A Day In A Life...
"Througout your life, there will be a lot of opportunities that come up, but you have to walk away, and at times it will be difficult to do so because you deserve better..."
WORK: For those who are curious as to why my days are so draining, let me share with you a day in the life of me at work. Today was a pretty cool day at work though, real chill at least for the most part. Pray for my director, he went to cancun mexico on wed. we dont even know if he's back yet. Then I had drama w/some of the older kids, they think theyre so freakin hard, but when push comes to shove...ha theyre nothing. So anyway, take a walk in my shoes in what I do work errday.
THE BUILDING: This is the center where I work at. It use to be a pre school center, but the city bought out the property w/a vision of turning into a community center or park. Its getting demolished sometime this fall. I have to put up a stupid sign each day advertising my program, and errweek another poster with the theme for that particular week. It has a big US cuz the place use to be call US pre school, now its juss called fern street center. Its all boarded up cuz they broke into the big building wehre the office and kitchen was and vandalized it. Oh yeah, so after I opeen up the center, in the parking lot is where I set up caroom boards and this portable basketball court.
THE MAIN BUILDING: To the right is the courtyard garden its like in the center of all the modules. There's 4 different modules in the center, 2 connect on one side but the other rooms on the other side dont. The orange door is where the kids go inside and do games, arts & crafts etc. etc. Its all boarded up cuz some kid(s) broke in and thrashed the whole place. Before I use to have 1 whole module open but cuz of the vandalism they boarded errthang up. Now I only use one portion of the module. As you can see in the middle of the courtyard, theres a huge tree that gives shade. Thas the tree the kids love to hang on when they go outside, and they always step in the courtyard flower garden! I hate that!
INSIDE: THis is the center of my center where I do all my programming. There's a fooseeball table, a sink, and bathroom to the left. The place looks clean cuz I had juss cleaned after all the kids had already left for hte day. We leave the walls bare cuz we dont want to risk vandalism inside the center again. So we juss put up the kids art work that they make. On the right is the art table and behind is ithe art & crafts rollaway. This is the table where the kids make their prorjects, all the arts supplies are in that rollaway. Doesnt look too bad iniside huh? ALl the room are the same exact way, except we only use one of them. The other room that connects is juss the movie room on wed. and the 'i need a break' room cuz I turn on the air and leave it on till we go. The room ends up getting to be really cold, iti feels nice during the heat.
THE BACKYARD: THis is the backyard as we like to call it at fern. The playground equipment looks good from far away, but its so ugly up close. THough the kids never the less love playing on it though. The back by that tree is where they love to play soccer or on the side of the modules. We come out here in teh afternoons to do our outdoor activities. Theres more grass area to the right, thas where we play softball. As you can see its a pretty big piece of property you can do a lot w/it. This is where we have our waterfights too during hot days like these past few weeks.
A GLIMPE: Below youll find out exactly wha the kids do all the day. How im constantly chasing after them, picking thngs up for them, and putting up w/their OA attitudes. Oh yeah, also keep in mind the neighborhood I work at is a real low income area.
COMPLETE: So there you have it, a small glimpse of how my afternoon runs. Now when I talk bout work, you ahve an idea of wha Im saying. Even though I have some rough times, I still enjoy these kids. They make me laugh at some of the things they do. Its truly one of those places where community is mos def needed. These kids come in looking for somethin to do, and Im glad the center can be some type of safe haven where they can look forward to coming to. I can only imagine the stories they'll share w/their kids bout us and the center when they get older.
"This is the place where you belong, right here in my arms..."im done, im out God bless!
At 7:42 AM, Kit-Kat said…
Great photo journal/documentary! :) heehee
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