Make it clap!

Now were clappin cuz now from the moment that i heard you say it was like my favorite track and im like ooh replay it!

Wednesday, November 10

Saints In the Making

"No one is a martyr for a conclusion; no one is a martyr for an opinion; it is faith that makes martyrs..."

First off happy birfday to jay, a guy who has soo much love and devotion to Our Lady its contagious! He can go off for hours telling you so much bout Our Lady that you'll come out becoming loving Mary even more that you did before. Not only does he have a strong love and devotion to our Lord and our Lady, along w/kanye west and usher, he always has a strong craving for molca salsa. I dont understand how one person can eat so much of it in one week. Bleh! haha Anyway, praise God for jay who is a great saint in the making along w/all the others imma be talking bout in the rest of the entry. Happy Birfday jay!

I forgot to mention this in yesterdays entry. Well during my visit at Savio, I decided I'd go and finish reading SRE homework. I walk out and Im thinking before I leave the main door, should I put something to hold the door? Juss cuz thurrs a code now, and well even though the lady told me the code, wha happens if I get locked out? So, I took the risk anyway and well wha do you know? I get locked out! Agh! Being that I knew the code, I didnt fret ha. I punch in the code, 1-2-3-4-5 like the lady said. It didnt work, so I punched in the code again, still didnt work. Agh! I kept pushing it and trying different things. I was getting frustrated cuz I really wanted to go back in thurr and be w/Jesus.

Well I think they have confirmation on mon. nites at savio, so I saw some peopel thurr still. I saw a salesian sister and asked her if she knew the code to let me back in. She didnt even know thurr was a code to get in! She tried punching in numbers too and nothign worked. Finally, we asked some other person standing around. Turns out she was able to get me back in, and I was given the wrong code to get in! Agh no wonder I couldnt get back in. Praise God though I was able to get back in.

Its been a while since I've done this, so hurr it goes. I met Jesus last nite through this young kid at savio last nite. As I was sitting thurr in the presence of God, I saw this young kid whos probably like 16-17 yurrs old come in. Wow I was truly impressed by his reverence for the blessed sacarment. He walks and immediately falls to his knees juss totally surrendering to GOd. Then gets back still on his knees and continues to pray. Before he leaves, he again falls down almost as if he was kissing the ground. His reverence before God, not only made me smile but im sure God was totally excited juss to see how much love he had to give. Praise God for people like that who remind you to give errthang you have to God.

I was like 30 min. late to class this morning, yeah I know not good. Which reminds me I totally forgot to see if thurr was sign-in sheet. Oh why?! Anyway, being that air is colder now, it takes me longer to get ready. I juss love being able to lay in bed and juss embrace the warmness of it! haha sounds weird I know but, oh man I love my bed haha! Then taking longer showers in the morning to take in every ounce of the hot water that drips down. THen you come cold again yet refreshed and ready for the day! The new skool schedules came out for spring already, looks like most of the left over classes I need imma be taking on tues. and thurs.

I was watchign Lion King II at work today, and I thought I'd seen but I dont remember. Anyway, it was really good cuz I was able to draw a lot of hmm real life paralells from the movie. Ha its funny cuz right after the movie was over I had to write down the lessons I felt were evident in the movie. Otherwise I'd end up forgetting errthang. So the movie is bout Simba has a lioness daughter named kiana(I was really feelin that name). Then kiana falls in love w/this lion from scar's pride, kofu. Well, its kinda like a whole romeo and juliet type story. Bof sides dont like each other and it takes bof lions to help bring the two sides together. This is wha I got out of the movie:

*We are one-One of the main points that kept being emphasized is that 'we are one.' Especially at the end whurr the two sides bout to duke it out yet the kiana tells simba, 'a great king once told me that we are all one.' So its emphasizes that point of were all one body in Christ, we should serve together in that same manner. We use each other to help bring bout God's greater glory.

*Martyrs-Towards the end of the movie the bad lioness fell down the cliff and so did kiana. Yet kiana went down and tried to pull her up. In a sense she was willing to risk her own life to save the life of another. Geez how many of us would be willing to stand and take a bullet for our brother or sister in Christ. Uhh, I know I'd probably be hesitant to do so.

*Love & Forgiveness-YOu know how in certain movies thurrs this ol bitter rivalry between the two groups? IT was the same way in this movie. Yet it took love and forgiveness in the hearts of simba and the others to let go of the past. Sometimes we want to hold on to things that took place in the past, cuz the 'scar' is still thurr. How sometimes that scar itches and we tant to pick it and touch it. Though how will we ever heal if we dont learn to juss leave that scar alone? I forgot the simba's wife's name but she said to simba, 'the past is over, put everything aside.'

*Passing judgement-I was telling the kids tonite of the characteristics of the Saints was how they were to see the love of Jesus through errone. How outside we may see an old drunk or an ugly poor person. Though a saint see's the eyes of Jesus through them, they dont see an poor perons no more. Kofu was judged by simba cuz of wha happened in the past. Because simba knew whurr kofu came from, how he came from the dark side of the pride. Yet all kofu wanted was a chance, a chance to show that he's not like the rest of them. So before we try or even think of passing judgement, give the person a chance.

COnfirmation was fun tonite, though I had a upset purrent talk to me. Ill sturrt by saying this, I have a teaching philosophy when it comes to talking in the class. Were all one body in Christ amen?! So if one purrt of the body suffers( as it says in 1 cor) then the body as a whole suffers together. Likewise, if one kid is talking then well the whole class in a sense gets held back for that kid. It may sound a little extreme or unfair, yet it teaches them the importance of keeping each other in check...being accountable for another. Yet also realizing the importance of workign together as a body. So with that said, let me explain why the parent was complaining.

After class he walks up to me and asks me 'are you jason fish?' I said yes, then went on to say, I'd like to have a word w/you and your director. We start walking up to the office then I went on to say, 'is there something I can help you with?' Oh man did he go off shurring how he doesnt appreicate them getting out so late. Then telling me how much hw his daughter has and how I'm not the one thas gonna be up w/her till 11pm finishing it. HE felt he;s being disrespected when he gets his daugther here on time, yet they get out later then expected. I apologized and said I understood and went on to explain that sometimes we dont finish errthang on time. Then told me in response then we should change the curriculum or something. Ahh...

Anyway, we did this project called 'saints in the making.' That was the topic of tonite's lesson shurring w/them theyre called to be saints. I had abe shurr his testimony bout his faith and the ups and downs he went through. We talked bout the characteristics of saints, who they were and wha they were known for. So with that I broke them into three different groups. They were to think of a modern day person who they feel would make a good saint. The person was to have at least one of the 7 characteristics mentioned from the lecture. So hurrs the people they thought should be saints...

Pope JP II
they said Pope John Paul II cuz even though he was shot, he was able to forgive the person who wanted and tried to kill him.

'The Info Guy'
Ha youre thinking whos the info. guy? Yeah thas the same thought that popped into mine and abe's head. The group said the info. guy is the person they see on sat. morning asking for donations. YOu know those infomercials whurr they try to get you to adpot a kid or send $$ to help the starving children in third world countries. I asked, 'so why would he make a good saint?' They told me cuz he helps feed those kids in those places. Hmm that one was quite creative.

The last person they chose was me...haha aww they said cuz I help them strengthen their faith. Also cuz I help the people to do good.

Though, I'm so far from becoming a saint,these are the real saints in the making...

And I continue to pray, that juss as the Saints did, they continue to give thurr 'yes' to God errsingle day. Praise God for these great kids who always seem to insipire me in some way errweek. All 28 of them, yeah i know thurrs not 28 kids in this pic but I have a new class thas bigger.Ha Come by if you get the chance and be inspired yourself! I have a real busy day lined up for me tomorrow, so I better get some rest now.

All the angels and saints in heaven...pray for us!!

"I dont care about anything but you..."im done, im out GOd bless!


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