Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Wednesday, October 13

Nothing But Love

"All positive change in the world comes from our ideas of what we belive is possible..."

If you know me well enough you know how I love quotes. It should be pretty evident from reading my blogs errday. I love the book the tribe called king bought me for my birfday, the quotes from the saints. Its juss so handy cuz they have quotes for errthang. A lot of the quotes to really convict me and help me in my daily prayer life. Anyhow, so in class today, I picked up this quote from the back of some guy's shirt. Ha he was sitting in front of me and I turned my head as I read the quote and thought, 'hey I like that!' So I decided to copy it down and make the quote of the day. If you ever are wondering whurr I get my quotes from 97% of them come from the Saints. All the other ones from things I hurr from maybe homilies or even juss things I see in passing. Ha they could even be from people's shirts like todays!

I found this on john pv's blog and I thought it was well worf posting. Yeah I know in a sense it's kinda neeYyoooWww but its cute. I think you'd appreciate this one banne...
Tech Support: Yes, ... how can I help you?
Customer: Well, after much consideration, I've decided toinstall Love. Can you guide me though the process?
Tech Support: Yes. I can help you. Are you ready to proceed?
Customer: Well, I'm not very technical, but I think I'mready. What do I do first?
Tech Support: The first step is to open your Heart. Haveyou located your Heart?
Customer: Yes, but there are several other programs running now. Is it okay to install Love while they arerunning?
Tech Support: What programs are running ?
Customer: Let's see, I have Past Hurt*, Low Self-Esteem,Grudge and Resentment* running right now.
Tech Support: No problem, Love will gradually erase PastHurt from your current operating system. It may remain inyour permanent memory but it will no longer disruptother programs. Love will eventually override LowSelf-Esteem with a module of its own called HighSelf-Esteem. However, you have to completely turn off Grudge and Resentment. Those programs prevent Love frombeing properly installed. Can you turn those off?
Customer: I don't know how to turn them off. Can you tellme how?
Tech Support: With pleasure. Go to your start menu and invoke Forgiveness*. Do this as many times as necessary until Grudge and Resentment have been completely erased.
Customer: Okay, done! Love has started installing itself.Is that normal?
Tech Support: Yes, but remember that you have only thebase program. You need to begin connecting to other Hearts in order to get the upgrades.
Customer: Oops! I have an error message already. It says,"Error - Program not run on external components." What should I do?
Tech Support: Don't worry. It means that the Love program is set up to run on Internal Hearts, but has not yet been run on your Heart. In non-technical terms, it simply means you have to Love yourself* before you can Love others.
Customer: So, what should I do?
Tech Support: Pull down Self-Acceptance*; then click on thefollowing files: Forgive-Self*; Realize Your Worth*; and Acknowledge your Limitations*.
Customer: Okay, done.
Tech Support: Now, copy them to the "My Heart" directory.The system will overwrite any conflicting files and begin patching faulty programming. Also, you need todelete Verbose Self-Criticism from all directories andempty your Recycle Bin to make sure it is completely goneand never comes back.
Customer: Got it. Hey! My heart is filling up with newfiles. Smile is playing on my monitor and Peace andContentment are copying themselves all over My Heart. Is this normal?
Tech Support: Sometimes. For others it takes awhile, but eventually everything gets it at the proper time. So Love is installed and running. One more thing before we hangup. Love is Freeware. Be sure to give it and its various modules to everyone you meet. They will in turn share it with others and return some cool modules back to you.
Customer: Thank you, God.

I was late to class this morning, I took too much time in the shower this morning. For me I love juss sturrting my mornings w/a nice hot shower. I feel so clean afterwhurrds when I come out. At the same times its so relaxing, especially now in the cooler days of the yurr. You juss stand thurr and let the water hit your back. It makes you want to juss go back to sleep and not wake up! Ahh I love it!! THen ending the nite w/a shower too, two things I have to do errday. Shower in the morning and shower in the evening. Sturrt you day clean and end it feeling good.

AGh lecture was boring today during class, so I brought my confirmation papers to grade. Ha I was reading thur journals from last week. Figured I mine as well do something productive in class. THough after reading like 20, your eyes sturrt to feel a little sleepy. I had almost 30 papers to read and grade. Oh man I can only imagine if they whurr essays! To read and correct 30 different papers or even more, by the last one I'd be knocked out sleeping. The reflections were okay, I was more less looking for something more but they didnt give it to me. Praise God though for thurr effort.

After that I had a psych test on personality traits and all that stuff. It was really that difficut, at least I didnt think it was. I finsihed the thing in 30min. then went home to check mail and blog. Burr and I whurr talking bout college students whos main priority in life is juss to go to skool. Oh man thas gotta be so nice. Juss do whatver you want after class is over, not have to worry bout going to work. I'd probably come home and take a nice nap errday and also be a lot more committed to my studies. Your friends ask you, 'hye you want go thurr after skool?' Then you say, 'yeah im down, I have nothign else to do anyway.'

I guess the toss side of that as jeanne and I were talking bout on sun. is not having work experience later on. Businesses and companies may be hesitant to hire you, if they see you've never worked before in your entire life. Also, having job helps you develop communication skills, indepence etc. THen you can buy whatever you want, whenever. I remember being young and wanting certain things but I couldnt have it. Ever since I've been working I think I've become more materialistic than before. At any rate, I guess turrs pros and cons to it.

Work was frustrating w/those kids. I was getting real sleepy watching the movie this afternoon. At one point I kinda closed my eyes for a bit and when I opened them I ssaw kids right in front of me. Its kinda like whoa! Thurrs this kid whos been real bold as of lately in trying to defy me and talking back. Most of the time he's real quiet and to himself. I guess its true it is the quiet ones you have to look out for! Ha we have this play rat at work and I've been using it to skurr my coworker. Sometimes she falls for it and I get a real kick out of watching her! haha

SRE was another loud night, ha poor abe got lost tyirng to get to my house. I really wanted them to learn the Mother Mary song, so I asked abe to get the CD at my house. Since I'm already on the topic of him, I really praise God for this kid. I mean wow he's very insightful and juss so willing to help. Praise God! Towards the last 10 min. of class we as a class were talking bout relationships and we briefly talked bout the 'triangle relatiionship.' Then I told them how searching to buy a curr is like finding a mate. They all sturrted to laugh thinking I was referring to trying to find the cheapest one. Though I said we'll talk bout it more next week.

After class abe told me if I wanted him to, he could give and shurr a small testimony bout his relationship w/his gf. He shurred to me how thurr relationship is Christ-centered and wha not. Although she's not catholic they help each other and in a sense keep other in check. I thought that was cool juss how he's so young yet bases his relationship w/God in the middle. I told him I'd give him a call this week and we'll talk bout it more. I realized I need to to sturrt to put together some type of lesson plan for the evening. Its kinda hurrd to juss well not have one ha.
We talked bout Mama Mary ni fact from now on whurr gonna sing the 'Mama Mary' song errtues. after our prayer as we ask for her intercession. I want these kids to become real marian! yay!!

You know as much as I get frustrated w/my kids cuz they dont do thurr hw or thurr loud and obnxious or they juss dont seem like they curr, I still have love for them. Really, I do, I guess cuz as a whole we've all come so furr. THough I still cant wait to filter out some of these others ones and bring in some others that are stuck in another class. Agh but thurr not gonna do any changes until next month or something. Agh! The teacher next to me, wow is hurrdcurr w/his whole projketor be brings each week to class. Wow! Though I guess each of us is blessed in different ways. They added another kid in my class, now making the grand total...33! Actually more less 31 cuz 1 one of my kids supposedly told me hes going to polycarp now =( and the other one juss has been absent the past 2 days. ALthough I still have a huge class.

Im blessed cuz fr. paul invited me to mass inside the rectory tomorrow morning. Its his brother's death anniversary and since he isnt on any of the masses he was gonna say mass. So he invited me up to the rectory for mass. Wow thas gonna be an honor! I wonder how thas gonna be like though. It was fun last fri. after mass, he invited me up for lunch. Well all that was left from thurr lunch was soup and salad. Ha, but it was fun though and after we sat in the living room and watched tv. Fr. Brennan came in and said to me, 'why hello msgr. so nice for you to be us!' haha Im really gonna miss these guys when thurr gone.

SH Anniversay coming up yay!!

"Have you ever tried the words and they dont come out right..."im done, im out GOd bless!


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