Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Wednesday, March 10

"If God should be named anything...He should be named 'Love'"

First off its soo cool to see that the SH webpage is finally up and going again! yay! Big ups to our PR reirich for getting errthang working on it again. I love how he's got that daily scripture link on thurr too! AS of yesterday ive been printing them out to add to my bible diary for daily mass readings. See on the part that sucks bout the bible diary it doesnt contain the 1st reading or responsorial psalm, only the gospel. Soo i now print them out on a daily basis and add to my bible diary. Now i feel complete and can follow along w/the readings for mass! yay!

Speaking of mass, oh man fr. ray did mass @ 1215pm yesterday. Well mass is usually over by 1245pm, so youre picturing a 30 min. mass. I was out of sPv by 1233 yesterday! A little over 15min mass was finished! whoa talk bout quick styles mass huh. The lector was reading real fast too, its like whoa thurr slow down! Then fr. ray was talking all fast throughout the homily and the rest of mass! I love going when fr. paul serves mass, cuz he adds these soo cool songs! Like Jesus, Jesus, Jesus in the morning, Jesus in noon time, Jesus, Jesus. Jesus when the sun goes down... Yeah if youve been to a fr. paul daily mass then youll know wha im talking bout!

So the other day in class this girl comes into lab all burnt up. Jaymee said, 'talk bout a real hottie!' hahaha but i was a little disgusted by it. She wore all this revealing clothing and it was like sick! I dont want to see your burnt up body, put some clothes on! Well maybe she couldnt other people told me but still...i must say it was sooo unattractive and well she looked like a red hot candy! hahaha oh man So i guess side note dont fall asleep in the sun, its not healthy for you! Especially when it's blazin' hot! Speaking of 'blazin' thurrs a new action to that word that was discovered over the weekend.

I was so excited for SRE last nite! You dont even know how excited i was, juss as excited for youf rally to come! Well maybe a little less than that but still excited. Why was i so excited? Cuz YOUF ALPHA is now ova baby! AS much as i had fun participating in it and errthang it was juss too long for me! Besdiies that i didnt have the best group of kids either. Oh well, i juss pray that my kids in my group got something out of it. I did do most of the talking. So i was so excited last nite i had gone into the SRE office saying, 'Praise God! im so excited to get back to class!' And that i was...i had gone into my neighbor teacher's room and we gave each other high fives cuz we were so excited to be back! NO more screaming and yelling at the kids, CLAP IT UP!! No more drippin sweat from all the action songs and dancing.

I had 4 freaking kids absent last nite! I wonder wha happened to them, i was quite dissapointed. Anyway, as class was underway it was back to normal as it was before. I miss having leslie helping me out. Especially cuz she was able to handle marvin. She was able to deal with him on a individually, more then i could do. Its so hard cuz whenever i have to discpline him, it takes away time from the rest of the class. Well wha did we do last nite? I was discerning over a couple of lesson plan ideas, and i finally went with the 2nd idea. We were going to do a 'Passion' meditation, but ill save that for next week. I did this 'inventory of life' excecrise with them. Ill go into that in a bit. First, i let them watch a couple of the commercials from the SOL youf rally DVD. WOw that thing comes in handY!

They watched the hightclips from the year before. IT was funny as theyre crowding around the little laptop watching it, one of the kids was saying, 'oh she's fine, she's fine.' Keeping a record of all the fine girls he saw. Then it was so funny cuz he saw 'LF' and without even knowing theyre from carson, he said, 'they're from carson huh cuz they're flip.' ahha i said yes they are from carson. I thought that was funny being he guessed they were from carson juss by looking at them. I think some of the kids are interested in hopefully they'll go so SH looks big!

So i did this 'inventory of life' excercise, theyve done this for the past 2 years already. What it is, is an activity that reflects on their walk w/God. There are 3 different columns, 'past,' 'present,' and 'future.' THey look back on their past from last year. Where were they in their walk last year? Then they write down were they were, then they look at themselves now. HOw are they doing in their walk w/God now. Have they become closer to HIm then last year? Do they know more or less bout their faith then the year before. Lastly, the future, whurr do they want themselves to be? Praying more? Wha do they want to learn bout their faith? I make a copy and i keep one of the copies and relfect back on them. I wished i made a copy of it from the 1st year we done the activity, oh well. Its soo exciting to see how they've grown and matured in their faith!

I feel like a parent watching their child grow up and mature to become an adult. Even though its a little bit different. As ive told many people over and over again, im even more excited(even more excited then i am for youf rally and spirit games combined.) to see them confirm their catholic faith next may. After walking w/90% of these kids, what will be 4 years next may, to see them finally receieve the Holy SPirit will be something i will always remember. I think for the bof of us me and the class, weve been able to grow in our faith together. Which is probably the best part. I know though im be sad to see them go...but now theyre the future leaders of the church. Maybe next yurr will be my final yurr teaching SRE, and i will go into SRE retirement. Haha I've been teaching SRE since i was like 2 haha jk no, but since i was like wha 13? i got a year to discern and see whurr God wants me. Praise God!

Its so funny cuz as i pulled up and i had all the music min. equip. in my curr. Well, i was going to need help and that i did get. God sent of my kids who were happening to pass by my way. I called them over and there was enough of them to pretty much get errthang ot bring upsturrs. Ha i thought that was cool. OH yeah, one more goal before the end of SRE comes is to bring them back up to prayer meeting. AS of the past couple yurrs this has seem to be a tradition. TO bring the kids up to SH and experience the Holy SPirit. They always love going upsturrs, i think part of it was the whole music min. too the drums, bass, geetar, piano, vokals etc.

Went to prayer meeting and we did disciples in mission-Lenten version. GOod shurrings, the theme was giving thirst to those who are thirsty. IN a sense of those who need God's word in their lives. PRayer meeting seemed pretty big last nite, a fairly mix of youf and adults. Anthony, raymond, and lizah came. WOw they brought a new comer from their community. Afterwurds went ot chill @ mc donalds and had lots of fun. Havent been thurr after prayer meeting in like 12 yurrs! haha I was talking to charisse later on that nite, helping her pick out last min. items for her trip to miami. She's gonna bring me back home an alligator! haha wow!

Alright kids thas it for now, i must get ready for mass! Im so hungry too, its okay though ill be able to get fed @ mass. yay! Last yfc meeting of the qtr. tonite, julie was telling me bout this yfc raffle coming up. OoH sounds like a lot of fun, tight prizes too! Maan it takes me a while to read and update myself on errones blogs! Yesterdaty murrked the 5 yurr deaf anniversary of Biggie smalls! God bless his soul!

I love my cofirmation kids!!

"You gotta get, that, dirt off your shoulder..." im done, im out GOd bless!


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