"If I could reach up and hold a star for every time you made me smile, the entire evening sky would be in the palm of my hand."
im racing this really cool guy, anthony from carson right now, hes writing in his live journal like a blog. Carson does the whole "live journal thing" while i told him Servant;s Heart does the whole "blog thingy" haha We were talking bout our prayer communties and he added this bout Servant;s Heart. Praise God!
anthonynezzy: i really appreciate SH, to see young adults maintaining their spirituality
Then he wanted to race me w/our online journal entries for tonite. Of course i couldnt say no to the guy, haha check it:
anthonezzy: so wats on tap for u right now sir
JPFish187: not much going on bout yourself
JPFish187: bout to write in my blooooggggggggg
anthoneezy: haha same here
anthonezzy: i'll race you
anthonezzy: lol
JPFish187: haha okay!
I ended up winning though suprisingly knowing that it takes me a long time to write my blogs. i have to use my critical thinking skills when making my entries, thinking bout errthang that i did today and my feelings right at that moment.
Anyway, my day was pretty cool, it was raining hard oh man!! i hate driving when it rains hard its kinda skurry. The rain is nice though like i said i like listening to it in bed. Knowing the fact you can sleep in and juss ahhh relax! haha i have realtives coming frrom out of state tomorrow morning. Theyre gonna be hurr for one week, that be interesting. My grandma(on my dad's side) she always use to say, "Fish and relatives begin to stink after a couple of days." hoopefully you understood the analogie she was giving. haha i always use to laugh when she said that. So i didnt do the two things i had to do today, its okay though.
I got ot have lunch w/kuya today! i was kinda feelin for the chinese buffet so we went there to eat. i loove hanging out w/kuya he's one of the greatest big ruff neck brothas (jk bout the ruff neck part) that i eva had! wooo haha. He bought this d0pe puma warm up jacket today! its d0pe, after lunch we walked around the mall and we saw this deal @ pac sun. "Buy 2 things, and receieve a free shirt." So he saw these things he wanted and i guess he ended up getting them. i like the puma warm up its tight, i guess imma have ot borrow it from him someday. hahaha after i get puma shoes though, i have to make sure it matches. Im anal like that when it comes to certain things. For example if im wearing a nike jakcet then i have to have nike shoes on. I cant be wearing like addidas or something else cuz it doesnt match. hahah
Work was cool, kinda kick back i guess you could say. When i came in i saw mike there, i was like whoa! what are you doing hurr? i guess him and lyn lyn went to lunch so he was helping her make some fliers for her class. She's gonna teach polynesian dancing for kids! that'll be cool, i hope she gets a lot of kids in her class. Then she can teach them to do the figure 8! hahaha figure 8 is tight! haha So yeah its coo how my boss really kick back w/other peopel coming to help us out. At other places theyre very anal bout who they let in and what not. For my arts & crafts class today, the kids made these valentine frames. Woo what a mess it turned out to be. They had fun though making it. they were able to put their picture in it too, so its all ready to juss wrap and give. I made a sample pattern so they could see what it looks like. its sooooo corny though! hahahahaa ask lyn lyn! hahaha though i must admit looking @ it did put a big smile a on my face! Ü <~ like that! haha
CIS class was alright, i guess we moved classrooms. Kuya was funny in class, he was snacking on some spinanch. i cant eat it like that plain like he does, I have to eat it cooked. i like the way my momma makes it! The lecture was alright, i guess it wasnt has bad as last week. meaning the instructor didnt go off on as many tanjents as he usually does. We have a big hw assignment to do as well as a quiz next week. Kuya and i are going to skool on fri to work on it. he let us out early like a half hour early tonite, which was nice. As i went home kuya went to his other home 24 hr fitness to get all buff like tyson and tyrese! hahahaha it was d0pe cuz when we were helping tito jess move, i got kuyas back and he carried me up the stairs, he kinda ran up! hahaha man i guess i dont weigh that much, though ever since i started kickin it w/SH i have gained a lot of weight. haha it was funny kuya made friends in class tonite, i didnt though. haha kuya also drew this cool picture of our family! haha he drew this nice small little house and inside there was him and boss lady and then there was a picture of me! haha awwww kuya you forgot our dog fido though! hahaha
Its coo cuz this whole week so far ive been able to pray the rosary w/someone from the community. I think each nite has been a different person too so far. let me recap for a min. sun. it was beyonce, mon. boss lady, tues. jeanne and tonite fred! woooo gail showed me this website called the "confraternity" i cant really explain it. Though im interested in joining, i gotta research it some more though. Speaking of Gail i got to talk to her online tonite! she's really fun to talk to and i got to learn more bout her too! Im telling you, AOl brings people together! hahaha iit was cool tonite cuz i got to talk to people from carson and oxnard online.
Well the two pics you see above is, el huego and jennif, great people who love and serve the Lord. i really admire el huego cuz hes in the process of discerning to be a priest. Which is totally cool or coolnessity as anthony says. Praise God for all the people who are so open and discerning the religious life. its a hard decision to make and its not easy at all i can imagine. There are other people who are in the process of discernment too, jeanne and beyonce. now that i think bout, a thought came into mind. A good brother of mine, reirich would make an excellent priest i think. let us continue to pray for all those who are considering the religious life.
"Dear Lord, i ask that you send down a special blessing for all those who are considering a religous vocation right now. May you guide them through their discernment and help them decide what You need them to do. Please Help them be open to it, if you are calling them O Lord. Let them openly greet You at the door when you knock. All this i pray through our Lord who lives and reigns with our Father in heaven and forever and forever." AMen
Jennif. is such an inspiring person, she helps keep me moving too! haha her energy flows through my body and helps me keep my body movin! haha Shes a very generous sister who goes all out not only for our community but for our Lord as well. man jennif. is also so creative when it comes to projects and putting things together. I cant wait till we can both come together and go dance together out of "club mind." haha i think wed be up all nite if that was the case. I'll never forget that nite(flashback start hurr) it was a fri. nite and i had to get some pens for the mission trip reflection i was doing. So i asked her if she could take me to my house. Well on the way there we alsso had to stop by the 99 cents store for some other supplies. In the car though oh man it was d0pe! the both of us were feelin the music and all up in our clubs juss dancing like no other. hahaha shes so fun to be around! her energy reminds me of boss lady!
I like that quote cuz man if that was the case, well id have bags full of stars right now. Everytime im out w/the people i love or even if im talking to online im smiling!
I smile when im praying cuz i know Jesus is right there sitting next to me.
I smile when at prayer meeting cuz i see heavens looking down at us.
I smile when im w/my community, cuz i see God in each person.
I smile when im online writing in my blog cuz i get to recap and relive the day.
I smile when im @ work cuz i enjoy what i do each day.
I smile when im w/kuya or boss lady or even w/bof cuz theyre so special to me.
I smile when im @ the soratorio house cuz theyre house is so full of warm love.
I smile when im in my car, inside club mind cuz im dancing w/jennif at the same time.
I smile when im praying the rosary w/another person cuz Jesus said when two or three people are praying together he is w/us.
I smile when i get to talk to beyonce, cuz she makes brings joy to my puso.
I smile when i get to see the bebes lelilani, elijiah & ahulana cuz i love playing w/them.
I smile when i talk to strider cuz he helps make me laugh, even when i may be having a bad day
And I especially smile cuz i know God loves me!
"Sometimes I wonder if I am in your heart. Even though I don't live there yet. I'm afraid it'll be cold and dark. I'm lost in emotion.Telling you things you really shouldn't know I'm lost in emotion. Am I a fool, at least my friends think so Que sera sera..." thas lyric is dedicated to you beyonce! hahah im done...im out God bless!
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