Falling In Love...All Over Again
"Impossible is a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in a world they've been given rather than explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact, it's an opinon. Impossible is nothing..."
As I was praying the rosary and chaplet tonite, w/my good friend julie, all these thoughts rushed into my head. Memories of that first 'hype' I had for God, the yurr I had completely fell in love w/God and His church. Maan the summer of '02 was great, I had felt 'complete.' Errthang in life was going real swell. I had a new job, which was unexpected, made some new friends, that became my 2nd family. I remember that thirst I had to learn more bout the church, that 'fire' I had to serve Him. Making daily visits to the blessed sacarment on my back to work, praying the rosary and chaplet errday, reading and learning bout the Saints. It was one unforgetable summer...
Yurrs later errthangs changed, well not completely. Im not saying that life isnt great or it sucks, juss things are a lot different now. Obviously, we all go through personal struggles and the 'hype' we once feel soon fades away. Things become distractions and laziness sturrts to kick in. THe daily visits to mass and the blessed sacrament become hard to do. You push yourself to pray the rosary and chaplet. Basically, you end up finding yourself in this dessert. Yet God has a way of pulling us out of thurr. It juss takes our cooperation and our willingness to want to get out.
I want to regain that hype and feeling, to fall in love all over again. Trying to get to daily mass errday, doing more reading on the Saints(geez, I've had this book from Fr. Paul on St. Catherine of Siena and I still havent finished that book.) I remember the days of the phone rosaries, calling random people up asking them to pray the rosary w/me at nite(havent done that in a long time.)Basically, yes I'll admit that spiritually I'm kinda struggling. Though within this past month, things have been getting better. I know its all juss purt of that purification process. God doesnt abandon those He loves. By His grace, He makes it all possible. Everythings gonna be alright now...
One of my student's was asking me a little bit bout the history of the church. The difference between our church and protestant churches. He's new this yurr, so he missed out last yurr w/my whole apologetics theme. It was funny at the end of the convo, he goes to me, 'so were the og church?' I was glad that he asked and praise God that they have this wanting to know about it. So now when others try to convert him at least he knows the catholic church is the one true church. Speaking of protestant churches, I found this article on phatmass and I found it sad. Check it...
Protestantized Catholic parishes. Are we really competing?
Okay, so I live in TX. Needless to say, there are a lot of Protestant churches around here. Sadly, most of the Catholic churches in the area have molded their parishes based on the local Protestant model. I think the thought is, "Wow, look at how those Protestant churches are attracting people--we should do the same thing!".
And so starts the downfall...
What this means:
- emphasis is moved from the Eucharist (Christ) to the community
- baptismal fonts are often the most visible aspect in new construction, while the tabernacle (Christ) is less visible
- less importance is placed on the sacraments (Christ) and more emphasis placed on fellowship events
Why it does not work:
I am reminded of the words spoken by Francis Cardinal Arinze when he was talking about the perceived need for entertainment in the mass. He said (I'm paraphrasing) that if people want to be entertained they know where to go. It is not mass. If people want to dance, they go to the club. Not mass. People go to mass for Christ.
So, as Catholics, why do we feel that we need to compete with the Protestant and non-denominational churches down the street? Let's accept our defeat! They CAN entertain better than us. They CAN organize bigger and flashier fellowship events. They CAN produce a better show!
But so can MTV.
If people want a show, they know where to find it. Let's stick to what our purpose is. Let's continue to bring Christ to the people. That's all we need... and it's the only thing people truly desire.
How sad is that! I love how Cardinal Arinze said if people want to be entertained they know whurr to go. People shouldnt come to mass looking to be entertained, they should come to mass wanting to receieve Jesus. The one thing that them protestant churches dont have. Imma shurr this article w/my class this week. I think its a very important thing to keep mass sacred and not try to make 'entertainable' for others to enjoy.
I met Jesus today through these elderly vietnamese couple. They're so devoted to the church. I came into the chapel to pray and I saw them kneeling and praying. As old and I'm sure frail and other stuff it didnt stop them from getting on thurr knees to pray. I always see them come during adoration to spend some time at the blessed sacarment. They live in those senior apts. behind sPv. Theyre so reverent also, getting on thurr hands and knees before the blessed sacarment. Wow! As they were walking out, the elderly ladie's shoe strap was coming off. The husband bent down and fixed it for her. I was like awww, how cute!
It's a big week for me as well as my kids and I know the attacks are on thurr way. So, please keep my kids and myself in your prayers. That we can avoid temptation and keep our eyess focused on the job ahead of us. Its like counting down to graduation, whurr you wait yurrs and yurrs for this big moment. A couple of my kids are going through some rough times so if you can please pray for them. One of them got his dog jacked on sat. he's taking it real hard. While my other one juss lost his uncle. Obviously, it's not a coincidence all this is going on the week of confirmation. Please juss keep them in your prayers.
Many people that I love are going through a time of suffering and purification. Although, it sometimes sucks when things like this happen its also a great thing to know how God has something big in store for us. That our suffering brings unites us deeply w/Christ through His wounds. Anyway, for those who are suffering and hurting, I offer my hurrt & prayers to you.
There are moments in life when we feel that we have reached our limits with the trials and tribulations of life. It is important that we remember that God has given us a special strength to endure and persevere and continue on despite these hardships that befall us. I encourage you to gird yourself up and recognize God's strength that lies within your spirit and be determined never to give in or give up. God has you in the palms of His hand and nothing by any means shall be able to overtake you. Rest in this promise and know that God is with you. (2 Corinthians 12:8-10) (Psalm 91:2-4)... Never allow the enemy to discourage your heart and make you feel like giving up on being a witness and an example of the Lord. Your reward in eternity will greatly outweigh this light affliction that seems so great right now.
On a more lighter note, it was funny I had my away message on and chris baclig IMed me. I come back and he asked if I clicked on some link and if I did he was sorry. Apparently, his friend sent him some link that had some type of virus that sent it out the link to errone on his buddy list. Anyway, so I we were joking around bout it and I told him he should be one of those nbc 'the more you kno commercials. You know how they have some celeb talk bout something important like education or discrimination etc. etc. then at the end they have the shooting sturr w/the rainbow and it says 'the more you know.' OKay maybe itsj uss one of those things whurr you had to be thurr. I juss thought it was funny.
Okay wow, thurrs a cat whos like whinning or crying right now...weird.
“I am suffering these things; but I am not ashamed, for I know Him in whom I have believed and am confident that He is able to guard what has been entrusted to me until that day.” – 2 Timothy 1:12
"My life is for you and I adore you..."im done, im out God bless!
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