"Faith is acknowledgement, prayer and action all coming together for God’s glory. Faith is where humanity and Divinity meet. Faith is where we trust that regardless of what we WANT, He’ll always give us what we NEED. "
This is the message ive been receiving lately from Jesus. To trust fully in Him and there is no need to doubt cuz He's always there holding our hands. I really like how the last line of this quote says, Faith is where we trust regardless of wha we want, cuz no matter what He will always provide. Ever since couple weeks ago during yfc whurr we shurred our moments when we doubt and faill to trust, Ive been getting the reassuring messages to 'Let go and Let God.' Mathew 14:22-33,"Peter got out of of the water toward Jesus. But when he saw how strong the wind was he became frightened; and, beginning to sink, he cired out, 'Lord save me!' Immediately Jesus stretched out his hand and caught him, and said to him, 'O you of little faith, why did you doubt?'"I keep hurring the scripture passage ever since i had shurred @ yfc, ive been hurring a lot. God is saying, "Trust Me, I will not let you down."
I had a busy day, i was running around all afternoon from place to place. Im proud of myself cuz i went to mass this whole week! I havent gone to daily mass errday since lent. I finally figured it out in my schedule how i can get to mass errday. I pray that i wont get lazy and slack off. Got gas again this is like the 2nd time this week i got gas. This dumb neon eats up gas like no other. I miss my car, 2 more weeks and it should be done. THatd be d0pe if it was done by this week. Had lunch w/robby at whurr else but subway in westminister. We havent had lunch like that in forever long. Good times, good times. On the way home i stopped by target well to see what they could do bout my digicam not working. PRaise God cuz they told me they can juss do an even exchange for it. I was really happy cuz i had thrown away my receipt like 2 weeks ago too.
Fred called me on the way back to westminister and told me that the movie 'the debut' was already out on video. Oh man that was like music to my eurrs! haha After dropping robby back @ work, i checked out like 3 different hole in the wall video stores, but they didnt have it. I ended up finding it at the video store in the target shopping center! woO! i had to apply for a membership cuz i didnt have it. Went back to target and got the camera working again! yay! Hopefully nothing bad happens w/this one. Theyre gonna send back the old one cuz its defective. Then the mexican calls me and told me he has the sfc cd w/all almost all the songs i was looking for on sun. Especially the particular one i was looking for! So i went durr to his house and i burnt the cd. woOo! Then i dropped him off @ ross and speeded back to spv for 515pm mass. I almost forgot bout going to mass! I love the way Fr. Paul does mass its charasmatic but w/o the tounges. Fr. Paul is d0pe!
WAtched fred's feature film, 'Diary of a gangsta sucka.' Oh man! thas funny to see fred like yurrs ago. He looked like a filipino ice cube back in the day w/the dark sunglasses and stuff. Despite all the cussing and wha not, its a pretty funny. There was one part whurr he was @ some party and he approaches some girl and goes, 'aren't you tired?' She responds back, 'no why?' He goes, 'well you should be cuz youve been runnin around in my mind all day long.' Haha she mad dogs him and is like i gotta use the bafroom and freds like take your time. I love that movie the debut! woO after all the long 2 yurss of waiting for the movie to come out, its finally hurr! woOo!!!
Apologetics started tonite again, there wasnt a lot of people like last semesters class, but there still was a good turn out. YOu know how the first goes, orientation, syllabus, and testimonies. MmM then ray said meat and potatoes so i got thinking mmmm meat & potatoes @ apologetics yum! haha I juss like listening to tito jess talk cuz he keeps you awake. He's a d0pe teacher. Ha during break tito jess asked me to give a short testimony also. So i went up durr and said how its helped me w/teaching SRE and its also helped me become more knowledgeable bout my faith. Then durrs this one ol lady in the back and she yells, 'I cant hurr yoU!' I said 'agh! no.' haha Im suprised she couldnt hurr me cuz i usually talk loud enough. Its coo the mexican is going through apologetics again and he brought his mom too. Greg from L & L er F was durr as well as roland. I didnt recgonize him @ first cuz i havent seen that fool since youf alpha 01. So that was coo seeing him again.
After jeanne, the mexican and i went to applebess cuz we hungry after the 'meat & potatoes.' haha I havent been to applebess since after the youf lss last yurr. As i walked in it brought back to mind the memories of last summer. ::sigh:: haha It was funny when we walked in jeanne remembered the indian statue and how it looks like hes doing the actions to 'who builds the faith.' haha aww those were more memories...haha It was d0pe cuz our waitress was totally diggin the catholic shirts. Those have been getting a lot of props lately. woO anyway, she said how she had gone to ncfc 2 yurrs ago @ lbc convention center. I happened ot have a prayer meeting business card and gave it to her. Basically we invited her to prayer meeting on tues. nite. She thought that was nice, and she said maybe one of these tues. she'll see us there. tight!
So a lot of good things happened today, being able to get a new camera, getting the sfc cd that i was forever looking for, wha elese , oh being able to rent the debut on dvd! yay!!
"Come bless our land as we seek You, worship You..." im done, im out GOd bless!
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