Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Tuesday, October 19

HaPpy AnNivErSaRy Servant's Heart!

"We have to serve God in His ways, not in ours..."

What a busy day it was, though I think it was productive. My phone though has been going off ever since this afternoon. With either vmails, (since I dont get reception in the building at work) or text messages. Praise God I called errone back who called me. Agh thas my pet peeve, is when someone calls you and you dont bother to call or text them back! Work was pretty coo, confession w/fr. John and some great advice he gave me for my 'lecture-talk' tonite. After work, went to abe's to plan for tonite's lesson plan. His purrents are really cool people, his mom kept offering me to eat her spaghetti she made, as much as I was tempted, I was full as it was already. Abe's a good kid, I'm glad Spirit lead him to want to get more involved in his own parish. We had a good talk bout juss errthang from relationships, to the high tech techonology of today. Praise God for all this great stuff!

Anyway, praise God for today murrks Servant's Heart 7yurr Anniversary! Wow 7 yurrs! It feels like two yurrs ago when were celebrating our 5yurr anniversary! ha Praise God for these past 7 yurrs, 7 yurrs of growing and blessings. I've been so blessed myself personally to be welcomed into this community. I can still remember the first time I stepped into the duurs of room b for a prayer meeting. I can still remember my first LSS when kuya alvin prayed over me during the baptism. I remember that furr I had to serve the church and really come to know my faith. If it wasnt for this community, who I call some of my closest friends, I dont know whurr I'd be right now.

Being in the community, I've learned so much, and yet through this commmunity, I still am learning and constantly growing. And for me, it's not bout burrs and music, I walk w/God I got the scurrs to proove it...hah jk Naw forreal, its not bout whether I'm serving on core or not, its juss about serving God in any way I can. Sure, we've all had our ups and downs, but thas why thurr called 'growing pains.' I dont think one from any community, can say that through however long they've been around its all been roses. Err group has thurr joys and pains, but its not about dwelling in the hurts we've experienced. Its all bout thanking GOd for giving us those hurts and praising Him for getting us through them. As the saying goes, 'one cannot go through an easter sunday, without going through a good friday.'

Exepert from Jaymee's blog on 060604: I truly believe that only a fool can say that a person doesn't need community. EVERYONE needs community. One coal can not burn alone my friend. And we have all seen people who don't have community and know that it is impossible to be influenced by and feed off of the Holy Spirit in others if you are not around them. So praise God for the Spirit in each of you, who strive to make my spirit laugh and smile and love and worship our Lord.(Did you know that one definition of worship is "to be dependent upon" therefore, doesn't it make sense that EVERYONE worship God.)

I've said this before, and I'll say it again, Servant's Heart has been a home away from home for me. Sometimes its even to the point, whurr I get 'home sick' or 'community sick' whurr I sturrt to miss my community. You may think I'm weird, but I put a couple of pics of SH in my bible. Juss a reminder, that no matter whurr I go or whurr I'm at, to have a 'Servant's Heart.' Each time I see any of thurr faces, it juss brings smiles and joy to my little puso. So thank you Lord, for giving me these great people, which I can call my brothers and sisters. They are truly an example of a what it is to have a 'Servant's Heart.'

Happy 7 yurrs Servant's Heart!!!!

"You've shown us how to live with a servant's heart..." im done, im out God bless!


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