Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Sunday, April 27

"Do not be suprised that you fall; everyday; do not give up, but stand your ground courageously. And surely the angel who guards you will honor your patience..."

Some more ranDUMB thoughts~

Ive learn this past week that sometimes you gotta 'accept' the 'unacceptable.' Which isnt the easiest thing for me to do. I dwell on the past a lot, thinking there are times when time would be the same. Yet i know somethings happen for a reason and i must accept the change. I look to the future a lot, worrying still, what's going to happen next? Where is this road going to lead me? I depend on other people a lot and when i end up being alone, i cant seem to handle it. God has been teaching me to fully depend on him and on him only.
Ive lost a lot of things in my life, people, relationships w/people, things and other such. Although it sucks a lot, and it hurts a lot i can only move on w/hope.

Sometimes i do things that i cannot explain, i do things impulsively w/o thinking of the consquences it might bring. Only during those times, do i worry bout the present and not look to the future. Whatever i loose or may loose, i cannot go back to change the past. I must be patient and looking foward to better and new beginning.
People hate others for their actions and the consquences both parties have to face. I gotta have faith within time things could change. I dont know exactly what my point is, or what am i saying. We all make mistakes, we are human, so it would be wrong to be held accountable for the mistakes weve made and the mistakes we continue to do.

All i can do is have faith that God will bring us all better days, hope that this isnt the end of certain things, but only move on w/love. I only pray that things dont turn out the way i envision them to be. The way ive been thinking situations might be in the end. ahh my heart is filled w/anxiety, Jesus i trust in you, Jesus i trust in you, Jesus i trust in you...

"Tell me what am I to do?" im done, im ouT God bless!


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