Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Friday, February 21

Who will help you in the hour of sickness;
Who will lend you a dollar without deducting the interest;
Who will help you uphill when you are sliding down;
Who will defend you in the hour when others speak evil of you;
Who will believe in your innocence until you admit your guilt;
Who will say behind your back what he says to your face;
Who will shake hands with you wherever he meets you, even though you
wear patches; and
Who will do all these things without expecting any return.

With that being said, i feeel better now than i did last nite. This has juss been a hard week for me, my mind has been like a ticker tape. Juss all these thoughts running through my head, so much on my mind it cant recline. On my way home from lunch w/kuya and mizike i finally felt good. i was juss going all out in club mind, w/cmon on over! haha that song is d0pe, thas like a dance jam. I remember that video too, it was pretty d0pe!! thanks CA for making me feel better today! haha

yesterday was a busy day for me, especially @ work. Usually i leave before 6pm but i ended up leaving a little bit after 6pm. The clerk was out all day, so i was up in the front answering phones, while making flyers @ the same time. I hate making those flyers they take forever to make and sometimes i have to redo them like 10 times! then i had my after skool program to do also, we remade those apple pigs. That was i guess fun, you know by the time that class starts, i feel so tired. Good thing we didnt have extra time, cuz i felt too tired to entertain them. It was perfect timing having them decorate and make their own apparons. Then there was this family who was suppose to come @ 5pm, to do a walk thru. They didnt show up till 530, on top of that they still had to pay the balance of their party. Which also included the security as well, so i was runnign back and forth to city side getting change. ITs hard w/o the clerk there, and only having one rec leader in the afternoon. So i didnt get to get off till after 6, then rush home get stuff together for class.

Went to meet up w/achie, atche, strider, and babyvee for dinner @ dennys. That was nice, it was tight cuz instead of mash potatoes they gave me 2 country fried steaks instead of one! ooooOh yeah!! mmm mmm i didnt even get to finish it though cuz i was full from snacking so much @ work. After class, went to SRE and we talked botu being persecuted. I also did the same type of meditation i did w/ the other kids on tues. Though i think the other kids got more out of it then my kids. Its hard to get to them cuz i dont know if they understand whas going on. Well i knwo some of them do, not exactly all of them. After class, we all went to pray the rosary in the class. That was really nice, it felt nice and at peace.

Went to the soratorios after class and juss chilled there for a while. I love going to their house, its like my other home away from home! forreal!! i was able to redo my blog over there and some other stuff. lyn lyn made me some easy mac too, which tasted yummmy!!! oh i found out today that an old friend of mine is getting married next year. Which is crazy cuz her and her bf or fiance or whatever he is, theyve only been together barely 2 years! i think its two years this month, and theyre already living together. He told me that the ring he got her is platinum and on top of that he;s still making payments on another ring he got her. Dang, must be nice to have all thsi money and stuff. i was telling kuya i dont think their marriage is gonna last being theyre rushing it. They have an "A" frame type of relationship, which err couple should aim for a "m" frame relationship. oh how fast time goes by, man i can remember exactly what was going on in my life last year. It was so different than it is now.

I had a nice talk w/anthoneezy online alst nite too. I told him a funny story that ja mess told me earlier that nite. Well there was little boy who wanted to go dineyland right, i guess his uncle didnt really wanna go or something like that. So he takes him into car and the uncle thought "oh i know where ill take him!" The uncle and the nephew go into the car and they pass by this old abandon burnt down building. He told his nephew, "well hurr we are, it looks like dineyland got burnt down though." hahaha oh man that was funny but sad @ the same time. Poor little kid who probably got his hopes up on going to dineyland.

Well i must be off for i need to go to mass. i ahvent been to daily mass in a while, ever since skool started again. until tonite, hurr is soem more food for thought, View the world as your canvas. Be willing to rock your own style. Rely on your own instincts and not the opinions of others. Only you can stop yourself from expanding your EMAGN NATION. oh btw my vibe magazine came in the other day, good thing i didnt buy it!

"In comes the winter breeze that chills the air and drifts the snow And I imagine kissing you under the mistletoe..." im done, im out God bless!


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