Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Wednesday, April 16

agh!!! it did it again!!! it erased my whole entry!!!!!!!! agh oHWY !? anyway i added this on there stupid blog i hate it!!!! i even posted it too!!!

There are moments in life when we feel that we have reached our limits with the trials and tribulations of life. It is important that we remember that God has given us a special strength to endure and persevere and continue on despite these hardships that befall us. I encourage you to gird yourself up and recognize God's strength that lies within your spirit and be determined never to give in or give up. God has you in the palms of His hand and nothing by any means shall be able to overtake you. Rest in this promise and know that God is with you. (2 Corinthians 12:8-10) (Psalm 91:2-4)... Never allow the enemy to discourage your heart and make you feel like giving up on being a witness and an example of the Lord. Your reward in eternity will greatly outweigh this light affliction that seems so great right now.

“I am suffering these things; but I am not ashamed, for I know Him in whom I have believed and am confident that He is able to guard what has been entrusted to me until that day.” – 2 Timothy 1:12

Suffering does not make sense to this modern world. Not even the most scientifically astute minds or advanced mathematical theorems can explain the purpose of suffering. Science cannot give us an answer, so technology attempts to give us hundreds of ways to avoid it. That is part of the problem…not suffering, but avoidance. Suffering to a non-Christian mind is pointless, but to a Christian, suffering is nothing short of “perfect-ing” love.

I know…it doesn’t seem to make sense. How can LOVE be rooted in suffering?
How can pain be a “good thing”? The answer is at the heart of today’s verse.

The truth is that suffering can be a beautiful thing, if we trust. It was in my greatest moments of suffering…true suffering, that I learned how much God really loves me. God, in his LOVE, allows us to suffer from time to time, NOT because He dislikes us, but because He loves us THAT much…that He would allow us to participate in the truest form of love that there is – the cross of Christ…the willingness to suffer, even unto death.

Our suffering is forever bound to His.
It is in Christ’s brokenness that He saves us.
It is in our brokenness that we can help Him save others.

If those who profess to know and who proclaim to love God (you and I) go through hardships, all the while refusing to take our eyes off of our Creator, especially in moments of intense loneliness or pain…how much stronger will those around us become? How much stronger will our witness be? How many more of our friends and family will want to come to know our source of strength and of joy in the face of trial or pain?

For, you and I are the body of Christ, BROKEN and shared so that others might live…just like the Eucharist.

Every one of the tears that I have ever shed has, in time, helped another. If my brokenness can bring hope or comfort, wisdom or counsel, peace or, even, joy to another member of God’s family, than that pain was not worthless but very worthwhile.

If I am a true Christian than that means that I don’t view things the same way a non-Christian does. Someone who doesn’t know Jesus views this world as an ending place; Christians see it as a preparation place. Someone who doesn’t believe in Christ will probably never understand the purpose of suffering, but a Christian knows the ending to the story.

Suffering is nothing less than participating in the perfect “love triangle”, the most complete and truest form of love that exists, the love between God the Father and God the Son, a love so selfless and so real that it has to be expressed in its own complete person, the third person of the Holy Trinity, the Spirit.

Pain is temporary, but victory is forever.
Suffering lasts a short time, but the joy of Christ is eternal.
Don’t believe me? Just ask a mother, moments after giving birth.
Suffering brings life ‘to life’ in a newer, more profound way.
Like life, it is a mystery, designed to point us back to our Creator.

Suffering is not a waste of time, but a moment in time.
Suffering does not sever my relationship with God, but more deeply unites me to Him.
Suffering is a blessed grace, not because it is mine, but because it is His.

The blood that dripped from HIS veins was not IN vain.

"I ride wit the I slide wit the Loccs and doggs from the LBC.."im done, im ouT God bless!


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