"We will never know how much just a simple smile will do..."
A simple smile does go a long way, if we make that effort to do so. A simple but yet meaningful smile, not a fake let me put up a front smile. I read in the kindness book, a smile can turn someone whole day around, they could be having the worst day but a smile could change that all around.
Well i think im catching a cold or something like that, i woke up w/a stuffed up nose blah! or its allergies or something, it got a lot better throughout the day just wish it was cleared up. Went to mass, and i had the hardest time cuz of my nose. It was hard for me to concentrate cuz i had to leave to blow my nose. Agh i hate when my sinuses act up like this, for some reason the claritan i took didnt clear it up either. usually thas the only thing it takes to clear it up. i took some tylenol sinuses medicine too, i think thas working. I think i juss cant be in hot stuffed up place other wise my nose will get stuffed up too.
Came home went to jays trying to search for that song, "one little candle." I guess i gotta wait till the velascos come back to borrow my prayer buddies CD. Anyway, we couldnt find it so i went home, ate lunch and then took a nice little nap. THe nap felt good, woke up and went to music ministyr practice. We got to practice the new song imma intro. when i lead next tues. wooooo! The practice went well, they got the new song down and i cant wait to play it! Aela picked a great line up, her lineup is kinda similar to the same songs i picked out when i lead.
Im still debating whether imma go to uci on tues, cuz mizike isnt gonna go anymore cuz he wants to play. so i gotta figure wha imma gonna do. At first i thought i would juss go, but now that i think of it i might not.
Went to cerritos mall w/boss lady & kuya after practice, we were looking for JL's bday gift. Which reminds me i shoudl text her right now to say happy birfday! Mizike met up w/us too later on @ the mall. We all pitched in to buy her gift. Its fun chillin w/boss lady & kuya, to me i think theyre good examples of hmm smile that could warm up anyones day. its great cuz theyre so radiate joy to other people! THeyre a beautfiul examples of love, kindess & generosity! i see Jesus' light shine through them when i see them or talk to them. haha changing subjects right quick my sister is trippin out cuz the satellite signal got lost ro something. she said "Great now we cant watch Tv cuz of the sattelite signal." hahah she swears its the last thing on the earth. THas what i mean bout being dependent on materialistic objects. Anyway going back to kuya & boss lady to sum it all up, to me theyre exaclty what 1 corinthians 13:1-13 says bout love. I think i said this before, i know its corny but its true... i think when the met and came together thas when the angels whispered, "perfect!"
Went to eat @ el torrito w/the fam bam later on that evening. I dnt think ive ever been there during dinner, im not really into mexican food that much. i was getting kinda irratated cuz our server sucked!! first off i think he was well nevermind. THen it took him a long time to come over to even greet us or at least give us water! so he finally comes and gives our drinks but that took forever. I dont like service that sucks, it kinda ruins your whole meal in a way. We didnt even have silverware @ our table ahh booo.
Met up w/aela, fred, arch, anotiono, jay and mike later on for some fellowship @ starbucks. It was pretty fun, yes yes good times good times! aela had cracked a few jokes on jay on some stuff he had said. i was busting up cuz it was hillarious! i dont think jay had realized what he said the first time hahaha. IT was funny cuz jay told aela what skool he wanted to transfer to, then aela told arch, arch told fred, fred told mizike and i told antonio soon enough errone heard it. hahahah it was so funny you had to of been there. then she later on told him he should be a panda bear instead of a bear for such reasons. ahhh fun & games yes yes, its fun when we can get together and juss mess around.
well thas bout it, i should some things together to go to work. Wooo work! ahhaa i will leave with this thought though, "in loving one another through our works we bring an increase of grace and a growth in divine love."
"Keep On' Keepin On, Cause you came and you changed my world. Your love so brand new. Keep on keep kickin' on. Doin it right, right,right..." im done...im out GOd bless!
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