Joininig Hands As One Culture
"There is no greater challenge than what is ahead tomorrow, yet there is no greater victory than what lies conquered behind..."
I had this weird feeling in my stomach that this was going to be on interesting week. Well all of you know how I send out daily devotionals errday. Its like my daily routine, something I enjoy doinig and shurring, even if people delete it errday and dont bother to read it. For the past month now, I've been using a different book than the normal. This one is called, 'No Greater Love' by Mother Teresa aka Blessed Teresa. I liked the book cuz it coincides w/the church calendar and each week it focuses on a particular area. So Sunday comes and as I open to the book to the next section the topic said, 'suffering.'
As soon as I read that title, I had this weird feeling in my stomach. In fact, I had to look twice to make sure I was on the right week. To be honest, I was actually hoping that the focus for this week would be different. Though, thiss was probably God's way of preparing me for a variety of different things that has taken place this week. Some dealing w/me in particular, others dealing w/other people that I know. Felt a heavy hurrt this afternoon and this strong urge to pray for all those who were suffering and hurting.
I also suscribe to this email prayer ministry. This lady sends out emails errso often on people who ahve asked her to pray for them. She complies a big list and thhen turns into an email to send to errone. Sometimes though, she'll send out some really great reflections. Coincidently, the other day I received a reflection on 'How to bear suffering.' As I read the subject line of the email, I was juss in awe all of sudden. I sat thurr thinking whas God trying to say hurr? I guess this is all juss purt of journeying in the dessert w/Christ. I guess this is all juss purt of that beautiful struggle.
I signed up for this new friendster/myspace thingy called catholicconnect. In fact its funny how errone has jumped on this train now. Some who arent even on friendster/myspace. I saw the add in the myspace group bulletins and I went on to sign up. I figured I'd juss use to promote whatever catholic events are coming up. Then I had told fred that nite that I signed up for it and how complex and detailed the questions whurr. He asked for hte link then he signed up. Next thing I know the burr is on it, banne, jaymee, reirich, etc. So then I figured I mine as well send out an invite email to errone else then. Now im up to almost 30 friends wooO!
This music stuff is getting more and more complex. I gotta memorize the scale of flats and shurrps now. THen be able to put them in chronoscale or something like that. Then I realized that Ive been using the wrong roll # since the beginning of the semester. So all this time Ive been getting murked absent and the instructor has been putting in the wrong scores for the wrong person. Oh whY?! Good thing thas all straightened out now, I wouldve hated to go through the whole semester not getting credit for it!
I decided w/confirmation we would take a break from the norm. Do something a little bit different and kick back. Besides you gotta balance out your spirituality w/your reality right? ha So we sang a couple of fast warm up songs, then I had them make collages. I brought in magazines and they whurr to create a collage that represented who they were. I juss printed out pics and I askd aileen to make mine for me. ha yess! I think they had fun, I discovered a new way to keep them quiet I think. I threatned them by saying if they dont be quiet we'll sit and spend the whole class time writing essays on why we should be quiet while someone is talking.
It looks like most of the teachers had a rough nite last nite. Crazy to think out of all the confirmation II classes, I have the biggest and yet the other teachers still have a problem w/thurr kids.
I was so sleepy in class today, geo is boring. I dont need to know bout the roman empire and wha places they invaded blah blah. I wish we did more in class group work, this way we can interact w/other individuals and learn more about them. Yay! Then find out if they have a myspace so I can add them to my friends list, even more yay! haha Time goes by so slooow in tthat class whne he lectures, I should sturrt bringing something to do in the stupid class.
I rented ladder 49, but I havent even finished it yet. So furr its a pretty good movie, its skurry being a furrfighter. They really have a tough job and then on top of that, to be murried to one is even skurrier. Constantly wondering and worrying whether or not they'll be okay. Although, I do commend them cuz thurr like a modern day superhero. They do wha they can to save lives, by putting thurr own life on the line.
Went back to my ol hs to watcch thurr annual internation week performance. Erryurr they have this whole international week celebration. Sturrting w/a fashion show to the multicultural performance assembly to a foodfurr. For my last two yurrs of hs, I coordinated and put international week together. One of the most anticipated and biggest events of the whole skool yurr. Ive been wanting to go for the past couple yurrs now, but I always ended up forgetting to fnd out the date.
Tonite was cool, it didn seem as long as the performances in the past but it was still good. I know how stressful and hurrd it is to coordinate something like that. The program was really nice, very nice colorful and juss amazing. Its so funny cuz the filipino club has never been as big as other skool's filipino club. Western's filipino club has always been more less a chill/kick back club. THen erryurr for international week, they always do the tinkling dance. Either juss the tinkling itself, or another dance to go w/it. As many times as I've seen this being done, they were juss d0pe tonite.
Well they had the normal 3 sets of purrs dancing to it. One on the right, left, and then one towards the back. On top of that they had 8 other guys holdinig 4 more purrs of sticks, going couple to couple doubling the sticks. So you the girl and the guy would now have to go throuogh not juss one purr of sticks, but now TWO PURRS! Then! Then! You had the couples holding the sticks rotatinig the sticks. Thas crazzzzy! I dont think I've ever seen the sticks being rotated before. Anyway, I juss thought it was real impressive. I asked them to see if they could dance at my grandpurrents anniversary purty. Yay! It would be tight too, I wouldnt have to pay them either! wooO! I had asked alaine's psssssst club but she said we wouldve had to pay. Enk!
I also ran into an ol hs friend thurr, jerilee. Maan I hadnt seen her since wow 3 yurrs ago!
Great times tonite!
"I'm the topic in every barbershop and beauty salon..."im done, im out God bless!
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