Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Wednesday, October 20

Singing in the Rain!

"Those whose are hearts are pure are temples of the Holy Spirit..."

Praise God for such nice weather! I love the cold aurr the winter breeze of the wind blowing by. Ahh yes, summer is definitely gone, for now at least. The rain was juss the best all day today. These past days are juss real perfect chill weather, weather to sleep in and juss watch movies all day. THis weather really reminds of christmas weather, whurr the malls are jam packed and you cant find any purrking. Halloween isnt even over yet, thanksgiving isnt even hurr yet and we have holiday stuff already. My how the days, the months, and the yurrs pass by.

Anyway, I had taken the day off so I can do all I can to help get things ready for the anniversary. THough once you have a day off, its like you never want to go back to work again. :Sigh: Im in the process of praying on how much longer imma stay thurr. JOb stability is good, and they give me errthang I need, i juss I guess dont want to work anymore! ha In a sense I miss the good ol days working at the daycurr. Despite the fact the kids would stress me out, juss the convience of errthang.

SKool is really sturring to pick up, especially since im anticipating this will be my 2nd to last semester before I transfer. We had a oral quiz today in history, agh praise God I didnt call on. THe instructor has been letting us out so late the past couple times. In psych I didnt even bother to take down lecture! ha I knew how hectic of a day today was gonna be, so I was putting together an outline for confirmation. AGh then math, agh I really hate math, nuff said. It was niec to feel the rain slowly juss drip drop as I was walking to my curr. Then heard alaine complain bout the rain, I love the rain!!

OoOh so this girl comes to my door today and is offering some type of currpet cleaning. She was really cute too, it was coo cuz she was real nice and swe3t. Anyway thas the highlight of the day...ha joking. Jay came over and we went to the bp mall and ran some errands. Ran into my old coworker at ross. Its crazy to see how she's still thurr, shes the only original one still working thurr since the sturr opened back in aug. of 99. I remember those days, always had to work closing shift, always working the weekends. Agh! She's always been like the 'work mom' to me whenver I was thurr. Juss real genuine and caring, I love those type of people. Juss have that charisma of friendliness and happiness. Always so positive and full of constant love to give.

For the past week now, ever since last tues. I've been preparing articles etc. for my confirmation lesson tonite. The topic was relationships the catholic way, going over the 'dos' and 'donts.' Last week I sturrted to give them the whole 'car analogy' in terms of dating. They sturrted to laugh thinking that they go for the 'cheapest' one they can find. Praise God for banne's ol entry from when she was curr shopping. I used that exact analogy and went over errthang step by step, the way she broke it down on her blog. It was a very interactive, using the whole car comparison. Abe told me after class even he got a lot out of it, praise God! Im hoping they got a lot out of it.
I was upset though cuz I had one kid who juss fell asleep during the whole talk! Then I have another kid who helps out w/the childrens liturgy of the word on sun, yet doesnt go to mass. Ahh the most frustrating part of teaching SRE is finding out your kids arent making an effort to get to mass.

The anniversary was fun, sooo much good food! Jaymee put together a great slideshow for the ol core. My household was thurr to help support which was cool. I heard fr. paul's homily was great, I wish I was thurr to hurr it. So as one journey ends, so a whole new one begins. I'm excited for this next term, all the things God has planned for the community. It's been a bumpy couple of months, but praise God! Cuz how would we ever know joy if we never suffered any pain? Jaymee and I had a really good convo. bout fidelity to Jesus. I guess this was something fr. paul brought up during his homily.

We began to talk bout how we always talk bout relationships and the whole, 'wha would you do if that person cheated on you?' type thing. IN the same sense, we, the people make up the church and the church is the bride of Christ. So how many times have 'we' cheated on Christ himself. How many times have we been careless in the way we serve God. Any normal person, would probably end the relationship if they found out thurr 'so(siginficant other) was cheating on them. Yet Jesus is soo curring and forgiving that he forgets bout wha we did and only wants us to come back to him. He only wants us to love him more, his unconditional love for us. So we must share that same love in serving one another I guess when ti comes down to it. Jaymee and I were bof saying how it really keeps us accountable in what we do and say. Praise GOd!

I've been reading the book, 'the great faith,' and wow so much I want to shurr w/yall on hurr. Yet it's gonna have to wait another time cuz I'm worn out. I cant believe I didnt leave sPv till almost 1130pm! ANyway, please keep some of my special intentions in your prayers along w/the new core group.

I looooooove thr rain!!!

"All I hear is raindrops, falling on the roof top..."im done, im out GOd bless!


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