"The family is the most ancient institution which God founded in Paradise, when He called the first pair of human beings into existence. The first blessing which God gave was for the wellbeing of the family. With family life, the history of the world commences..."
By the time sunday evening comes i feel like my body is juss so heavy. Too bad our spa isnt working cuz it really comes in handy. Especially during long days or long weekends. OH you know whatd be nice, a bathtub spa! Ive seen one of those before! In our time shurr in kauai, we had a shower that would walk into the bathtub. The bathtub was pretty big, could fit at least 2 people. Then it had jets and errthang, talk bout relaxing! Praise God for hot water! haha
I had gone back to anaheim hills for the later part of the afternoon to finish up the commercial. I guess the camera guy needed to get some close up shots. So i drove back up thurr and got thurr @ like 315pm. I was getting real impatient cuz the guy didnt come till like about 5pm cuz he had work and stuff. I wanted to try and make it to the youf mass @ st. paul but i figured it was impossible to get bof done. A lot less people then yesterday, but we still accomplished wha was needed. Praise God, i really hope that it turns out the way i envisioned it to be. It was getting a bit nippy when i left the hills. This time i didnt get lost! wooO!
Had gone straight to sPv mass @ 630pm made it in perfect timing. Leaving bout like 15 min left to spurr. Fr. Paul was the celebrant for mass, so thas always good stuff. I guess that was his first time being on the 630pm mass. Normally fr. kevin doesnt put him on that mass for some reason...ANyway, he got many compliments after mass on his homily. One lady went up to him and said, 'thank you in believe in the true presence.' I think she was referring to how during eucharistic prayer how he holds up the bread. This is one of the many things i like when he does mass. When it says 'this is my body which has been given up for you...' THen he hold up Jesus and makes sure errone sees it. Not juss hold up and put it down. Same thing w/the chalice. Praise God thurr are still a lot of catholics who know in the true presence.
After mass i had gone to confession since i wasnt able to go before hand. YOu know at sPv we have a luxury of having wha 6 priests? SO many other parishes have 2 if theyre lucky. So it sucks that we only have 1 priest doing reconciliation. I was told fr. kevin doesnt want to have 2 priests doing confession. Whenever i go, thurrs always a long line. Often times many people dont get to go cuz of the lack of time. So it sucks for those people who are in sin and really want to cleanses. PRaise God for other parishes like st. peter chanel who have confession all the time. I think thas so cool knowing i can go to confession any day of the week over thurr.
I was trying to work on taht yahoo mail all morning long. I was trying to send a spirit games email from thurr and it wasnt working. I hate webmail they can make it so complicated. Thas why i like AOL so easy to use, no wonder its #1. haha Thur was some type of problem when i was sending the mail. I was getting frustrated cuz i couldnt figure out wha the stupid problem was either. I guess forget that idea. Looks like imma stick to sending out email to the commitee by my regular email.
Ang and i are gonna put on a performance thurs. nite. Ha were gonna do the usher song 'yeah.' Ha! i love that song, it has the tightest beat to it. The chrous is so cathcy too, cmon now, 'yeah.' Take that and rewind it back...isda got the beat that makes your booty go...The other song i like too cuz its cathcy is 'get low.' Those are like total clubbin booty shakin, grindin' songs. OH you knwo wha song is song thats so fun to dance to, is 'get busy.' Shake that thing...you know the sean paul song. I heard this song on the way to anaheim hills but i dont know who it was. Its pretty tight song too. I hate when they play songs and you wait till the end of song waiting for the title or the artist and they dont tell you!
Hopefully, if im not too tired after work, id like to really go to adoration and read my kids reflections. I shouldve done that this weekend, or rather this week. I shouldve actually done that on fri. I hate when i plan to do things and i dont get it done. Thas wha happens when i let laziness get in the way. So that guy matt the leader of SCA and the one whos putting together spirit games commericial is a cool guy. He drove 2 hours out 2 days in a row to put together the commercial. That foo lives up in like 818 area code, so i know its a drive for him coming ot the OC.
He comes and drives out to all the spirit games meeting, from carson to the OC to temple city. Thas a spirit of a true leader...praise God
So whas going on this week, hurrs a glace into my week:
Monday-work till 830pm then hopefully adoration @ savio
Tueday-SRE/PRayer meeting
Wednesday-Purpose Driven Life bible study
Thursday-UCI catholic community end of the qtr. potluck
Saturday-Fr. Brennan's the gospel of John thing
Sunday-Mass & Core group meeting
Looks like i got my week made out for me! In between all those 'extra curricular activites' i got skool and work. Ha Praise GOd that he keeps me going and moving. Maybe thas why i get so impatient czu im always on the go that i forgot wha rest means. I may not even go to the thing on sat. Father told me he was only going to stop by for a bit. We'll see how the week goes, Praise God that i have fridays off! I love having fridays offf, they are the best!
"Rain on me...Lord, won?t you take this pain from me..."im done, im out God bless!
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