Do, Do You...
"One loyal friend is worth ten thousand relatives..."
FLIES: If there's one type of bug that I hate the most besides mosquitoes its flies! I hate how they buzz around and fly around-they can be so hard to catch. Well, this may sound a little gross but I've figured out a way to kill them at least when fly into my room. When they fly into my room they sometimes fly into my blinds. This is the perfect trap cuz they often get stuck and have a hard time getting out. So when they fly into my blinds I find where they are and smash them! Then I get a toilet paper, pick it up, and then trow it in the trash. Sounds a little gross, but I hate those things and I get a sense of satisfaction knowing I beat them ha
GOT 'EM: After a week of struggling to the get pictures from leslie's LAX bash I finally got them no thanks to...well nevermind. Now I can post up some pictures from that nite. I was thinking that place sounds all high class and big inside but it's really not at all. The only thing coo was the music was poppin! Now I have some new pictures to post up on my myspace ha. Turns out Leslie sent me the pictures before but apparently I never received them so the nice person she is re-sent them to me yesterday. Oh and I also got some of the pics from carlo and antoinette's wedding too.
TRADITION CONTINUES: As done in the past I gotta wish the burr a very happy birfday. Man freakin' 29! I cant believe that next year will the big 3-0 for you! Maybe then I can throw you a surprise party for you yay! So I remember when I first saw this guy I think it was back in '01. I was teaching SRE and I had I think wha was 3rd graders preparing to make their first communion. Him and Em passed by to teach some action songs and cheers to my kids. It would've been crazy if I still had taken pictures but I didnt. Anyway, I saw this guy and I was like, 'he's kinda weird...' haha Maybe cuz I didnt expect him to be all into the cheers and stuff. Then maybe it was week or two later during the youf alpha season 1 holy spirit saturday retreat I had given him thank you cards that my kids had made for him and em.(I'm sure he doesnt have them anymore in fact he probably threw it away the same day ha!) I remember him specifically saying, 'Look hunni, they even spelled my name right!' Ahh thus began our friendship...ha since then we've been through thick and through thin together.
HIGHLIGHTS: I've been so blessed to have this guy as my friend that the memories him and I share together are priceless. We piss each off to the point where I wont talk to him for a couple of days but then he always makes it a point to bring it up and then we forget all about it and laugh it off. We've have some of the corniest and stupidest jokes like our latest inside joke is the 'Damaged' song by danity kane. 'Do, do you got a first aid kit handy...' hahaha! Or that time he was at my house and he put these tubes up in his nose and we pretended he was in the hospital ha(okay, so it may have not been the funniest thing to joke around but it was funny at the time). Then were was our sleep overs...when we played iraq vs. us and well I dont remember who was who but one of them got owned. Oh I cant forget last year when we're at the LSS and we were in the hallway of the hall and I said 'sword of omens give me sight beyond sight' as we walked on stage and found the homeless guy sleeping. HA!! We've gone out to lunch countless times from 'ihop' phase to the 'chinese food in the city of westminister' phase to our broken valentine's day traditions of philly cheese steak. Not only did we share meals together but he's also been there during the difficult times when my lolo passed away and played music during a couple of the nights we prayed the novenas.
INSIGHT: This guy has a taught me a lot about life and faith. He's always someone I can rely on even if its tutoring me in music till 1am in the morning! haha There was that one time he bought me that one book 'Who moved my cheese' talking about adapting to change. Then there was that other one something how to win friends(That was one I never really finished.) I guess God knew I needed a big brother so he sent me this guy to help me out. If you see us interact w/each other for the first time you may think we're weird but its juss the way our friendship works. I think errfriendship is unique which is the beauty of friendship. Remember last year friend when we went to the Loft in cypress but you didnt like it so you drove all the way to lakewood one cuz it was 'normal.' ha Then we put together jacob's wagon and then had a skateboarding lesson? Kick, push, kick, push, coaaaaaaast' ha! Anyway, I hope this entry is long enough so you dont complain haha jk but thanks for all that you do for not only myself, but my family as well, You're the greatest-happy birfday bestie! Yay here's to many more to come. Oh btw, yeah so I failed to find the 'wii fit' for you(I know I tried!)soo you need to think of something else.
WYD: World Youth Day is getting closer and closer, something like 40 days left until the trip. They want us to only bring one bag, but yeah thas not happening for me. You cant expect me to bring juss one bag for a trip thas going to last almost 2 weeks! I kinda dont wnat to do the new zeland part of the trip but juss the australia but what can you do. Im going to start making a list of all the things I gotta pack, the hard part is the airlines have made it more and more strict regarding what you can and can't bring. I cant wait to bring back the pictures though...Im thinking of buying a camcorder before the trip to capture errsecond of video footage. I have to admit Im extremely grateful for all the donations I received to help for my trip. So Australia here I come...!
"Can you fix my h-e-a-r-t..."im done, im out God bless!
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