Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Monday, September 6

Brace Yourself-It's a Long One!

"We canonize people, not personalities..."

You have been warned that this entry maybe a long one. Ha depending on how I feel, it will include synopsis of SCRC and the whole summer. I know some of yall hate the long entries and think, 'oh why?!' My advice for that ha is to then scroll and then 'pick & choose' wha you want to read. Enjoy and have fun reading! I gotta do the 'Holla Back' first before i forget!

Holla Back!
jme: I used to dread waking up early too. But doesn't it feel like you accomplish so much more? Or am I just a dork
No I totally agree w/you, waking up early does have its perks. Sometimes you get more done, when you sturrt your day earlier.

Em: Take curr of health so you have energy like your youthful days!
Agh, take curr of health so i can be young again! yay!!

Alaine: did I say loser? i meant individualist
Agh, maybe youre the loser! jk juss go and play w/your new $1200 purse! haha

Alaine: awww fish you are soo lucky to have good friends who will stay on the fone with you so that you dont look like a loser hahaha
Agh yeah I know praise God for those people who stay on the phone w/me @ skool.

j'me (HOJ): hey isda ! just for some correction..when i meant "materNAL" I mEANT-hav a family and kids.not materIAL...hehe but yea i think about that too being MATERIALISTIC.
haha youre so funny, you always gotta correct yourself to make sure i understand! haha yeah i get wha you mean though. Great seeing you again this weekend! Had fun holding the flags w/your community!

cy: ...hmm... isn't it "totus tuus?" eh... i'm probably wrong. hehe
Hmm i dont think so, i went to look it up on and it said 'totus, totus.' Thas wha it also said at the vatican exhibit also. Hope youre doing well, im praying for you! Give me a call sometime this week.

archNME: agh, get kanye's Jesus piece friend! j/k, don't do it...really..i know u would cuz ur a crazy jfish taco! make sure u hold jay's hand cuz he gets scared in concerts okay friend? bye!
Agh, see im replying back to your tag! I always do! agh they didnt have Jesus' pieces at the concer friend! Oh why?! AGH i love rubio's fish tacos friend!

Alaine: what happened to making shorter entries??
Agh who currs bout short entries!

burr: agh imma tell your boss about the door incident then u won't have power yes!! hahaah
Agh no, then we wont be able to have SH cafe and then errone will blame it on you for not having it! yess!

crispy: read the myspace message i sent u about the usher concert.
I know i read it youre a trip!

Alaine: shoot I'm not jealous!!! its not like Usher is all that good looking ANYWAY...I'd rather stay home and respond to "dear alaine" letters..well once I get around to them
AGh you missed out friend! ha ha! yesss stay home and write dear alaine letters!

mikeTM: sneak in video camera at concert friend!
Agh i know i wish it was that easy friend!

burr: yay u got tickets friend! agh where's mine!? oh why!?
Agh sorry friend no tickets for you, next time! yay!!!

Fredberg, Inc.: agh, when's ur concert, friend?
Agh concert was thursday friend!

burr: agh your money is not good hurr friend. keep it hahahaha!
Agh no i need to give you $$ to help pay for gas! haha

burr: haha we had good times this weekend with freinds yay!!!
Agh good times this weekend friend! haha

Fred: I wanted to go to Santana's too
Agh you shouldve went friend instead of going home.

Fred: agh, who'd u pick for leader, friend?
Secret!!! hahahahahahaha

Jon: mr fish! when are you coming down for your sh cameo at hoj?! we can do the ________ interview! ahah j/k that idea had fizzled out, but you're more than welcome to visit
SH caemo huh?! For wha?! Yeah i need to make a visit, when things slow down a bit, ill come up to visit.

Geez Louise: The devotions don't make much sense sometimes. Maybe it's lost in the
translation... like many things written long ago.
Well if they dont make sense, why not educate yourself, do some research and find out wha certain of them mean. To me, I think theyre pretty straight and simple. IF you questiosn, you could always ask me also.

Praise God that SCRC always lands on labor day weekend, so people get a day to recooperate and rest. I know i totally knocked out coming home from the conference. All the heat, walking back and forth, and errthang else exhausts me! ha I woke up early this morning cuz i wanted to get thurr a little earlier to buy last min. stuff. I knew that better early while i have the time, then later on when im rushing. My mom made lunch today for errone to, praise God that she did that for me. Yay!!

We got thurr bout 9am, agh the $8 a day purrking juss kills me. Oh whY?! I remember the first yurr, when i went w/anne, and justine, thurr uncle worked at the hilton so we got free purrking pass! yay! Agh now we gotta pay for purrking, they should create some type of deal whurr you can buy a purrking pass or something. $8x3 days thas $24 for the whole weekend, on top of the conference fees already. Agh i bet the $$ for purrking goes to the city of anaheim too! haha So i walked around bought these 'understanding the catcheism' work books. I figured theyd come in hand for SRE in the upcoming yurrs. Its d0pe cuz thurrs 4 books that relate some of the main essentials and teaching of the catholic church. Liturgy & Sacraments, Morality, prayer, and the creed. They sold out of the morality one, oh why?! Id have to go to the sturr and buy it thurr.

930am came and i went to the first talk of the day, which was on discernment. Sis. Kathleen bryant from the Archdioscese came and talked bout the different vocations. I loved how all the talks kinda piggy back off of each other. She really emphasized juss surrendering our hearts into God's hands. Talked bout the nudge/tug in your heart in regards to certain vocations. The main point she said we need to remember that God has called us by name and we are his. She said God calls us because of our weaknesses and strengths, not in spite.

I learned in hebrew that the real meaning of God's will is yearning for us to holy and intimate. As St. Ignatius Loyola said, 'Use the gifts God gave you.' Then talked bout a Saint is a person whos personality is characteristics are unbounded love, creative energy, and deep pervasive joy. So in discern she gave us some things we need...

1. Imagination-Enables us to be open to God's will.
2. Brain-Get the facts about the religous, married, and single life
3. Listen to your heart- God speaks through the word.
4. Guts-It demands a lot of courage doing God's will. God gives you the courage though to do his willl.

She made a good point bout how in doing God's will the road wont be easy. Thurr will be a lot of suffering, but He says, 'My grace is sufficient for you.' The whole theme for the convention this yurr. Thurr will be times when we go through the whole pashcal mystery-the dying and the rising. We need to listen to our deepest desires. The clue to determine God's will is whurr does my heart jump for joy? A saint doesnt visit the world, but goes into the depths of the world. Again we are called to use our gifts and be enthusastic bout serving God. At the end she said, this, 'Faith is not standing at the a safe distance from God. ' We need to use errmuscle in our body to give greater glory to Him, and embracing errthang we have, not putting limits to God's will.

That was a really good talk, one that i enjoyed. Jennif was saying maybe i should discern the single life. While i had jay in the back telling me im called to the religous life. The talk after that was called, 'Got Gifts?' Though it really focused more less the emo, spiritual, and mental healing. Thurr whurr 3 different priests that talked bout the 3 different topics. Fr. Reynolds said that our Holy Father is charismatic and the whole traumatic experience w/his brother dying. Thurrs this one priest, Charles Lueras who errtime i see him, i think of John Kerry cuz he looks like him. After all the talks then we prayed over each other for healing. Agh charisse didnt want to be my partner so i had to partner up w/dave and jennif.

Lunch was good, abudnance of rice and food! wOoo! After i ate walked around the vendors area w/charisse and noel. Actually it ended up juss being charisse, we had a good convo. as we walked around and shopped. I bought this d0pe shirt that says, 'Father God with your help...' then on teh back it says, 'I will carry the cross.' It has a little boy in the back carrying his cross. Bought some more rosary bracelts cuz i know mine will eventually snap. Fr. Sears prayed ova me and i ended up resting in the spirit for the first time. Its a pretty crazy but good feeling. Ended the day w/mass, i got to help curry the gifts. It's a blessing ot be able to participate in the mass!

The after mass is sad cuz the whole fun, spirit-filled weekend is ova. It was really great to juss participate and not be active. THough praise God I was able to actually go...for free. Fred and i ran into this young couple who whurr in thurr late 20's. Anyway, learned they were in YFC/SFC and kinda taking a step back learning to grow in other areas. It was thurr first time at the convetion and they came all the up from norcal. Craazzzzy! Praise God cuz they juss loved it! They loved how its open to anyone, of all ages, ethinicities, and demoninations. We had a good convo bout working together to build up the kingdom of God. How communities need to come together and work together in order to do that. Praise God who you shurr the same goals and visions that you do bout your faith. I love stuff like that. Thas it for SCRC 2004-i think this was my fav one!

Summer 2004 in Review-
So the summer is finally over, and wha can i say but praise God!!! God has been soo good to me this summer allowing me to grow through so many different people, and activities. As ive mentioned before, this has probably been the best summer eva! Ive been to a lot of places, seen a lot of faces and its all helped me bring me back to that hurrt of worship. This summer helped me really fall in love w/Jesus all ova. It made me realize how much love i have for my church, my community, and my faith. So praise & thank the Lord for all the graces and blessings he has poured onto me.

June was busy w/so many things to prep for. The LSS, the wedding, Spirit Games all in that order too! ha It was coo cuz the community bonded a lot too. We did the whole beach thingy, meeting homeless burrs yay! The blog theme of relationships for the month, errone give thurr input on how they view relationships and wha they want out of them. The gradutations and the 'goodbyes.' The last yfc meeting of the qtr, w/the whole 'reach out and touch somebody' activity. Really learning the meaning of wha community means and wha it does. Getting to know errone a lot better in the spirit games retreat @ daygo. SOL Daygo providing us w/so much food! The Unforgettable agape meal, shurred w/some great brothers and sisters. Learning to see Jesus through each other at the same time.

Spending the day at the 'Prince of Peace' Abbey in oceanside w/Fr. Paul. I miss that guy, i think hes back from ecuador already. Learning how to play hol em for the first time! ha The after first friday sPc mass 'senior luau' at the purrking lot. Then going to the kings real world house for hol em and more fun! hahah good times!!! The 'how beautiful' end of the yurr liwanag dinner, i got the prince of peace on CD now! Taking great pictures to frame! Being ex fake gf's 2nd best! haha Interfaith-whurr errrbody knows your name! Champions closing for good, staying at the peacock suites, and practicing the suicide skit in the purrking structure till the break of dawn! ha Then of course ending the month w/the Youf/Young Adult LSS. HOJ coming out to support, and getting to know them better. It was like two yurrs ago when LOG would come out all the time.

July-So many great things happened in july! Made it through anotha yurr at the city of Stanton, making it two yurrs now. Celebrating my 22nd birfday w/wonderful friends and fam bam. Charisse giving me a foot spa! yay!! The hol em tourney going on forever in the front yurrd driveway. Going to fridays afterwurrds w/the ol skool crew. Oh yeah also getting a raise for the new fiscal yurr. Started the 2nd phase of the kitchen remodeling, demolishing the 'bar.' Getting my suit for the wedding last min. Checking out the furrworks @ downtown diney. Buying last min. stuff to get fo the wedding.

Leaving on a jet-plane to the island of maui for the wedding! It was like a saved by the bell episode in a sense! haha Except zack and kelly whurr robby and emelne, and SH was slater, and all them. Haha! Almost turring up at the wedding! Awww!!! Having an 'SH' during the reception! haha. Blogging from maui, taking tons of pics of errthang. Aloha Mixed plate's pinacoladas and kalbi ribs! I miss that!!! yum!! Late nite walks back and forf up front street. Looking for beaches to snorkle at. Climbing and sitting on the banyan tree. Lean back w/lyn² at the little store next to the snorkle shop. Maggots and Achie's 27th birfday...hey that guy will from SCRC is 27 too! Coincidence?! haha jk Making friends w/boss lady's friend, going clubbin, and dancing til 6 in the morning!

Watching the sunrise from the top of Halaeka crater and saying, 'agh hurry up sun!' Cuddling trying to create body heat and keep wurrm. Being drained the rest of the day. The pineapple all you can drink at the luau! Posing in front of the twin falls, snorkling, and more shopping. Sitting next to el juego on the way over and on the way on the plane. Yay friend!!! Coming back and having maui withdrawls for the rest of the month. Agh going back to work! agH!!! GOing to my first YFC conference in riverside. Attempting to meet new yfcers from outta state. yay!!!

August-Oh man those first two weekends of august were soo packed. The only way i made it through it all is w/God's grace. Summerfest going real smooth and finally being over! Agh, hopefully it'll be my last one! ha Jesty being my new coworker at the city. Celebrating the 1st eva annual spirit games @ UCI. Praise God to see the fruits of months of labor come together. Praise God to see catholic communities united together as one body in Christ. Praise God for the core teams effort and hard work. Praise God for the wonderful mass and singing "One body in Christ" in a circle, followed by 'Lualey!' haha If only we had a pic from above...

THe carshow the next day...praise God i didnt have to work a full day for that one. Singing at the 1045am mass errsunday, then eating out afterwurrds. Seeing 'rbf' come around all ova again. Ha! Chillin w/heif a lot. Complaining bout bad services at the restaraunts and getting discounts off the check. Being 'Acting Supervisor' for the week at work, while my boss was away. Watching the olympics errrday. Mike Cruz leaving to try out and the discern the religous life. Going to LF's LSS, well one day of it that is. My boss' gf's friend going crazy at thurr housewurrming purrty. Sturrting skool again...oh why?! Going to the kanye west/usher concert w/el juego.

Ennnnnnnd Sceeeene! Praise God for all the great things that happened this summer. Its hard to believe its all ova. Im excited for the new things God has planned not only for me but for SH. Praise God it's gonna be a great yurr filled im praying w/many fruits. So as summer closes...'I want to thank you Lord for everything you have provided me with. Increase my faith that i may continue to become closer and closer to you. Be my hands and my feet that i may serve to be love to those are seeking you. Mama Mary, continue to pray for me that people will see your son's love shinning through me. Pray and protect all the upcoming plans i have and things im discerning. All this i ask, in Jesus name. Amen.'

That's a wrap errbody!

"I believe in the impossible/If I reach deep within my heart..."im done, im out God bless!


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