"We want to raise our children so that they can take a sense of pleasure in both their own heritage and the diversity of others..."
Im really feeling this song right now from the 'liwanag' soundtrack. ITs called 'Always be my home,' it was the song used during the spirit rally when they had all those different emo signs. Anyway, thurrs one purrt in the song that goes like this..
But still
I wanna run away
Go it all alone
When will I ever learn from my mistakes
Ahh how many times do we know that Jesus is right thurr but yet we fail to really realize that. And so often times our human emo takes over us and we want to do it all alone. Sometimes as much as we know we cant do it on our own, we still try to rely on our own strength. We must always remember that He gives us His grace. That grace is Him giving us His strength to carry on. To climb through those hills and go through those dark times in our lives. As im sure many of us has heard, 'you cant get to easter sunday, w/o going through an good friday.'
So pray God's strength ask for His grace and mercy when you feel that pride telling you to do it on your own. ALways remember He has his arms open ready to catch you when you fall. Though you feel sooo distant from Him, distance is nothing to Him. Your grace is sufficient for me, eternally yours...
Had a frutiful dinner meeting w/charisse tonite. Its been a while since weve actually sat down and talked. Weve been so busy that we dont talk as much as we use to. We bof decided after spirit games is ova were gonna start to cut down on ministry involvements. So we pretty much put together the whole retreat and meeting. IM hoping errthang will run smoothly and go according to schedule.
Took a trip down memory lane w/ang or rather fake ex gf now! haha As of lately ive been reminiscing a lot. Maan its funny all the small details and flashbacks i can remember. SOmetimes i can see it soo clurr in my head too thas its crazy. Reflecting back on the past can be especially fun when looking at pics. PIctures are really worf a thousand words. They really are...
Went to mass today, fr. larry gave a really good homily. Since today's gospel was bout the beatitudes he said to pray and ask God wha beatitude He really wants you to have. Beg God to give you whether its to be meek or to be really hungry for Him. Whatever it is make that your prayer that God will give it to you, so that you may live your life throught that 'attitude.' Good stuff!
Okay well thas all for today! Wow first regular entry in a while. Dont forget to play the 'many purrtys' game! Please pray for a special intention! Thanks!! Isda out! haha
"And I will find my freedom once again..."im done, im out GOd bless!
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