Heavy Eyes
"The hardest part of taking that step forward is knowing that your footprints are bound to be erased by the marking of someone else..."
Every once in a while, when I go to visit Jesus at sPv, on saturdays, thurrs always a weddign happening. Its fun watching them through the chapel and see how happy the two couple are. Especially, when it comes to a filipino wedding. It makes you want to go out and be purrt of the wedding purty. As I was coming into the church, the wedding was already over. Yet I couldnt help to be curious to see whole the couple whurr, so I picked up a program. It seemed like a nice small wedding. Young couple, probably in thurr late 20's or so. The reception was happening in la habra. I prayed for them while I was thurr, praying for a good solid catholic marriage. Really based on love for God and for each other. Weddings are fun to go!
Went to 1215pm mass today and something kinda weirded me out. So hurr I was praying before mass sturrts and my thoughts are disturbed as I hurr someone calling out my name. You know how that is, youre like deep in prayer then all of sudden you get thrown off by something. Anyway, so I hurr 'fish, fish' I dont know a couple of times. I wasnt sure if I was hurring things or someone really was calling my name. I turned around and it was one of my kids. He was like 'wassup fish,' to me, so I kinda juss gave him the nodd. It was weird cuz whenever I go to 1215pm mass, he never says sup to me. It was cool he said hi though. One thing that makes me happy is whne youre at mass and you see your kids going too. Praise God!
More to come later on...falling asleep
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