Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Tuesday, March 15

Inventory of Life

"No man can attain to the knowledge of God but by humility. The way to mount high is to descend..."

I was sitting in geo. class today juss sitting thurr watching the clock. Agh his lectures make no freakin sense. He tells us to take notes on things but they dont even make any sense. He juss sturrts talking randomness bout whatever. So I thur watching the clock, hoping I dont fall asleep. Ha Well errclass begins by him asking if we went anywhurr over the weekend that was out of the area. So peoeple raise thurr hand and volunteer shurring whurr they went. It was funny this one girl said cerritos. Haha Its new to her though cuz she lives out in corona, ha but it was juss kinda funny.

Then we have this proposal paper group project due wed. I should've gotten the people in my groups # the guy is suppose to email us. Hopefully he does and doesnt flake out. I hate people who flake out on you. Or people who juss really bad when it comes to organziing thurr schedules. I think time management is really important skill. Being able to organzie your times and dates. I think being on time goes w/that also. To me timing is errthang.

The day goes by pretty fast when youre not working. I really love the way things are going right now. Im trying to really embrace these next couple weeks, not having to work or anything is great. Man, if I could win the lotto or something and never have to work again! Or to work from home and make $$ is great too! People were saying I was going to end up getting bored but I'm so not even close to being bored. Having the whole afternoon to myself to take curr of errands and wha not is great. I need to sturrt using this time also to look into applying ot other skool districts. Agh why is finding a job so difficult these days!? I know why...can we say that the economy sucks!

Went to mass this afternoon, and the readings all related to each other. You had in the first reading a girl sussana(thaat song O' Sussana was in my head when I heard that name ha) bout how she was unjustly churrged. THen daniel intervened into the whole case. Then in the gospel you had teh classic sturry of the woman caught in adulterly. How Jesus told them pharisses that the person w/o sin cast the first stone. Fr. Grace talked bout forgiveness and how we can be so quick to condemn other people. We can be so quick to cast that first stone w/o even looking at ourselves first. How were called to be compassionate and merciful to others same way Christ is to us. That no matter wha happens were called to serve and love one another.

Spent some time in the blessed sacarment, reading this activity I do w/my kids. I've already explained this activity I do w/them called 'the inventory of my life.' A churrt to progress whurr they are in thurr faith. I was really moved tonite as I was reading them. To see how God truly truly has worked in thurr lives. Reading how a whole yurr ago, didnt curr too much bout going to mass and receving the sacraments. Now thurr whole take on church is so different. To read stuff like, 'being catholic is a huge part of my life. Something I'd like to pass on to my children.' or 'I like going to church, I tell my purrents to go to church errsunday.' or 'I am more conscience of my sinning now.' Stuff like that really touches and moves me. To see God working in these young peoples lives is the best feeling in the world.

I praise God for juss allowing me to be able to serve and minister to these kids. Even though at time they really test my patience, theyre so thirsty and hungry to want to know. Out of all the yurrs Ive been teaching SRE, this has gotta be the best one. To watch these grow in thurr faith, is like watching your own kid grow up. I know that it can only get better from hurr. As much as I want to retire this yurr, a purt of me feels thurrs still work to do. We'll see in a couple of months what God wants of me.

Went to the deanery young adult meeting tonite. I feel like I'm at church errday of the week. THurr wasnt anyone really thurr, but we had a good sturrt. We talked bout teh visiion of wha we wanted to do, and how we were going to do it. All we have to do now, is get 4 pastors from 4 different parishes to approve of this idea and get moving on it. I think this ministry has a lot of potential into growing to something big. Its juss a matter of finding the right priests who will want to really help this minstry grow. So many young adults are lost cuz thurr is no one to guide them and lead them in the right direction.

Im hungry I think it's time for a snack...I need to sturrt excercising more. I need to make a 'to do' list of things to accomplish this week.

So many great things coming up, im excited!

"I will hold your people in my hands..."im done, im out GOd bless!


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