Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Tuesday, October 5

Brought To You By The Letter: B

"Do not condemn, even with your eyes, for they are often deceived..."
So my boss is engaged...praise God! ha This may sound funny but I was praying and hoping that his girlfriend now fiance had said yes. Juss cuz I dont want to come into work and have him all over me. Agh it wouldve sucked if she had said no cuz then the work envrionment wouldve been really quiet and awkward. Anyway, so this is how it went down, I heard. They went up hiking somewhurr off of jamboree or something. My boss buys this huge rock or stone and writes on it, 'will you marry me?' something like that. As thurr hiking up this hill he tells her to stop so he can take some pics of her since he doesnt really have any. She's like okay then he points out that rock or stone he bought. He tells her to go check it out and then she's like hey my names on it! Then it all happens from thurr...he proposed she said yes and now thurr gonna get murried.
I juss finished my long history test that seemed forever long right now.

I had a couple of weird dreams last nite, one that sticks out is I was reading my vibe magazine and on the cover it said LL COol J had died. It said that he was shot, I dont remember how or whurr. I juss remember seeing on the cover his picture then the yurr he was born up until 2004. Ha pretty crazy...yeah i know. Speaking of dreams, my director was telling me bout how his son and him were watching a bio on St. Therese. Apparently his son told him he had a weird dream, so of course my director asked, 'well what happened?' His son then told him he cant tell him his dream. My director asked him why? THen he said to him, 'St. Therese never told people her dreams.' haha aww

Ha this guy next to me is checking out his myspace I guess whurr all juss trying to kill time inbetween class. I was talking to john from hoj last nite and I asked for his email addrees. He goes in response after giving it to me, 'wooohoo fishmail!' hahaha I said to him thas a first someone excited to get emails from me. haha Then we were talking bout all sorts of things, how his skool is made for gifted students, so they really have no sports and no dances except for a prom. Which reminds me of my sister's skool, oxford how they sturrted off w/no sports teams or anything, but now thas skool has really grown.

I'm excited tonite is the actual first real nite of confirmation. Last tues. we juss had orientation inside the church. I can't believe I have 30 kids in my classroom, thas a grip. 30 high skool teenagers, oh man its gonna be a tough yet I know an exciting yurr. WHen leslie and I had gone out a couple weeks ago, I was telling her how I miss praise & worship during prayer meetings on tues. She brought up a good point to me though, although I'm missing praise & worship, teaching confirmation allows myself to look for other ways to be fed. It allows me to look for other ways to help me grow. Which I never really thought too much bout, until she brought it up.

Usher's rerelased album confessions comes out today! yay! thurrs 4 new songs on the album, so I think during my next break, I'll run over to target and pick it up or something. OKay well thas all for now, I gotta get to class. Ha I guess myspace guy is done for now too ha!

Yay new usher album out today!

"Holy Spirit come and empower me..."im done, im out GOd bless!


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