"I don't remember how we happened to meet each other. I don't remember who got along with whom first. All I can remember is all of us together...always."
thanks to reirich for posting this pic for me!
Thas how its like now w/the friends whom i have now. Its like i dont exactly remember when i started to get close to errone. I dont remember who i got along with first, i juss know now its all of us together. Well i think it took a baby steps to be close w/errone. it juss like anything else it took a while to establish all the personal relationships. I know i felt comfortable talking to jaymee and mo rice cuz we would always talk after prayer meeting. Oh and JL too cuz she was my aide on thurs. nites for SRE. Then gradually i was able to feel comfortable and be open to errone. Which is something thats really d0pe cuz i dont have to be afraid of being insecure or hiding anything w/errone now. Its crazy how God puts people in your life for a reason and it all starts off w/one small step.
So check it, this is how i work this equation out in my head. The way i think or see where i am today, right now. If Father Fogarty never asked me to do youth alpha 2 years ago, then i wouldnt of meet the lopez's, i wouldnt of meet the soratorios and i wouldnt of known kuya. I wouldnt have these wonderful people in my life. Which also would mean then, i probably wouldnt be in servant;s heart. I wouldn't of been in core group, i wouldnt of been a real practicing catholic and not juss a half way one. Its pretty funny, but i know its not a coincidence. It was all part of God's plan, part of that blue print. i wouldve never imagined myself being so close to certain people, for them to have such an impact in my life.
Geez i feel old cuz ive been doing SRE for so long now. On sat. this one kid told me in el huego's group that i had subbed in his class before. Then i see this other girl who was in my aunts class making her first communion a while back. Now look shes up there bout to make her confirmation. I praise God that He has given me the strength year after year to come back. You know whas funny when i use to be real secular, i remember going to his one party. It was like at some old house and i was w/my friends. Upon going inside the house this one kid rememberd me subbing in his SRE class. What a great example i was for him, seeing an SRE teacher full of alcohol and smoking.
I dont feel as tired as i have the past few days. Maybe cuz i was able to get a full nites rest last nite. I went to sleep before 1230 and well thas early for me. Im tired but not so tired where my eyes are shutting as i type this blog. I printed out yesterday;s blog entry and i added it to the blog binder. If i ever own a company or something and people are waiting to see me. In the lobby imma put my blog binder out there as reading material. haha Theyre gonna want to book mark it and take it home. "Oh wait but im right hurr when ja$on was talking bout this..." haha thatd be hillarious i think.
i went to mass @ 830am, though i didnt go to pius, i went to St. Irenaues in cypress. Which brings up another good memory. It was a late sunday afternoon, i know there was the lopezs, soratorios, jay, fred and i dont know if kuya was there or not. Anyway, we were passing out flyers to their "life-teen" confirmation kids. We all had gone to mass over there too. After i was irritated w/this one girl who was being real sarcastic and smart... to me! Then someone calmed me down and told me all i could do is pray for the conversion of her soul. Then after that we ended up eating @ karutas for dinner. It was mmmmmm good! i havent had their sushi in a while.
After mass i wanted to go back to sleep but i couldnt. Well i didnt tyr but i knew i wasnt really tired. Instead i attempeted to do my comp hw. Ha! that was a joke cuz i didnt even get anywhere even. Thas why im going to the lab tomorrow morning to seek help. Then i gotta re-read the chapter and study for the quiz. Okay i keep yawning i think im starting to get in that sleepy stage.
Went to have lunch w/kuya and we ate at subway. Okay i juss drank two glasses of some blue kool-aid hopefully this will help me stay awake for a little bit. Subway was good, i had some teriyaki chicken sandwhich sub. Man i feel bad for kuya cuz he really messed up his leg. When he walks its like i could feel that pain. I kinda know what that feels like. Then i gave him bruises tonite on his arm when we were playing "showdown w/iraq" inside mcdonalds. i think this time iraq was able to seek their revenge on the US! =) I guess im all bone and no meat so it hurts!
blue83212: kuya has bruises now :-(
JPFish187: aww sorry!!
JPFish187: i didnt mean to hurt kuya
JPFish187: i got caught up in the moment
blue83212: hehe it's ok
blue83212: as lon gas it's hijo
blue83212: haha
Went to work and i think they were expecting me in @ 12pm. So when i got in my supervisor changed my schedule and put me back on 18 hrs a week. Which is good cuz i was down to only 12 hrs a week. Thas a huge difference cuz that would mean even smaller pay checks. I cant wait i get paid on thurs.! wooo i still havent recieved my state income tax refund back. I think its only like $40 or something like that. I decided once im done paying off a few things, im not going to use those accounts again. I know i say that now, watch i go out and buy somehitng tomrrow from there. haha Actually i ripped up my robisons may card today, that way i wont be tempted to use it.
So work was aiight, i had 2000 kids for the movie today. Probably cuz it was a new movie still thas why. I love lilo & stitch movie. haha kuya does a funny stitch impression, he use to do it a lot. haha I love the soundtrack to the movie you cant help but to only dance. Agh i had a group of kids from the boys & girls club mess around w/the pay phone. One of them took it too far and called 911, then hung up right after. Well i was in the front desk the whole entire time. i could hurr something ringing which did sound like a phone, but i didnt think anything of it. I totally forgot bout the pay phone actually. The phone keeps ringing and i shake it off think nothing of it. Next thing i know hurr comes the 3 sheriffs walking into the building. I see them talking ot the kids and i go over to figure waht happened. The sheriff told me wha happend and basically told me the kid whom he thought it was.
i called the kid and asked him waht happend. he straight out lied in my face saying he didnt do it. That he saw other kids around there and they probably did it cuz they ran off. Well i didnt say anythign else cuz i figured well i dont got proof so i cant blame him. On top of wha he told me, he said hes not lying cuz he woudlnt want to lie to a police officer.
Well i had to let the boys & girls club know since he is their responsibility. So i go in there and have a meeting w/him and the director. I come to find out that he was lying and it was him who did it. She gave him a huge lecture and the kid wanted to cry and stuff. Then tried to get out of using other kids as a scape goat. Well she made him go to the sheriffs dept and apologize then hes suppose to do something for me. i juss dont know what i could make him do. Id be skurred to apologize to the sheriffs, especially if they already figured it was me who did it. man oh man thats gotta be the most humiliting thing.
Went home ate, changed and i was off to prayer group. Im happy cuz i got all the stuff in my trunk taht ive been meanign to give to kuya out of there. errtime i see him i forget to give it to him. Now its all out of my trunk and its all clean again! I gave my talk tonite @ youf alpha, along w/el huego on "how to resist evil." Thank you for all your prayers cuz, i was so nervous. i guess it was juss anticipation waiting to give it and juss what they would think of it. my puso was beating really fast too, especially during the end of the praise & worship. Or maybe it was a combined mix of bof the hypeness of singing Praise & worship and being nervous also.
The talk went really smooth and real well. Like once i got up there, i couldnt help to juss keep on talking. i was worried though i might trip on the cord and fall or something. I just felt the Holy Spirit come through me and juss fill me up. I guess i was talking really loud too into the mic, but i wanted to get their attention , i needed to be loud so it sticks in their head. Though i couldnt of put the talk together w/o the help of jeanne, beyonce, jaymee and mo rice. I just barely put it together too yesterday in class and ended up adding things hurr and there. I hope they got something out of my talk and they were able to get hte message. i forgot to mention something, but oh well God wanted what was said, said.
el huegos talk went real well too. His flow was good for juss being he made it up today. He got them to feel relaxed and was able to get the message across through real life situations. Being there @ youf alpha made me miss doing it. yeah i had the opportunity to do it again, but God called me to be elsewhere. God has placed me where i am now w/these set of kids. Ive planted a seed in them and i need to help continue to watch the seed grow. i gotta keep them on check , helping to pull out all the bad weeds that dont belong.
Prayer meeting was small tonite, its been small for the longest time. I guess it must be those budget cuts or something. haha jk I miss the good ol days in summer when it would be jam packed and hot! Man those were the days thas when we would go to the towne center and chill after wards. We keep migrating to new and adventurous places. We go farther from home, then we come back to home. Like we were at starbucks for a while, then moved to the towne center, now were at mcdonalds.
Speaking of mcdonalds, that one time when errone went! oh man that was d0pe! that was a great time of fellowship. Tonite was coo, we all kinda took turns andwering these question from the book of questions. i got it today from my boss, i was borrowing it. It has some pretty interesting questions in there. ONe of them was if Would you be willing to murder an innocent person if it would end hunger in the world? kuya said he would sacrafice me to end world hunger. hahaha i thought that was funny. Hurrs a hard question, well for me it is anyway. "Your house, containing erthang you own, catches fire; after saving your loved ones and pets, you have time to safely make a final dash to save any one item. What would it be? I wanna know your thoughts, please give me a call @ haha jk its like a talk radio Forreal though hit up my tagboard and let me know wha you think!
Oh i need to finsih this too...so hurr i go...
If you really knew me you'd know that...i have to take 2 showers a day, one in the morning and one before i sleep.
I like reading different types of books, so i enjoy reading. when i go to mcdonalds or burger king i always get a 6 piece nugget meal @ mcdonalds, and 9 piece @ burger king. Oh when i go to mcdonalds i usually large it too. i always gotta be on time or try to be on time to anything i go to. i gotta be organized and clean i cant stand unorganization. i subscribe to vibe magazine! haha hmm i teach SRE 2 nites a week. i drive a 98 black civic, i call my best friend heif. i always ahve to eat rice w/chicken. i like to move my body around! wooo i always drink a carmel macahito @ starbucks. i usually call errone by the nicknames ive given them. I have an aol best friend. i love pictures and i love looking back to talk bout the past like good times. OH! i love to play snake on my phone even before it competitive w/kuya. i love eating out and sleeping in! ive been @ cypress college forever. i write what i do daily in my organizer. i hate math, i like to make people smile. i hate asapargus and mushrooms. i love to eat candy and swe3ts. Im not a big fan on gettinf desserts @ restaraunts. i enjoy trying to find meaning to certain things. i like learning new things on the computer . i like putting myself out there and meeting new people. i cant go to applebees . i looooove AOL! i like looking up song lyrics. i can swim! i like to dress nice and i got like 18 different pairs of shoes. i enjoy working w/kids! did i mention that i dont enjoy kuya haha jk no i like kuya! i have a pet peeve in my car, that i hate it when people try to or unlock the door when it does automatically after i turn off the igintion. i like slow jams and eating good fruit. i dont like having all that other junk inside my halo halo only the ice and the milk. i like ube pandesal sandwhich. i like mulan cuz if she was real oh man! haha i like girls w/short hair like shoulder length short or a little shorter. i like the name nokio i like to shop a lot i like wearing sweaters! i got a collection of different jackets. i like hoodies. i dont like to eat pork only when it comes to lechon skin. the crunchy kind though only. i gag really easy. i have to have my hair fixed before i go out anywhere. i hate it when my hair is too long. i like the asian r & b artists. i met devotion online! haha oh another pet peeve is the "your" and "youre" i try to correct people when they mix those two up.
"i just cant believe yo uwere my love, you were just a dream that i once knew, never thought i would be right for you. I just cant compare you with anything in this world, youre all i need to be with forever more..." im done, im out God bless!
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