On a brief splurge...
"We must acknowledge that God is happiness itself or we will never know what true happiness is!"
MEETING JESUS: Like with errjob, there are moments where you really enjoy your job and then there are moments when you're not into your job. Anyway, today was one of those moments where your job made you smile. It was so cute my little boy that I work with, well he has this other boy that he plays with almost errday. Anyway, the two of them were eating lunch today and his friend said to him, 'Kysen you're my best friend.' Awww I wanted to cry haha it was so cute. Then during P.E. the kids were learnign to throw the ball to each other. So when it was Kysen's turn to throw the ball, he threw it and it was kinda off then his friend smiled, winked, and gave him the thumbs up. Aww it was really cute one of those moments where you juss had to have been there.
"Reach for the stars..."im done, im out God bless
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