"The best part of life is when your family becomes your friends, and your friends become your family..."
I think its great to know i have 4 different families! haha woo thas a lot, actually more less 5, even though i dont see 4 & 5 a lot. Youre probably reading this thinking, 5 different families? geez how can one have so many at one time. its easy, i say! Well my first family, obviously in my own imediate family. Then my second family would be my Servant's heart community, theyre my other fam bam tribe cuz i spend so much time with them. My third family woo im yawning im getting tired! haha anyway, my third one is kuya & boss lady, they adopted me! hahahaha Then my fourth, would be my other community in carson that i go to errone so often. Its great cuz they invite me when they do things and stuff. Theyre very hospitable to me, thas why i enjoy going there so much. Then my fifth family, would probably my ol skool crew that i dont really talk to that much anymore. So there you have it 5 different families.
Ahh yes, another great picture! two wonderful inspiring people in my life, two people that have also made a impact on my life. Well i'll start w/beyonce say, since her picture is first. I remember meeting her back @ youth alpha(cut to mind flash back again). She gave a talk w/boss lady, i forgot what it was about though. Shes another person whom ive been able to become really close to these past couple months. Its cool cuz whenever i talk to her, i feel so motivated after. She is also such a valuable member to our community. LAst weekend was d0pe cuz i got to dance w/beyonce!! We were talking bout how we like dancing to like 80's freestyle! wooo! haha Beyonce helps me understand things in different perspectives. Her faith is so strong, i can only hope one day to be as strong as her. Im truly grateful for the bonding experience we shared during winter break. She is my big sista as for i am her sunflower! Ü
Now this strong, buff, uPrM ruFf ryda is the one and only frreeeed! I think december was all bout bonding and getting to know my fellow brothers and sisters on a more individual level. I love how aaragon is very organized w/himself. He's a great guy w/a strong muscles and a strong puso! Hes the one person i can come to when i have questions bout my faith. He gives it to you "as is," he doesnt make things difficult or try to go around to avoid it. Aaragon truly has a heart of gold, always there ready to lend a helping hand when needed. Not only that, right when you think youre falling, there's aaragon right behind you holding you back up. I give this guy props for all that he is, talented muscian/singing artist, master apologetics, comp. knowledgeable w/hTml stuff. So compassionate in all that he does, thas why i look up to this guy! Hes like a perfect handy man! I know fo sho whatever girl picks up this lucky catch, will surely be lucky and i do mean lucky!
Dang you knwo wha happened this morning? Well last nite i went out w/kuya and i didnt know it was going to rain today. Anyway, i didnt roll up my window all the way last nite, so my mom wakes up @ 7am telling me i need to roll up my window cuz its raining. I was like oh man! i got up, got towels and half of the drivers seat was wet! i had towels there drying it for most of the day. I made sure tonite, that my windows were rolled up.
Today was one of those lazy days cuz of the rain. I didnt wanna do anything, i woke up this morning and to check my mail. It was weird cuz kuya wasnt online and usually errmorning i always talk to him before i go to skool. i didnt today so it threw off my whole day! haha jk not really, i was able to find parking early again praise God! So i had talked to old friend to kill some time before class. Class was alright, tomorrow is my long day. I have to finish reading the second half in the comp. book or else i wll get in trouble by kuya. I cant have that happening now, i dont need kuya to ground me! haha take my cell phone away or the keys to my car away! haha
I totally forgot to wear my staff shirt for work, so i had to keep my sweater on all the day to so they dont know i forgot. hahaha work was alright, i had to make our easter egg-hunt flyer like several times. My boss wanted it to be real springy/eastery looking. I did the lay out then i asked my boss to help and he pretty much took it over that was nice! haha i had my other boss and the clerk in the office looking at all my pics. It was funny cuz my other boss saw the winter formal pic and said "oh she's cute" then he saw babyvees pic and he goes "oh shes cute too." Then the clerk was like oh yeah thas ex. i was busting up and i was like noo she was juss a friend i went to her prom with. Oh man theyre funny @ work. The kids watched that movie "Spirit" the one bout the horse. I saw the last 30 min. of the movie, its looks pretty good though i could tell there were many sad parts in the movie.
Went home for a while after work and juss kinda chilled and did whatever. Class was alright tonite, i was going to do a mediation w/them but i forgot the CD @ prayer meeting. Then i coudlnt find it when it was time, so i was like ahhh. i didnt really prepare a back up lesson, so i gave them a lecture instead. Its juss upseting when they dont turn in their hw to me. I dont give him anything big or complicated to do. The only homework i really only give them is to fill out a mass card, then turn it in on tues. They make it seem like its such a big chore to them. Then sometimes ill add a little extra to it. last weeks hw was the mass card and they were suppose to go to the lifeteen.org website. They were to email their expecations before going to the website and what they saw after they explored it. Out of 19 kids, i onyl got 2 responses and for mass cards like only 3 of them turn them in. I told them im not hrur to play games, and by May if i feel theyre not ready to move on to dedicate themselves to make their confirmation im not gonig to pass them. I told them they ahve to meet me halfway cuz right not theyre not putting the effort i need them to. Hopefully they'll get something out of that talk.
After prayer meeting we all went to mcdonalds to chillllll. Before that though, babyvee asked me to be her valentine! awwwww i said okay ill be your valentine, imma bake her valentine cookies w/the hearts in the middle! hahaha kuya, el huego, babyvee, prayer buddy and i played DDR. haha it took 4 us to play that game! haha boss lady wanted more nuggets tonite, so i said okay hurr so i prented to throw it up back into the box. hahaahah it was funny, boss lady was laughing. Errday i spend w/my familes is a not only a privelege, but also a blessing. i love them all so much!
it was coo today, cuz i was able to pray the rosay 3 different times using 3 different mysteries. I did on the way to work this afternoon, lifting it up for kuya's test. Then i prayed it w/my class tonite, lifting it up for them and their special intentions. Then i prayed it tonite, w/jeanne lifting it up for our prayer buddies, the community, the core and the growth seminar. Rosary phone is nice, cuz i pray the rosay before i go to sleep. Sometimes i end up getting too tired, i fall asleep off and on trying to pray it. SO it helps err now and then to pray it w/someone else together.
Well its getting late, so that means i muss go to sleep and rest my body! haha man i still gotta find my checkbook, i dont know where i put it! I wonder if its in my car, i should check in there tomorrow. ahhh this rain makes me juss wanna sleep all day. I love listening to the rain while laying in bed! so relaxing, too bad my spa isnt up working...now thas relaxing!!
"If you leave me now girl, after all the things weve been through. And would you come back to me? i think you should know that ill be loving you..." you guys remember that song? its old its 80's freestyle, if you do hit me up on the tag. The person who gets receives a prize!! wooo! im done...im out God bless!
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