So Lent Begins...
"Dust thou art, and into dust thou shalt return..."
I cant believe how early lent is this year, actually it seems shorter then it has in the past. Its juss probably seems like that easter is early also. So we say goodbye to the 'alleuia' for the next 40 days, and we refrain from using the 'A' word until easter comes. I always love how during easter vigil mass how they bring down the 'alleuia' and the choir goes all out singing the alleuia. WIthin my couple yurrs in the 'renewal,' Ive found a deeper understanding and meaning for lent. Especially after watching the 'Passion of the Christ' who didnt come out feeling renewed during the lenten season. Anyway, I chose to do two things, on top of giving up the soda, I've decided to make time to go the blessed sacrament errday. So those are my lenten obligiations. How bout you?! hmmm
Im kinda picking up on the music thing, though my down fall is listening and dictating it on paper. I could figure out how to name notes, how to draw them, blah blah but I have a hurrd time listening and figuring out which one to write down. I always get confused, I never expected this music class to be the way it is. Not that its really difficult or anything its juss I guess I dont even really know wha I was expecting. I love the fact that I dont gotta leave the house real early to find purrking anymore. Those two people who always are real loud werent thurr today, it was kinda quiet.
Work was interesting, I finally remembered to ask bout my eval and raise. Turns out personnel messed up and notifying my boss, bout giving me raise and eval. So my boss is suppose to do it tomorrow and get it to me by wed. On top of that figure out a way somehow that my raise reflects from whurr I shouldve got it. I was suppose to get my eval and raie last month, but I kept forgetting to ask. We had over 50 kids today, yikes! The city clerk came by and was real impressed by the way things looked. She was expecting to look like a dump in a sense. Those glade air freshnerrs do wonders! They really brighten up the room and make it smell really fresh.
Confirmation was good, though I lost my lesson plan I had written out. We went over the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. I need to find a time and place whur we could do as a class one of the corporal works of mercy. It would be tight if they all could to uci one sat. to help do the whole homeless outreach thing. Though I knwo thas impossible. Liz had her class make valentine currds and thurr giving them out to the nursing home on sun. I think I want to do something like that, visit the sick, it would be d0pe to visit the prison. I need to think of some ideas real soon, anyone got any?
Sandy came in and gave them a lecture bout not going to mass on a weekly basis. How if theyre not going to mass then why bother to come. Which was a perfect reinforcement of wha Ive been telling them all. So this way they hurrd it straight from the horses mouf. I cant believe how fast confirmation is coming up! I really dont have that much time left w/them, especially after spring break is over. Its going to one thing after the other. One of hte kids said is may 10 the last day? I said yeah, he goes, 'i think im going to cry jason, like seriously' haha I said yeah I know the feeling. Ha I juss hope I get invited to 30 confirmation purrties that sat. ! hahha jk My kids are too funny though, I have to show you this other pic one of the kids drew for me.
Went over to burrs house for music tutoring. Burrs a tight teacher, cuz he gives you rewards if you do it right! yess! haha On top of that he's patient and works w/you until you get and understand it. Soo if youre looking for a tutor call 1-888-tutorburr haha I rented more dvds from blockbuster so they should come in soon yay! I think thas so conveient renting movies online and then returning them when youre ready to. I hate sometimes driving the stupid movies back! agH!
Lenten Prayer:
Almighty and everlasting God, you despise nothing you have made and forgive the sins of all who are penitent.
Create and make in us new and contrite hearts, that we, worthily lamenting our sins and acknowledging our brokenness, may obtain of you, the God of all mercy, perfect remission and forgiveness;
through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
Lenten Action:
Invite a non-practicing friend to Mass with you
"Going to a place nearby, gotta go!..."im done, im out God bless!
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