We Begin to Rock...
"As for trials, the more the better!!"
I woke up this morning feeling real disturbed. So I had this dream that for some reason I was at this mormon retreat. I dont know why or how I got thurr, but it was like a two day retreat, whurr you sleep over. I remember the person or coordinator tellign me to juss offer up the weekend even though I felt really uncomfortable. As the day went on, I couldnt shake off that uncomfortable feeling I had. In fact ha it was too the point, whurr I couldnt sleep. Crazy dream I donnt know why I dreamn that.
Went to skool and since I had some time to kill before class I went to the comp. lab. Well before going in I thought maybe I should go check the door and see if there was sign in sheet. I figured naw the teacher wouldnt be absent. I walk out after 20 min. to go to class, and then I saw the purple sign in sheet on the door! I was like yess! class is cancelled! WoOOo! I quickly signed that mug and ran down the sturrs to bone out. I love purple sign in sheets cuz that means class is cancelled! I wish teachers would tell you ahead of time if thhurr gonna be absent so you dont ogtta come to skool ha.
For those whove been my curr since Ive gotten back, my rearview mirror has been messed up. The foos who took it really messed it up cuz I always havinng to fix the stupid thing. So I took it back to fix auto whurr I had my curr fixed. The guy handling my case told me give him a couple of weeks and he'd get me a used one. Well, I called him last fri. and told me to call him on mon. cuz it should be in by then. After skool I went over thurr and he put a brand new one in! Well its not brand spankin new, its used but its not like you could tell. Besides I have that broadway mirror that goes over it anyway.
We got a new staff person at work today. Actually thurr wasnt as many kids today as thurr was last thurs. We had only like 50 kids, but it worked out perfectly cuz we had 4 staff thurr. The day ran a whole lot smoother having more staff thurr. Those kids can get pretty wild. New kids keep on coming and coming. I found this job opening @ LBUSD, Im going to go and apply for it. Please keep me in your prayers that I find a new job REALLY soon. Agh im juss dying over thurr to get out. I was almost thinking of calling in sick today too, trying to use up some of my sick time. Its hurrd to call in sick when your boss sees you like errday and knows whether youre really sick or not.
Mondays are such a long day cuz Im at work from 2-9pm. I watched that movie 'Friday NIght Lights' it was pretty good movie. Its based on a true story too. Kinda predictable but hey wha movie nowa days isnt predictable? I was going through reading back in my ol blog archives, and wow how much has changed. Reading the drama is funny to look back on now, cuz you see God's fingerprints working through it all. You see how God was able to help pull you out of it. Geez, all the drama I had gone through. Praise God for it though!
Short blog again im tired...
"Steady rockin all nite long..."im done, im out God bless!
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