Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Wednesday, January 7

"Failure is a gift from God, reminding us what is it to be human but, most importantly, revealing to us how much we need Him..."

So this quote kinda hit me as i jacked it from anthoneeze's blurty. Failure in my eyes i also see as obstacles or mountains. In order to get over those mountains, we need God, cuz w/o Him wed be stuck. The failures we face, the trials are juss constant reminders that we are human and not to worry. Like i tell bur, agh dont fret! haha Thas what God tells us aghh dont worry ill help you, agh relax. Its his way of juss really humbling us and letting us know that we cant do really anything w/o him. To seek him his guidance and to put our trust in Him for he will provide.

The same way im going to relate to the spirit games, we ran into the obstacle of finding a venue. This is only hard cuz of the number of people we are anticipating to participate and come. This whole finding a venue thats real central for errone has been on my mind all day. I guess only cuz i was talking to burr bout it half the day. Though i know God will provide he will show us the way, he will give us something. So in a way im not too worried, i guess i gotta juss relax myself and let him do the work. Kinda funny that tonite's youf alpha talk was, 'how can i be sure of my faith?' Maybe that was God's friendly little reminder saying to trust him.

This is my SRE class,majority of these kids ive had for the past two years. This year though ive added some new ones. One of the greatest blessings God has blessed me w/was these group of kids. Each week while we were in class, i could only see the eagerness and hunger to want to know more bout their faith. God is really working in the lives of these kids and i praise him for it. Before youf alpha started in dec. my class and i have bonded so much. With the ones who have been in my class the past two years, its great watching them grow.

There's marvin, who can be a handful at times but his faith is strong. Always eager to wanting to be fed. He told me one nite that he prayed the rosary before he went to bed. Or sometimes he'll be the only one who will volunteer to lead opening prayer. Jerel, one of my new students this year, who is also in my youf alpha group. I always got him and charles mixed up for some reason. THeyre so funny cuz theyre like buddy buddy. Except charles is the quiet one and jerel is the louder one. Another one of my new ones, kathryn a real swe3tie. She emailed me right before we left for break shurring w/me something she felt was God's love.

Mitch has this really low but deep voice, i always have a hurrd time hurring wha he has to say. Joseph, jett, justin m. and deanna, the bp hs gang. Theyre so funny, joseph told me today were you at church on sun? I said yeah at St. I, he goes i saw you! YOu were wurring glasses i was gonna go up to you but i wasnt sure if that was you or not. He'll even talk to me online sometimes. Then thurrs Paul, who has the most deepest journal entries ever. Filled w/so much love inside of his heart, even to those who have hurt him the most. Wow thas inspiring! Then thurrs Justin P. the one whos family always sits either in front of us or in back of us during 915 am mass. I always like to use the 'mom currd' on him, threatning to talk to his mom at mass if he doesnt behave. haha

Each one of these kids inspire me in some sort of way. Even the ones who are the shyest and quietest. I praise God for each and everyone of them, for theyve showered me w/their blessings. I pray that their faith only grows and that they only fall deeper in love w/Jesus. And that they never loose hope in his love and grace. I cant wait till next yurr when they stand before the parish community and all that they love and give their 'yes' to live the life of a catholic. Fully armed and ready to serve God and his Church. Thank you Lord for bringing me these saints in the making.

So an ol friend of mine one of my minor friends...imed me tonite.

JordanThrees: just wanted to sey sup to u b4 i sleep cuzi havent talked to u in ages
JordanThrees: she didnt believe in high school love till she met me..isnt that cool

He was telling me how excited he was with this girl hes been going out with. Rather his girlfriend more less now. Ha aww young love.

I love my SRE Class, theyre the best!

"Thinking of ways that I can win your heart But, I'm so confused I don't know where to start..."im done, im out God bless!


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