Now im not trying to judge but its more less of an observation that ive made. People these days dont take responsibility for who they represent. Example youre from such and such group and someone comes across a pic of you flicking off the camera. I know one person;s action doesnt reflect the whole group, however youre still purrt of that group. So wha you say and do has an affect, juss like cause & affect.

It doesnt matter whether youre an active, inactive, leader or non leader of the group. If you were a purt of that group or are a purt of it you represent them. So wha you say and do represents not only yourself but the party you represent. Basically juss take accountaibilty for wha you do and say. Keep each other in check cuz God told us were all accountable for each other. "If i say to the wicked man, you shall surely die; and you do not warn him or speak out in dissuade him from his wicked conduct so that he may live: that wicked man shall die for his sin, but i will you responsible for his death. If, on the other hand, you have warned the wicked man, yet he has not turned away from his evil nor from his wicked conduct, then he shall for his sin, but you shall save your life." Ezekial 3:18-19 Now that youve read this, you are now accountable yess!

Alright those are my thoughts for today and if it's in his will i'll see yall tomorrow!

I love to reeadd!

"You're the one that keeps me strong/You're the fire that keeps me warm..."im done, im out God bless!


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