Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Friday, January 2

"The man on the moon is smiling, cuz he's in love with the girl in the world..."

If some of you didnt understand yesterday's quote, ill explain it better. I was at the soratorio's today for new years. Unlike most families, they still had their christmas tree up, full decorated w/the lights, ornaments and errthang. I only say unlike most families, only cuz majority of people today do their 'after christmas cleaning,' the weekend after Christmas. You know take down tree ornaments, return gifts, throw out leftovers in the fridge, etc. Soon before you know it, errone is back to normal routine and schedule without taking the time out to relfect, 'what has changed in your life?' What is different in your life?

SO as you take the time out and reflect that we all have become better in some different way. Whether it was learning to pray more, learning how to discern, whatever it is even if its the smallest thing, you were a better person because of Jesus, his birf and the fact that Jesus is going to come again. Its kinda like how that one christian song goes, 'people get ready Jesus is coming..." WEll what does this all have to do with Christmas trees? Ill tell you, yesterday my coworker and i were taking down the tree decorations at work. It sucked cuz the tree was dry, the needles were coming off and it look like it was falling apart.

Thas like our own spirituality at times, i know ive experienced that a lot. Our spirituality like the christmas tree gets DRY! And at times, we feel as if were falling apart, we cant go on anymore. In the same way the artificial christmas trees relate too. On the outside we may look great, we may look like were holding it together, but we know on the inside juss like the tree many times in our lives we know were not keepin it real. Yeah, that means were FAKE! So i had read how it came bout that christmas trees became 'christmas trees,' how it was associated with Christmas.

Back in the eight century, St. Boniface was a missionary who brought Christianity to germany way back in the 700s. Most of the germans were worshipping false gods at the time. St. Boniface cut down a giant oak tree(sacred to their patron false god) and taught of how it was a symbol of Christ. He talked of how it was a sign of peace and of life(since its branches were ever green). The Christmas tree points to Christ, home in the heavens, waiting for us and calling him to join him.

THas when i realized that the CHristmas tree is not dead, nor is it fake. We are the Christmas tree and not the symbols or the ornaments we decorate it with. As a christian, we are the symbol of Christ's love and light and life in this world. We are the ones who point up to Christ, we are real, living and breathing, despite the times we may feel were falling apart. We are living cuz Christ lives inside of us by the virtue of baptism. So this is what yesterday's quote means. I know i gave a whole long explaination over it ha but i coudlnt think of a shorter way.

May your legs, like a trunk, stand firm in the truth this year.
May your arms, like branches, uphold all of God’s creations.
May your holiness, like the tree’s scent, draw others closer to the Lord.
May your joy, like the lights, make others smile.
May your life, like the treetop, point directly to Heaven.

uPrM bEaR: agh i was talking t thiese 2 ladies in the place over hurr then she said
uPrM bEaR: wehre are u from,i saud, anaheim and she said oh i' m from anaheim too!
uPrM bEaR: the i said agh wehre neighbors
JPFish187: hahahaha
uPrM bEaR: hahhaaaha
uPrM bEaR: agh then i said, u need to clean your yurd
JPFish187: hahahahaha
uPrM bEaR: it's ruining my property valuie
uPrM bEaR: agh then we played house
JPFish187: hahahahaha
uPrM bEaR: hahahaha like we did with nin's
JPFish187: hahahahaha
JPFish187: thas funny
uPrM bEaR: then i took over her house
uPrM bEaR: yes!
JPFish187: agh!

uPrM bEaR: agh i can't wati to come back

How was your new yurrs?

"My favorite line was can i call you sometimes..."im done, im out GOd bless!


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