Do The Right Thing
"He loves, He hopes, He waits. Our Lord perfers to wait himself for sinner for years rather than keep us waiting an instant..."
Im putting togther a power point for my grandpurrents anniversary and so I came across ol pics. Wow my grandpurrents looked d0pe when they were young. Actually, even to this day my grandpurrents still be looking fine. Ha I remember back in the days when people said thurr was a difference between 'fine' and 'fione.' If someone was hella hot then that person was 'fione.' haha! Anyway, I can't wait for thurr anniversary purrty, its gonna be crackin'! Western's filipino club confirmed that they would dance for the purrty yay! I got the dj, juss gotta confirm w/him also, things are coming into place! So this pic was taken at my grandpa's 90th birfday purrty, lookin pretty spiffy still aint he?! We gave him this huugge hawaiian purtty in my backyurdd. It was fun, it certainly was. I juss really praise God that he is alive and still doing well.
I dont know if yall been following the terry schavio case from florida. WEll for those who havent, let me brief you on wha the case is. Thurr this florida women who has been brain dead since 1990 and has been on a feedin tube which keeps her alive. Her husband has legal gurdianship over her, and has been fighting the courts for yurrs to take away the tube. Now her purrents are fighting the husband to keep her alive. So now juss recently last fri. the judge decided to take out the feeding tube. Her purrents lobbied congress to act upon it to send the case back to the courts. Congress acted on it, and the president signed a bill on the measure. Juss yesterday the judge decided that the tube will not get reinstated in her.
Last nite my sister, my mom, and I had a discussion bout this whole case. My sister claimed that it was wrong(as with many other people)for the govt. to step in. This is a family issue and it was wrong for the congress to step in. I argued it was a good thing for them to step in. If I were a parent I would do whatever it takes to make sure my child stays alive. Then my sister went on to claim that according to her philsophy instructor, the soul is gone already. When the brain stops functioning, the soul is gone. SOmething like mind over matter I dont know something like that. My mom and I bof claimed her soul is still thurr, until she has completely past her soul still lives. My sister thinks she's gone already since her brain cant function. However I read that terry can wink her eyes and make sounds. So obviously life still lives inside of her.
On Saturday during lunch my aunt said that he took marriage vows from sickness and in health. Its time for him to move on she's been holding him back for the past 15 yurrs, from moving on w/his life. THough you take those vows to stand by each other in sickness and in health till death do you guys apurrt. So she's still living, but he stil wants her killed. HOw sad is that! My sister said the president shouldnt be worrying bout matters such as these but focusing on national issues. How its costing tax payers thousands of dollars errday to keep this going on. I said thas why a president hsa a cabinet, a secretary of state, a secretary of defense, etc. etc. to help handle the national issues.
I dont know bout you but I couldnt stand thurr and watch my child deterioate. It's sad that people are selfish and would do whatever it took to end someone's life. I told my sister errone has a right to live, no one's life should ever be taken away. I thnk she pays too much attention to the world and she claims I am the one who is closed minded. Ha well thurr really isnt too much to think bout in regards to life. Its either youre for life or agaisnt it, its either youre one side or the other. Thurr isnt any real middle ground hurr.
I went to ikea last nite looking for a new bed. Wow they had this one that I really liked but it was like $129. It was one of those fold em and roll em type that youd see in a hotel or something. It had this cool little pull out tray you can use while you lay down. I bought this other type of bed though for only $20! I ordered through the site I hope it comes in the way it looks. THe ikea sturr is huge I got lost finding my way out, its like a maze. I told chentel if I was rich Id buy all my furniture from ikea. They have such creative furniture, its tight!
So I was telling the burr that I havent been getting any tags as of lately. Hmm. I think imma stop tagging other peoples blogs for now. haha Ill become 'lurker status' ill read but I wont tag or anything to that such. AGh thurr some blogging rules in case you didnt know. So let me go over some of them.
Blogging Rules:
#1-If you read an entry tag it.
#2-if someone tags your entry, give them the coutrsey by tagging thurr back.
Yay! very simple and easy to remember! OKay imma post one moe pic up and then thas a wrap.
OH wait im done, juss yet, I found this little article on one of the yfcers xanga. Thought it was a great reflection in regards to carrying our crosses.
Do you question the manner of how Jesus carried that cross?
...Then why do you question the manner of how you carry yours?
There are times we question our service because we believe we are not worthy to carry that responsibility.
There are times we question our faith because we believe we are not pure enough to walk the path of righteousness...
Jesus, who not only carried that cross, was also whipped, tortured, spat at, crowned with thorns, lacerated, beaten, kicked, cursed at, laughed at, stabbed at the side, nailed by the hands and feet and chocked in utter sadness and humiliation...
He fell 3 times in His path...What did he do?...He got up and picked up His cross!
So we complain about our own burdens...Do you think you have it much worse???
Did Jesus let go of that cross??
Just know this...Carry that cross or die trying!
...because we owe Him our salvation
...because we owe Him the life we are blessed to live
...because we Love our God
"Two people, two together it was just a dream until you came along..."im done, im out God bless!
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