Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Friday, January 3

"Let us continue to be strenuous in the pursuit of virtue. LEt us not grow tired of seeking it, for our Lord has become a guide for us and for every person who has a desire for the virtues. And so that it might not be tedious for us, Saint Paul became our example when he said, "I die daily." Now, if we were to think each day that we had to DIE that day, we would never sin at all. This is the explanation of Paul's saying...If we were to keep the imminence of our death in mind, we would never be overcome by sin: lust which is fleeting would never reign over us: we would never harbor anger agaisnt another human being; we would not love the possessions which pass away; and we would forgive every person who offended us...Therefore, o my beloved, let us be zealous in carrying out the work we have committed ourselves to, and let us travel to the end on the roard on which we have begun our journey," -St. Athanasius.
"God said: I have placed you in the midst of your fellows that you may do to them what you cannot do to me, that is to say that you may love our neighbor freely without expecting anything return from him, and what you do to him i count as done to me."-Dialouge of St. Catherine Siena

That very last line of St. Catherine's quote sticks out in my mind rigt now. "and what you do to him i could as done to me." Why do we feel the need to constantly judge our own brothers and sisters? Why do we look at them and point fingers? its wrong, ugly and not right to do at all. God put us all on this earth for a reason, he put errone into a commuity for a reason. I hate it when i am judged or criticized for something that i was "heard" that ive done or "supposedly" seen that ive done. That's whack and irritates me that we constantly do this to our own brothers and sisters. For all we know, that could be God were judging right in front of us and were so oblivious to it. Yeah, i know i do it, but i pray constantly that God gives me the grace for patience to help me clear my mind of ugly thoughts before talking to the person. I hate it when people assume things w/o taking the time out to ask the person. We are no better than any the person next to us. We are all unique and have individual personalities, that is why there is no two of the same kind.

Sooo many times, we can be too quick to judge our own brothers and sisters w/o looking at our own self first. What You knwo what grows w/judgement? anger, jealousy and envy! all ugly & nasty sins. The Kindness book says, "If there were true chairty in your heart, you would be glad to see good in your neighbor and to think well of them." Not point out their faults!!!!!!!!! Not to say i think you did this wrong and you need to correct it now. When you point out peoples faults or "faultfind" it shows your own narrowness in mind. Finding fault in someones, requires little intelligence but to the person who is pointing the fault out they think its wisdom. Nothing is easier then fault finding, it requires no talent, no character, no self-denial, and no brains are required to set up this grumbling business.

Recall your own faults before you look at ours, borrow your friends glasses to take a look at yourself. SEE YOURSELF AS OTHERS SEE YOU, then you may not believe what you see! St Therese of the child of Jesus wrote in her autobio, "If, when i deisre to increase my heart of love of my neighbor, then demon tries to set before my eyes the faults of one or another of the sisters, i hasten to call to mind her virtues, her good desires;i say to myself that, if i have seen her fall once, she may well have won many victories which she conceals through humility; and that even what appears to me a fault in truth be an act of virtue by reason of the intention."

St. Pauls says, "Why do you pass judgement on or brother? or...Why do you despise your brother? For we shall all stand before the judgement of God."- Rom. 14:10 Point said and done, if you dont understand then ask me! its pretty blunt and pointed out, i dont know how much more explaning St. Paul couldve done. St. James says, "there is one lawgiver and judge: He who is able to save and to destroy. BUt WHO are YOU that YOU judge YOUR neighbor?" -James 4:12 makes sense right? so lets stop this stupid sin of passing judgement, lets open our eyes up a little wider to look ourselves before we open our mouths.

Check it, if youre faced with such difficulities(passing judgement), remember the following considersations.
1. Recall your own faults.
2. Appreciate the differences between people.
3. Remember YOUR duty as a genuine Christian.

Thought for the day~
"A good man out of the good treasures of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things"-matthew 12:35
basic message: Be careful before you pass judgement on another. Youre revealing something about yourself, and your words may come back to bite you!

"We gotta make a change...It's time for us as a people to start makin' some changes. Let's change the way we eat, let's change the way we live and let's change the way we treat each other. You see the old way wasn't working so it's on us to do what we gotta do, to survive." im out God bless!



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